40 Glocc Suing Game Over Fight

After duking it out in the streets, 40 Glocc is taking his battle with Game into the courtroom. According to TMZ, 40 filed a lawsuit against Chuck for their bout this past summer.

He claims Game and his entourage threatened to shoot him. Paperwork also states that 4o suffered injuries to his eye, ribs, kidneys, right shoulder and back.

40 is suing for unspecified damages — but we’re guessing he wants MILLIONS … not only for assault and battery … but he also feels Game tarnished his thug reputation by portraying him as a coward on the YouTube video

UPDATE: $4.5 million to be exact. Sheesh. TMZ has the scoop.

Here’s the breakdown:

— $500,000 in pain and suffering
— $500,000 in emotional distress
— $750,000 in lost earnings
— $2 million for punitive damages
— $25,000 in medical expenses
— Various other stuff

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  1. Myke Wayne says:

    Ah hahahhahahaahaaaaahahaa!!!!

  2. CTE WORLD says:


  3. big gus says:

    man rap is a buisness i aint mad at 40

  4. big gus says:

    hes not a snitch if he was game would be in jail

  5. Rozay says:

    40 Glocc looked at his pockets and was like jackpot, Game should have played this song while beating his ass, would have made the video better.

  6. Crewz Control says:


  7. Kenny's Dominos says:

    Lol…Niggas and their shit. Grown ass man, worrying about a thug reputation. What the fuck is a thug reputation? Can you put that on a resume? Is it redeemable for EBT credits?

  8. 7thEmerson says:

    It was dumb as shit to tape it in the first place.

  9. acidrap says:

    2 weak ass niggas in a weak ass fight.40 glocc was smilin at him in that one part.

  10. mrholloway says:

    Well….sounds like a pay day to me. Rich people and people who want to be rich sue…remember?

  11. DIGGSY!!! says:

    running to the police ruined his thug reputation more than running from game.

  12. Siy@ says:


  13. Donn says:

    Lmao, can’t knock the hustle

  14. County Of Kings says:

    so wait yall niggas hate rick ross and condone this shit??? na my dude, he got into a fight with a man, u lost, either nuckle up again or keep it moving.
    wtf is this shit to sue over, is he suing over the fight or the fact that he was humiliated online??

    50 cent sure knows how to train his soldiers dont he. this shit is disgusting. this is snitching, the video been out the police dont care 2 dumb niggas fight so wat. in order to sue he has to press charges. game will be arrested if he does that.
    yall rap fans are the worst.

    game will probably counter sue for getting blood on his olympic jordans

  15. SIR VUITTON says:

    As he should …

  16. Istanbul says:

    The game must be feeling like a vgina right now lmao.

    This is the smartest move in Hip Hop since Wiz Khalifa declined to open for Drake

  17. Decepticon says:

    lol at games no.1 fan County Of Kings… this got his feelings all messed up over this.
    How can you snitch on that everyone knows and is on the internet FOH.

  18. Siy@ says:

    County Of Kings shut the fuck up game snitched on himself.
    What the fuck does this have anything to do with Rick Ross ?? … You MMG fans r the funniest.

    Rather focus yo energy on buying 10 copies of Meek Mills album hes gona need yol MMG niggas badly lol

  19. Sandra says:



  20. matrix says:

    @ Sandra that wouldnt be possible since it aint clear 50 was directly involved unlike game stupid ass lol…

  21. kareem says:



  22. adrian says:

    rappers suing rappers over fights?? where am i?

  23. The Other P says:

    So this is what’s hot in the streets? Wonder if 40 called up 211, Ras Kass & anyone else & asked if they wanted to join him in a class action lawsuit?

  24. brl says:

    I don’t see what all the fuss is about? That’s gangster on his part. And by gangster, I mean hilarious. Sweet name by the way.

  25. thomas says:

    40 won’t win because one he has no witnesses when game had plenty and two games lawyers can just go on 40 YouTube page and use the millions of videos he made after the fight saying it wasn’t even that bad of a fight or the millions of videos of him running up on other rappers or the ones of him saying once he see game he gonna beat him up and being that he sued lapd for shooting him in the butt while he was running from the cops and lost last year the courts are already gonna be against him and he can’t say it ruined his thug reputation because suing hurts it more

  26. Hannibal Lecture says:

    40 Glocc is a bitch end of story! The same nigga who ran up on Plies 30 deep. Same nigga who ran up on Tyga and beat up a homeless man.

