Jay-Z Joins Justin Timberlake On SNL

“My hits so sick got rappers acting dramatic”

Justin hosted and provided the musical numbers last night on Saturday Night Live. Above, he brought out Hov for “Suit & Tie”. JT even responded (2:17) to Kanye’s rant by altering his line in the second verse. He later returns to close out the episode with “Mirrors”. The 20/20 Experience drops March 19.

UPDATE: “Mirrors” during dress rehearsal

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  1. bry from Boston says:

    Awesome… jt makes kanye look like the bitch nigga he is… Used to love kanyes production.. Now its euro techno and he is constantly acting like a prissy faggot.

  2. fsl4lfe says:

    somewhere kanye is weeping

  3. that was cool but kanye’s a rapper. he’s gonna respond saying he banged out one of dude’s chicks and everybody gonna be like Kanye’s an asshole.

  4. Nathaniel says:


    kanye’s “rant” where he mentioned suit & tie was about white america wanting him to dress up and bow to what appeases them… i.e. the “when i was in a pink polo, the nice non-threatening black guy, they loved me…” thing he’s been repeating — and yes i remember rosewood — he did that for artistic reasons. that suit & tie statement was more along the lines of what TYPE of thing it could represent. only reason i say this is i’ve never heard ye straight cal another artist’s music wack, publicly.


    he’s annoyed that JT apparently couldn’t find an innovative way to reinvent himself in the present, so he appropriated and mimicked black music/style from another era. if you havent noticed, kanye is sensitive to black music history’s respect, past and present i.e. taylor swift incident — he was tired of us getting robbed at awards shows. it’s a historical thing.

  5. Nahhhhhh says:

    Dude there’s absolutely nothing black about the aesthetic that he’s using now; this is essentially Dean Martin pt. 2.

    You’re thinking of Motown, which was just a few black artists wrapped up in an old, Jewish style.

  6. Steve says:

    ^^^because he’s more threatening in a skirt? Cut it out….Yeezy is only concerned with himself and himself ONLY.

  7. on the cool, JT robbed the shit out of Robin Thicke’s flow now talk about that. How is Robin gonna come back without looking he copying the dude whose copying him lol

  8. On the cool, I heard Jayz and Kanye were gonna fall off eventually. (INSIDE INFORMATION) i heard they were on shaky grounds during WTT due to them both being prima donnas. OH well it aint my money they fucking up

  9. jobie says:

    Kanye was talking about suit & tie as in the suits, the music BUSINESS! Nothing about jay or j.t.

  10. MegaMind says:

    @Nathaniel Kanye is butt sore because he’s not a PART of it. He’s made because Kings link with Kings. JT went to Hov because he know’s who’s still the pinnacle and measuring stick for Hip-Hop music. If he wanted to go the BS route he could’ve gotten Drake. A poor man’s Jay…but he wanted the real, so he linked up with the real.

    I used to be a fan of Kanye…but you know what, we ALL have found ourselves defending his foolish behavior at some point in a musical debate. Thing is, if you’re dope at ANYTHING, you don’t have to put down the next man for you to shine. Kanye picked JT because THOUGHT JT wouldn’t say anything back in response and bc Hov on the track and he will see it as my lil bro peed his pampers and just need to vent. BUT let’s look at the history of this bitch nigga Kanye (I’m really mad now as I sit here and type this LOLOLOL)…When 50 was on his ass…crickets! When Beans dissed him…CRICKETS….Wayne constantly takes potshots at the Roc/GOOD…crickets…and not only that he sucks him off saying he’s the best rapper out today?? LOL I like Wayne but he’s plateau’d and leveled off a LONG time ago. If you wanna hear a dope Wayne verse…Listen to T.I.’s “Stand Up” on Urban Legend.

    Long story short, this is the classic speak the name of someone who can’t really fire back at you in your realm…Kris Humphreys…now JT…but he undersestimated JT…i BET we’ll see him apologizing soon. But the bridge is burned, JT not fkn with him like that anymore bc Ye exposed his hand.

    FUCK Kanye…his fall from grace will NOT be pretty! Trust me…he won’t just go away a la a rapper who just got to old and wasn’t hot anymore…ie LL (getting $) Cube (getting $ still)…
    His whole existence is predicated on acceptance he got away from the music awhile ago. When’s the last time he made something introspective? I’ll wait. The scales are so loopsided in how ppl feel about him, even his former fans that he won’t get another chance to come back….Same with Chris Brown.

    I’m out!

  11. no kanye said something because him and jayz aint really rocking like that. Watch the Throne was a cover of their relationship. I have credential sources. just know that. Theyre both bitches in my eyes.

  12. Bokeem Jackson says:

    Word to@MegaMind. On another note@stomach virus, I’ve heard that argument about him stealing Robins so-called sound. Not so much, if you ask me I’ll have to go back and pose this question, who was out first? Justin clearly made noise as a lead singer and a soloist with that same high octave shit. Then along came Robin, lets not forgot he tried to come out before as the long-haired, New York-style bike messager ( looking like Puck from “The Real” ). That presentation didn’t work, so he flipped it. Im just sayin.

  13. but he flipped it to what Jt is doing now. JT didnt do music for awhile. when that happens in the industry it can be a couple of things A) you ran out of material to record. it really happens. Robin Thicke sounds like him which is what labels want but he never stole JT’s “image”. JT fav color was baby blue wtf happened?

  14. And when you sign to labels nowadays, an image is all you have. its like wrestling. it dont matter how good your music is, labels arent going to deal with you if you have gap teeth. Jt is trying to keep up in the market. Comprende. But i wasnt feeling Timbaland’s production. not saying its wack, but he needs to get Danjahandz back. Once I start realizing this WHOLE entertainment industry is a facade, i moved on. I personally dont like new rap music if thats what its called. I hate Hip Hop if thats what its called. I take that back i hate listening to all this bullshit today. its all transparent, nothing seems genuine. they only work on radio singles. they fuckn suck. everybody. Production is so fuckn horrible its a damn shame.

  15. Bokeem Jackson says:

    @stomach virus, oohh ok, so you’re saying the whole pompadour, throwback swag, is what JT basically ripped off? Idk, that’s what’s en vogue in men’s fashion now, so maybe he’s just blending in to get the eyes then ears of the consumer or vice versa. Beside the Nsync days his first album had dark color palettes and overall with fashion all that shit cycles back in, even if it’s slightly altered.

  16. jace says:

    ^why are you on a website about the newest rap music, then?

  17. Bokeem Jackson says:

    You know what I hear ya@stomach virus

  18. i used to be on Rap Radar back when new music flowed non stop on this website. now its a bunch of news about artist who make sub par music on purpose in order to sell. you have to dumb it down. but there still has to be a balance and thats what the whole industry is missing. i think its correlation between our economy and how music is made. Big business runs this country, not the govt. so you do what gonna sell and make billions of dollars even if we lose our culture as a result. fuck it a new genre needs to happen asap. HIP HOP BEEN DEAD

  19. MegaMind says:

    @stomach so you’re saying ppl can’t evolve? you’re talking about a person’s fav color like you’re in his home when he picks color palettes! LOL FOH!

    JT reinvented himself to be Rat Pack style…thus the Big Band, Tuxedo/Bowtie look…this has nothing to do with Thicke (who I fks with too)…this is more an ode to the fact that he wants to PRESENT the music and look as mature. and @Bokeem, you’re right JT came out with the falsetto first out of the 2 blue eyed soul singers.

    Nothing is new under the sun, so even IF JT bit off Thicke a bit, JT’s status is big enough that the world wouldn’t know the wiser anyway. We may know but it don’t matter. I’ll even spin this to defend this cocksucker Kanye….just to SHOW you how it goes and the world don’t care…its abt the ARTIST.
    Kanye was the first cat out in the new school to really rock button ups, a blazer and polo…BUT it took an artist with greater reach and status to cement it…THUS Hov drops “Change Clothes” and everyone put up their bball/football jerseys and started rocking button up/blazers (albeit TOO Big and not fitted like an adult)…

    PS Big Boi from Outkast is the FIRST rapper I seen rocking throwbacks too…I’m not saying wearing a bball jersey in the 80s/90s of your fav player…I’m talking abt wearing 70s in the 90s.