  27. thomas says:

    they’ll probably settle out of court for 60 grand like when Rick Ross beat that dj

  28. ghettoyute26 says:

    Wow..wow…wow…a certified thug who ran up on weezy’s tour bus talking all dat shit..now u get ur fuckingass kicked..ur sueing…and u Internet thugs saying this is a master stroke…like charmalagne said…I like my fuckinggangster trappers to do gangster shit!!!!!….f it..

  29. brok says:

    pussy ass rappers…40 glock looked like gimmick anyway

  30. @Artise1 says:

    New Age Gangsters… Cop & Sue!!!

  31. Black Shady says:

    SMH…..that some pussy shit

  32. Me says:

    Smh this guy was NEVER Gangster, Classic case of when “Keeping it Real Goes Wrong”

  33. brollya says:

    wow!!!!! i aint kno crips and bloods sued eachother….. i jus knew 40 was go retailiate and catch him again and fight again….. 40 been talkin all dat shit bout game on records and talkin shit bout wayne and plies and all des other niggaz den wen its a 1 on 1, the nigga wanna sue….. wowsers…. yea yo rep is gone after this….. niggaz get they ass beat everyday… but sueing tho….. hahahahahaha… I USED TO THINK 40 GLOCK WAS THE HARDEST OUT CALI,

  34. JL says:

    Has it actually been confirmed by anyone with credibility that he’s suing??

  35. tazz says:

    damn 40 glocc is such a bitch ass faggot omg

  36. WTF_40 says:

    LMAO _ WHAT THE FUCK _ 40 what part of the game is that gangsters go to court cause someone disrespected there gangster lmao how old is that nigga _ pay day maybe but dumb _ under pressure for money motherfuckers will do anything but dang 40 is dat dude who was robbing rapper for chains lol what a pussy hole Look u the victim now bitch kill ya self lame

  37. lll says:

    Tarnished his thug reputation?
    Suing Game is SELF ETHER! Go get him back if you were that much of a gangsta!

  38. brollya says:

    40 pulled a chauncey on em “i bet game want be laughin wen 5.0, get a hold on this mufuckin tape”

  39. HK says:

    County Of Kings says:
    “game will probably counter sue for getting blood on his olympic jordans”

    The Other P says:
    “Wonder if 40 called up 211, Ras Kass & anyone else & asked if they wanted to join him in a class action lawsuit?”


    40 ended his own ‘gangsta rap’ rep w/ this move. He must:
    1) Think he’s gonna get a lot of money from Game
    2) Has a new career/business already lined up that he thinks he can fund w/the settlement

  40. Rozay says:

    ^ @brollya HAHA true shit.

  41. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    A few years ago on TMZ “The Game to Judge: Don’t Call Me a Gangster”…He pulled a gun out another human being. Remember Game said he wasnt beefing with GUNIT anymore. Old confused ass nigga.

  42. HJOOD says:

    how do you sue when you got your ass beat? snitching at it’s finest.

  43. Your Life Is A Lie says:

    Stay in school kids and leave this rap shit alone, the life you save will be your own

  44. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    HOLD ON ! Game pulled a gun out on some dude on the basketball court a few years ago. That MAN SUED GAME for that. But 40 Glocc does the same thing that guy did now its a problem? Some of you dudes are ass backwards.

  45. ... says:

    Did tyga sue 40 when he stile hus chain and put it on youtube ? Smh these guys i swear

  46. JL says:

    game just tweeted…

    Police came to my crib & tried to serve me papers for @40glocc sueing me….. Sorry, I’m playing XBOX.. Try again later. #ThisNiggaAHoeCake

  47. Suing is not Gangster. Esp When you a crip who is famous for robbing other rappers. I cant believe yall tryna cosign this shit.

    You cant claim your a goon then sue when u get your ass whipped in a one on one fight.

    You cant talk your way around that.

  48. Hiethans & Heffas says:

    Post the footage of ZoomZoomDad-Otis getting fucked in the ass by the tranny! Sue that! 40 Glocc is a bitch. Real gangsters don’t sue!

  49. TRUTH says:


  50. Hannibal Lecture says:

    ZoomZoom condoning 40 Glocc snitching further confirms how much of a pussy I exposed him to be. Your mother should have swallowed you coward ass cunt ass nigga!

  51. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @Hiethans & Heffas. Dude leave me out of your fantasy. Whateva you and your stepdad did is your business leave me out.