    Anyway…FK Kanye…LOL!

  20. LukeCage says:

    JT really getting his money’s worth on that shit Jay verse.

  21. jace says:

    I didn’t ask why you used to be here. Why are you here NOW? Just to bitch and moan?

    You say you want a new genre- it’s out there. Electronic musicians are constantly pushing boundaries, and if you ask them, they create an entirely new style about every six months (last year was dubstep, now it’s trap). Maybe your time would be better spent on DoAndroidsDance… but you’re not going to find anything but hip-hop here, and you hate hip-hop (your words, not mine).

  22. this is my first time actually venting and the comment section is here for it. its my opinion and im not speaking out of ignorance dude. I said i hate it. RAP IS THE NEW DISCO. defend it if you want. EDM is cool, but those assholes jack off each other styles plus i like to hear dynamics . thats what I’m saying, music has no balance. either its made for the club or made for me to pop a molly. NO BALANCE whatsoever. You right Jace, i dont know why I’m still coming to this website. i keep hoping one day they will start posting reads that will inspire most of us to reach higher but all i see is TMZ related news. people always referring to the golden age because thats when it was balance. niggas sound the same. production sucks. producers from Alaska sound like they from New Orleans vice versa.

  23. jace says:

    If you’re really that stuck on “balance”, and you really can’t find anything toned down anywhere, I don’t know what to do for you. Either you’re not looking, or you’re just not functioning properly.

    Electronica that’s not made for clubs or molly- James Blake, Little Dragon, Grimes, Toro Y Moi, Slow Magic, SOHN…

    Hip-hop that’s not made for clubs or molly- Action Bronson, Jay Electronica, Big KRIT, Curren$y, anybody from TDE…

    Rock that’s not made for clubs or molly- STRFKR, Youth Lagoon, Atoms for Peace, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, any of Ty Segall’s projects…

    I mean you really can’t make any kind of case that says people only make music for the clubs. That’s just nonsense. Does happy, dancy music sell better? Of course, and for obvious reasons. But to pretend that there is no alternative anywhere out there is just ridiculous; and to hang out on a blog representative of everything you hate just to whine about it is even sillier.

  24. MegaMind says:

    @stomach I can’t even dispute your last post…bc THAT is true…there is NO balance in urban music whatsoever…HipHop or R&B…that’s why we all have a hard-on (no homo LOL) for Kendrick and in R&B, Miguel. They are both incredible artists but they stand out in a room full of the same. Matter of fact, there is NO R&B at all…No knock to Neyo, Trey, or Usher & CB…but ALL of them aren’t doing ANYTHING different…Ush and CB, make electro-pop…Neyo tried, didn’t really work for him. Trey make regurgitated R&B ripping off Kellz and The Dream..who rips off Kellz too LOL This is why everyone is so hyped off the Weeknd (wack juice to me…to emo and drugged out) and Frank Ocean (dope songwriter/themes…vocals, not so much)…but neither one of the are R&B…not in a traditional or even Urban sense….it’s really hipster-ish/left leaning R&B.

    Obv I ain’t doing shit today…watching bball and commenting on RR LOL…i’m going to the gym..
    I’m out…PS FUCK KANYE WEST…Faggot Ass Nigga! LOLOL

  25. ness says:

    lol no one’s scared of kanye

  26. Evil says:

    Hahaha Justin Timberlake OWNED Kanye with that little line.Nice JT
    Fuck Kanye,bitch ass cry baby

  27. so i have to turn to alternative. why isnt it playing on the radio? College radio only pick up in certain areas not as broad as HOT 97 or Power 99 or 92Q. oh i should risk my life and find my ipod in my car so i can listen to my fav music. thats non sense. to be honest, I’m only making these harsh accusations because im a musician myself. Little Dragon is so cool, Grimes is my babe Toro Y Moi is cool too. Action Bronson is ALRIGHT. Jay Electronica doenst have a single so he’s not coming out. Big Krit ..

    All of those artist you mentioned probably arent on the radio. I listen to everyone you mentioned except the rock dudes. I listen to Pinnacle Assassin. Little Dragon isnt on the radio and thats fucked up. theres no balance in music or life in America. And i wouldnt say there more balance back in the day BUT there was a fight for it that i dont see in people today.

    like i said this my first time venting . most likely the last time.

  28. Jt did get at him though. @MegaMind now why you think its easy for Adele, Jt to make traditional urban soul music? not to take anything away from anybody but black is the new white. plain and simple. Im about to go master the rest of my tape with my engineer. tryna make the beat hit a little bit more. cut some low mids and shit. you know

  29. MegaMind says:

    @jace and @stomachvirus….this is healthly dialog cats need to learn to speak civil like this to each.
    Most cats when they can’t win an argument resort to disrespecting the other party. BOTH of you make extremely valid points. I work in the music biz at a label here in NYC and I see both sides of the coin, especially coming from a Management, A&R and internal standpoint. Labels are lost, they really are because there is NO vision at most of them. Little Dragon should be on the radio as well as Toro Y Moi…its good music! I agree with@stomach Action Bronson is marginal at best in my opinion! Biting Ghost and not even half as vivid or creative.

    I find myself listening to spotify or NPR bc at least I can hear what I want, when I want. I can’t stand radio. I like some of this disposable music but lets be honest…2Chainz, Montana, et. al will not even be around this time in a year or 2. Labels spend just as much time making this shit relevant for people to believe and purchase it. Thing about urban music is..it sells a lifestyle but in actuality doesn’t sell a lot of records. Labels STILL don’t get it. The different shit sells…ie Kendrick, Outkast.

    I never understand when people knock artist like Kendrick. It’s like an American citizen knocking President Obama. YOU, WE have more in common with Kendrick’s life and upbringing than say Drake’s or Wayne’s. They avg citizen comes from the same walk of life that Pres Obama did than say a Kennedy or Bush. Good ol bait & switch…watch for the tricks!

  30. Silky Element says:

    Well we know what side Jay is on…… I only say this because J.T. had to make sure if he said that line Jay would be cool with it, so if Jay gave him the go ahead, now the real question is, will Kanye say something in retaliation, and if he does will he speak on the fact that Jay chose to ride with J.T.

    Will there be a Watch The Throne II?

    Will Jay and J.T. do some silly shit and make a duet album?

    Will Jay drop some new material before this tour start?

    What about Detox?

    And if Kanye and Jay are beefing, it has to be Jay is looking at him as a dumb ass for being with Kim…. Because what is her talent??

  31. jace says:

    Who cares if they’re on the radio? What difference does that make to you? You still listen to them, as you just said. The reason you don’t see “the fight” is because theres no reason for it anymore. It used to be that if the music wasn’t on the radio, it just wasn’t heard. That’s why you had the pirate radio ships and the busses with PA systems, and it’s a large part of why festivals were invented, because the means to spread the music were very limited. Now, we have the internet- the single greatest communicative network ever devised by man. I haven’t turned on the radio in years, but I’m more than up-to-date on new music, and if I want to check out what some kid in Sweden is doing on his Casio, all it takes is 3 seconds and 2 clicks.

    I really don’t want to get into a long-winded answer about the record companies holding on to their last vestige of power by systematically applying a payola system to monopolize the music on the radio and TV. It’s irrelevant. Your original criticism was of modern music, which I disagree vehemently with. If your actual complaint is with the music industry and the way the big 4 (5, if you include Viacom) conduct their business, that’s a notable difference, and I have no objections.

    But even at that, things are changing. The artists that I mentioned may be, in large part, left off of traditional radio, but I’d be surprised if any of them WEREN’T on Pandora or XM. The younger generation is moving the goalposts in the music industry just like any other, and before long, the money and prestige will reorganize just like it always does.

  32. mike says:

    @megemind get a fucking life you cornball all emotional like a girl.kanye doesn’t care what you think writing on a wbsite lmaooo. Yall make leaving comments wack.