  52. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @Hannibal Lecture. Exposed? HAHAHA. Your a keyboard warrior in the basement of your parents crib.

  53. Hannibal Lecture says:

    ^ Gay ass nigga take it like a man

  54. Gaz says:

    Doesnt 40 glocc claim to be gangster? Didnt 40 glocc do the same shit in the past. Now hes snitching and going to court like a bitch, clearly hes not making enough off his music, If your going to live that life, then live it like a man.

  55. Evil says:

    What a pussy move by 40glocc! And he first sues him now? like 2-3 months after it happen..LOL he aint gonna get shit,40 will only damage his own reputation even more with this sucka move

  56. Louie Gates says:

    Anybody condoning 40 Glocc snitching is a bitch. ZoomZoom we know you hate Game but real niggas don’t snitch nor agree or defend snitchin. You get no respect!

  57. WESS says:

    Why are u niggas surprised? he is a G-Unit affiliate thats what they do they snitch they take out Orders Of Protection against niggas that stab and beat the shit out of them and they sue..

  58. hui Lu Kim says:

    This does makes 40 looks like a sucker, though he doesn’t care in his mind cause it’s chess to him.

    Gunplay can’t sue because he didn’t get robbed he was the attacker and already confess he lost the chain. Even though them dudes TOOK it while beating him, but his testimony on the radio clears them (even though he lied to save face)

    Somehow, I’m sure 40 will still do something street whlie he makes it a double lost for Game.

  59. TheTruthIs... says:

    This that G-Unit thug right? G-Unit takes another L

  60. Cruel Thing says:

    Wow, 40 Glocc is doing the right thing! -Says no one

  61. NUTSONYA says:

    good for him, fuck game! he played himself by puttin the video up

  62. imperial85 says:

    LOL at g-unit stans on here trying to make this sound acceptable but call Ross a fraud. FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  63. County Of Kings says:

    @imperial85 thank u
    u cant argue with these niggas they got gunit tattoos on the necks. how can anybody cosign this not on some gansta shit, not on some rapper shit. just on some grown ass man shit. u knuckled up and lost period. come back for round 2.
    game is such a cornball ass nigga but i cant cosign this shit. yall call ross a fraud and support this nigga filing a lawsuit??
    i’ll take an alleged drug dealing c.o. over a gangsta that calls the cops anyday of the fuckin week.

  64. floridaboy says:

    real bitch move smh

  65. imperial85 says:


    U gotta understand, G-unit stans are similar to republicans in that when it comes to their undying unwavering almost homo erotic attracton to 50 cent and eminem it is FUCK FACTS! They will post shit like Ross is ONLY sold 230,000 or shit like 50 is hot in the streets where they live. I have nothing against 50 cent but the reality is his time has came and went. He did his thing on Get Rich or Die Trying, but its been downhill ever since .If u ever are critical of anything 50 related they say “well he is rich and your not”. Now what 40 Glocc who is on G-unit records is doing here is snitching in its almost purest form, because what happened was some street shit. and these 50 stans on here are trying to act like that shit is condonable. These guys on here are lames and have never participated in any form of street activity but they will type tough when it comes time to defend 50 cents honor. HA! Oh yeah, Tony Yayo sued Irv Gotti back in 2000 when murder inc. jumped them in that room in Hit Factory Studio, so the apple doesnt fall far from the tree.

  66. koa29 says:

    LMAO 40 Glocc act all tough and when he get sonned nigga runs to the police. SMH. Fake thugs exposed.

  67. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @imperial85. You feel better now? Silly kid smh.

  68. imperial85 says:


    I must have offended you. A hit dog will holler.

  69. picky says:

    Well he’s gotta get his money up someway.. When have u EVER seen a 40 glocc fan ..EVER

  70. kaybee says:

    40 glocc is a bitch X 2 = 80 glocc bitch ass nigga#fakethug

  71. Papi Morenito says:

    If you gotta be a monkey why not be a gorilla. see, 50 cent is humble, and he chose to be a monkey.

  72. oakland73rd says:

    40 Glocc a bitch made nigga how can he whoop on a women then he get his ass beat by game and he wanna sue WANKSTA STUDIO GANGSTA

  73. @Artise1 says:

    I can’t stand these fake gangsta ass bitches. I call the the RICK ROSS ERA of Hip-Hop. Like the Steroids Era in Baseball.