  33. yeah yeah i get jade. but just like that due to the internet, damn near every clothing line looks the same. every song has lex luger drums.

    my original criticism is the fact that there is no originality nor balance in the mix. and therefore, thats the sound we have today.

    I care if its on the radio. because for one, people who are played on the radio generate more money. as a struggling musician who dont want the PEOPLE to listen to your record? especially on the radio? of course the internet help break tons of artist, you can be independent and still make a living. but they eventually turned to radio because they realized the same thing i mentioned.

    everybody doesnt own the internet neither a radio. BUT i know for a fact that more people own radios than internet service. and on top of that, being played on a station that EVERYONE listen to because the lack of radio stations should help alot.

    And if you want to get super technical, with the advancements in today’s society, music sounds pretty dull compared to KRS-One one of the bridge is over he had to record in two takes. Alot of musicians sound lazy. I’m tired of it. and i know im not the only one that feels like that

  34. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Nice !!! JT & Jay are killing it.

  35. MegaMind says:

    @mike…see here folks…this guy proved my point! When the uneducated don’t have an intelligent comeback, they resort to put downs & violence. Listen @mike you little dusty, broke, inarticulate, one parent or grandmother raised louse! I don’t make comments, I make statements…if everything I said isn’t true, I’ll let you come intern for me starting tomorrow at Universal Music Group. My office is in 1755 Bway….I would really give you my email so you can get first hand info…but leaving it here runs the risk of being inundated with demos, etc.

    Brother you are indeed dumb…and I don’t suffer fools gladly but I’ll say this. I look at sights like this because I’m PAID to…quite handsomely too. Why are YOU here??

    What you did though is telling of your age…but I won’t forgive you because you’re old enough to know better. This is my question to the generation Y and some X’ers. If you want to know/learn something, why not ASK a person WHY they make statements or have a certain POV. Why denounce what they say and have nothing intelligent to say back. Now do you have any questions, comments, concerns? Do you want to participate or spectate? BUM ASS NIGGA!

    Damn I hate dumb people…bc they meet more dumb people and congregate, procreate and make MORE dumb muthafks!


    (all said in jest…but you aren’t that bright to make blanket statements)

  36. jace says:

    Obviously I’m not going to change your mind, but I think most of our disagreement comes from your use of absolutes.

    For example- No, not “every song has Lex Luger drums”. A lot of them do. Guess what? You’re allowed to skip all of them, and you’ll still have more music left over than you could ever listen to.

    Example #2- Yes, there IS creativity and originality in the mix. We just went over this, even if Little Dragon is the only music you deem acceptable. You just happen to think they should be more popular than they are.

    Would it be nice if my favorite artists got a little more exposure and got paid a little bit more? Sure. It would also be nice if teachers and firefighters got paid more. The world ain’t perfect. And honestly, your favorite artists are probably not my favorite artists, and our favorite artists are probably not our neighbors’ favorite artists. So what are you going to do? Pay and promote everybody like they’re a pop-star? Or just somehow convince the world that your opinion is the only one that matters?

    With any and all due respect, all I see here is some kid bitching that the world doesn’t work the way he wants it to. But this is what we’ve got, and we’re going to live with it, whether you like it or not.

    The music industry is not going rearrange itself according to your standards. Ever. So you can either accept what we do have (and we have more options now than ever before in the history of the world), or you can make sweeping generalizations, decide that everything sucks, and find yourself jaded to the entire thing.

  37. The music industry is not going rearrange itself according to your standards. Ever. So you can either accept what we do have (and we have more options now than ever before in the history of the world), or you can make sweeping generalizations, decide that everything sucks, and find yourself jaded to the entire thing.

    All im saying is there’s no balance. i didnt even mention people you should listen and all that. i just said balance. only one side of the spectrum is being filled. Fighting for the balance is all i ask cause im trying to do that. so why not artist that are fore front of our culture. Production needs to upgraded. Now you have some shit called Trap House still cant get away from it.

    All im saying theres nobody fighting for balance. only a handful you mentioned and theyre not rap. The portrayal of music and how its represented is less powerful than it was. and youre basically saying youre accepting bullshit. im sorry not me.

  38. Polo Kid says:

    Nice! ( in my fabolous voice)

  39. jace says:

    And all I’m saying is that we’ve got the widest, most balanced spectrum of music ever. That’s a fact, whether you want to accept it or not.

    Have fun fighting the good fight from the comment boards of Rap Radar, kid.

  40. i actually mentioned i was in the studio with my engineer. on my listening break, im drawing and writing comments. Im about to release some music supersoon. whats your email Jace?

  41. Savimbi says:

    I love jay and all but there again, he goes to show how much of a snake he is, I don’t understand how he would let JT throw such a jab towards the person who’s responsible for keeping his career afloat. (Kanye West) correct me if i’m wrong but although Hard Knock Life was a huge hit for him, H to Izzo (kanye west) was even a bigger record which cemented his claim as the top EMCEE of the game. Roc-a-fella’s reign was more so due to Kanye West’s production. Jay’s never been one to stand on his own, Jaz-O (pre-reasonable doubt), Dame Dash/Biggs (Roc-a-fella records, post reasonable doubt until about Roc La Familia), State Property ( they gave him that street cred in some sort…not to mention he jacked Young Chris’s flow), Kanye WEst (post roc-a-fella success WTT), Beyonce ( total worldwide appeal…etc), the fact of the matter is if you go back and look at all the pinnacle points of Jay’s career he has always had someone at his side to practically do most of the work while he takes the credit for it. #fact but then again he may be using one the 48 Laws of power which states “Get others to do your work for you”

  42. hahahahahahahahaha my cuz said took young chris flow damn.

  43. Savimbi says:

    and @ Jace i think you’re missing the point about what @stomach virus is trying to say. there was a time in popular culture when you could choose to either Fight The Power (PE) or do the Hammer Dance. but lately kids don’t really have a choice, all they are presented with is the Stripper/boss/Molly culture, no alternatives, whatsoever. Is this part of a grand scheme to destroy the black youth in Amerikkka HYFR.

    Quick example: Most these kids in urban areas(elementary, middle, hs) ride school buses in the morning and 9/10 the bus drivers are tuned in to their favorite morning broadcast (on the radio), in between interviews etc, all you really hear is what is said to be popular music i.e (trinidad james, 2chainz etc) M-F, unassuming kids hear “popped a molly i’m sweating ooooooooo”, they scream that shit all day in class, some probably wonder wtf a molly is, and jump out of class and guess what, they poppin mollys sweating and failing class…etc long story short, there’s a direct correlation with the decline in the quality of music and the rising HS drop out rate among the African-American youth. #FACT they are easily influence by what these “popular” rappers are telling them.

  44. mac DIESEL says:

    “My hits so sick got rappers acting dramatic”




  45. ??? says:

    All you have to chill. You guys are over here writing essays and shit over nothing that impacts your life. If Jay Z want on suit & tie you stans wouldn’t be bitching right now.

  46. Truth Will Out says:

    Jace > Stomach Virus

    WWI is over fam… You’re bringing a grenade to a drone fight. Good Music is everywhere, and the radio is not. Get a new gripe. You’ve fabricated this one. It does not exist. Move on.

    –Truth Will Out

  47. Donn says:

    LMFAOOOOOOOO AT THESE COMMENTS. Listen to what u like and go away. There’s tons of music on the internet

  48. Savimbi says:

    @truth will out and Donn stfu. what are the demographics that popular tv, radios (bet, mtv, 106&park..etc) usually target? unassuming kids ( 13-18) who know no better, you may know better, but half these kids don’t. You think these kids in broken down homes have time/access to the internet like you do? seems to me like you’re a white guy who’s out of touch with the realities of the kids who are truly affected by the message that is being portrayed to them by folks who should be positive role models but instead are part of the problem.

  49. Savimbi says:

    and again, i love Jay but this here is a true show of the Uncle Tom, shameless boot licking corporate slave he’s become. you let a white man throw shade at the Brother who’s responsible for your success on national TV like that. We’re talking about Kanye West here, the man who defied one of the most powerful families in Western civilization history (Bush) on national TV my nigga. during one of America’s worst crises to date (George Bush doesn’t like black people). that was kinda of topic but fuck it lol

  50. TRUF says:

    Jay-Z been a snake, rewind about 12 years ago and you would have said the same thing about Jay and Dame, if he’s proved anything its that he dont give a fuck about none of these niggas

  51. BlackDivine says:

    if Jay goes into politics we will find out how good of a snake he is.

  52. MegaMind says:

    @Sambo/Sambvi…whatever you’re fkn name is…So Jay is a snake bc a cat took at potshot at HIM and the artist he performed with, then said artist decides to fire back to let him know ain’t shit sweet and Jay suppose to stop another man from defending his OWN honor? You lil dumb niggas I swear.
    This ain’t a fucking street gang LOL…this is the real world/BUSINESS world. Cats act like Jay & Kanye are the Warriors…GTFOH. Ye open his yap and JT fired back FOR REAL! Not at a meaningless concert but on SNL in front of millions. Irony is only the urban world KNOWS why JT said that. The other millions don’t know, don’t care but it was to let Ye know…watch ya mouf! I DO THIS TOO!

    Then you spin it to the illuminati, white vs black shit….go get your life man…one is calling you.
    Everyone did y’all see what @Sambo wrote “you let a white man throw shade at the Brother who’s responsible for your success on national TV like that.” @Sambo…just was already immensely success and legendary before WTT/Kanye collaborations. Kanye did contribute to some of his success, but Ye didn’t make Jay…if anything it could be argued the other way around…COULD BE ARGUED. read and comprehend what I wrote before you respond.

    And in regards to Bush…you know what he refers to kanye as…”Conway West”…he don’t even know that nigga. That was a “Yaaay” moment for the hood and I even agreed with Ye but in the grand scheme, it wasn’t revolutionary. Your dumb talking about him like he’s MLK, Malcolm, Medgar Evers, etc….This nigga ain’t even Sharpton (whom I respect immensely).

    I like to debate and debase dumb niggas!

  53. Me says:

    “Rap Game Fucked up, but u can’t blame me” Jeezy Voice

  54. Foreign luccini says:

    Would u look at good ole jiggaboo, jigga wha jigga who!! Trying to get some brownie points doing a song wit this bum.

  55. Shamba Menelek says:

    We got a bunch of psychologist here. Everybody knows what Kanye meant when he said suit and tie. Ok yall mind readers now. lol That nigga crazy anyway

  56. Tec1Nyc says:

    Am i the only one who thinks JayZ fxcked up the song?

  57. HB says:

    @Savimbi, Jay Z married a BLACK woman has a BLACK child, kanye is with Kim kardashian,(and may eventually marry her) and she bout to have his seed. …I’ll let you figure out what im saying here…….

  58. Savimbi says:

    @megamind smh the fact that you brought up illuminati in this indicates to me that I need not to argue with a sheeple like yourself. Judging by your response you are a white guy offended by my response and you are here parading and pretending to be a brother. The mere fact that you added sambo prior to my name proves that. Fact of the matter is musically JT doesn’t and will never ever ever ever ever have any impact on the culture the way Kanye West has for the past 10 years so miss me with the bullshit ” Just was immensely successful and legendary before” lmmaooo you are a clown B.

  59. Setra says:

    I loved seeing Justin Timberlake host and perform on SNL last night. I knew I wasn’t going to miss this, even though I was at work at DISH when it was on, so I recorded it on my DVR. I set up my DISH Hopper, to record it because this can record and store up to 2,000 hours of entertainment. This way, I’ll be able to store this classic show and still have more room.

  60. Savimbi says:

    @HB and your point issssssssss?????????

  61. Real Deal says:

    I do like this song but Jay & JT don’t have great on stage chemistry

  62. Nova says:

    These comments too deep lol. Calm down. Ha!

  63. king says:

    @Nathaniel i guess black people aint respect their own music when all of our biggest rnb acts doing dance a techno records. where is the soul music and when they do make soul music motherfuckers aint playing it on the raido.

  64. king says:

    Savimbi and MegaMind. PLZ SHUT THE FUCK UP. yall came to talk or listen music. two grown men talking about some rich grown men, yall acting like bitches.

  65. loch121 says:

    JT did his thing with the comedy and music on SNL.JT gonna end up w/ a sitcom or something.I didn’t even know jay was gonna be there.I like the song.jay’s verse is just average for him
    Loch Drake Started from the Bottom Freestyle:http://youtu.be/TMmOpNbb2J8 via @youtube

  66. Polo says:

    Is does IPMACT our lives it’s the music we listen to everyday, the shit we have to deal with on the regular.Music is definetly a debatable subject, and on that note I say the industry needs a revolution!!!!!!!

  67. Johnny Ryall says:

    Ye that friend that don’t want you makin new friends and Jay’s only friends are dead presidents, nothin new here except JT sonned the almighty Yeezus.

  68. bigHUNT says:

    kanye lost…Suit & tie won

  69. Rozay says:

    I like the song but ever since that Superbowl shit with Janet Jackson I really quit fuckin with Justin Timberlake, Janet took the whole blame and it was his song he exposed her breast but she got blamed and he quite never came out and apologized and said blame me not her it wasn’t her fault, quite frankly don’t see why Jay-Z is on the song let alone tour with JT, to me that shit was fowl, that goes to show you no matter how much money you have in the eyes of the world you are a Nigger, Janet found out the hard way, let something happen with Jay-Z and somebody that is popular and white who do you think they will blame first, Jay-Z put in way more work as a solo artist but yet Justin Timberlake has his name listed first on the tour bill, Justins work and sales are mostly as the lead singer of Nsync.

  70. NotoriousRambo. says:

    “Rapper Jay-Z, real name Sean Carter, has been reported to a collections agency on at least one occasion. As of this month, he also has a HSBC bank account with a balance of $816,882 — and a credit line of over five-and-a-half million. The page for his wife, performer Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter, includes the singer’s SSN, a list of homes and a handful of phone numbers, as well as bank transaction information.”

  71. NotoriousRambo. says:

    “If you believe that God makes miracles, you have to wonder if Satan has a few up his sleeve”

  72. NotoriousRambo. says:

    Shawn C Carter

    SSN: 061-74-0428

    DOB: 12/04/1969

    Address: 1450 BRICKELL AVE FL 18
    MIAMI, FL 33131

    Previous Addresses:
    Current 1450 BRICKELL AVE FL 18
    MIAMI, FL 33131 Last Reported 03/05/2013

    Former Address 1 1001 BRICKELL BAY DR FL 9
    MIAMI, FL 33131 Last Reported 01/10/2013

    Former Address 2 200 PALASADES RD
    FORT LEE, NJ 07024 Last Reported 03/09/2013

    Former Address 3 2843 E MOBILE LN
    PHOENIX, AZ 85040 Last Reported 02/14/2012

    Former Address 4 152 W 57TH ST FL 19
    NEW YORK, NY 10019 Last Reported 01/20/2012

    Former Address 5 47 CENTER ST APT 11
    MUSKEGON, MI 49444 Last Reported 01/14/2011

    Former Address 6 7 WORLD TRADE CTR
    NEW YORK, NY 10048 Last Reported 01/14/2011

    Former Address 7 PO BOX 1898
    NEW YORK, NY 10101 Last Reported 01/14/2011

    Former Address 8 638 PUTNAM AV
    BROOKLYN, NY 11221 Last Reported 01/14/2011

  73. @YankeeLuvnGiant says:

    JT looked in the camera & told him stop crying, the SNL platform really made it perfect. well played Justin, i bet Hov laughed @ dinner later that night

  74. wrbtrey says:

    Song is ok. Real talk though, JT biting R. Kelly swag on his last joint…..

  75. […] its opening track, “Pusher Love Girl”. After the jump, he spoke on his SNL performance, which included a subliminal shot towards […]

  76. bogart4017 says:

    Its just a record. You either like it or you don’t.

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