  74. lody Mack says:

    Cut the check…

  75. commedesfuckdown says:

    Game is one of the realest rappers out. 40 is a hoe he got beat up on camera by the dude filmin it & then he sues him, but hes supposed to be a ‘gangster’ … ’40 Glocc Sues The Game For Pulling A Gun…. ‘ lmao smh

  76. lmao says:

    Why not take millions away from game if he can…He didn’t have him locked up so quit calling him a snitch, that word is so fuckin hurtin, make money money

  77. 601comedy says:

    40 Glocc has been calling out folks for years now his fake ass is exposed! You ran and you called the police! What real street nigga calls the police and sues? He just lost all hood cred, his wack ass rap career is over lmao!!!

  78. bawse says:

    who cares everybody knew 40glocc was a snitch lover , see ————> 50CENT, now birds of a feather flock togather in other words he hung around a snitch so long he adapted the snitch mentality LOL game on the other hand is a fake blood turned goon, rosemo 700 knocked this koon out cold in the mall but game paid to get rosemo outta here & he’s still playing but this time its for protection sooner or later his lucks gonna run out as well

  79. yo says:

    this could help make kendrick lamars album classic

    whos going to listen to shyne now

  80. lick da kat says:

    damn 40, lol

  81. RealN3groMakin$sense says:

    To all of ya’ll that don’t know, you can’t “SNITCH” on someone that put out the whole incident themselves for the world to see online. 40 Gloc isn’t a snitch but has pulled a move that has the entire internet world labeling him a punk for making such a bitch move. Menace from BWS was jumped by 40 Gloc and his Zoo gang which was caught and put online. Did Menace sue? No. 40 Gloc’s entire relevancy has been to capture his confrontations with other rappers that he claimed weren’t “REAL GANGSTAS” (Confrontation with Lil Wayne, Tyga, and Plies) and post it online to gain credibility. Then when Game got the best of him and used 40’s OWN formula, 40 Gloc comes months later to SUE him??? Gangstas taking other gangstas to COURT OVER AN ASS WOOPIN’? This must be the end of days because this is asinine.

  82. lick da kat says:

    Game stay gettin money. JESUS PIECE 12-11-12

  83. lick da kat says:

    hope game wins

  84. TEEMILL says:


  85. Corporate Man!!! says:

    40 glock, I’m not a gangster but I would have got game back for that. My pride would not have let me look at myself on the internet and see my a@@ getting kicked everyday. Game would have been sueing me. Every show he did I would be there until I felt we was even. When I was in the streets we would have ride on that N@@@@. I respect game more at least he kept it 100. 40 glock to me your that dude that got his lunch money taken and ran and told the principle. What a meow meow!! LOL

  86. Corporate Man!!! says:

    By the was its a official Hip Hop is dead. 40 glock just killed hip hop. These kats are wwf n@@@@. Get the F out of here!!!!!

  87. Kali says:


  88. weedhead says:

    to everybody sayin this is a smart move wtf u thinkin this dude is at the lowest point in his life nigga might be rich if he gets this money but he gon be all lonely with a bunch of gay dudes dickridin him. 40 glocc shoot yoself

  89. headedhard says:

    Game a real G.

  90. Black Shady says:

    bitch nigga shit

  91. B says:

    @ ME

    Fucking classic man. Well said. Spot on. I’d like to see that skit bra. bbhahahaha

  92. veesky says:

    Honestly, because it’s on video, Game will probably actually have to settle out of court. It would be a waste of time and money IMO to try and fight the case or countersue. Obviously, 40 won’t get that full amount but that’s the point of settlements anyway.

  93. ThisShitRightHereNigga says:

    Everyone saying what 40 is doing is smart is a BITCH.

    When gangsters do gangsta shit these bitches wanna talk shit.
    Game did what a gangster would do, he fucked up someone he’s got problems with.

  94. Marcus says:

    Can Game counter sue for ruining his sneaks?

  95. The Wise says:

    this guys the biggest pussies i never gave a fuck about!

  96. EarlJohnson says:


  97. Johnny Ryall says:

    Enjoy the cash because after that bitch move you ain’t making it off raps no more!

  98. Leon Sandcastle says:

    -750,000 in lost earnings

    …nigga please

  99. Leon Sandcastle says:

    – $500,000 in emotional distress

    …So gangsta

  100. Da Truthhhh says:

    a lawsuit is basically a negotiation. he will probaly settle but not for 5 Mil

  101. Evil says:

    40 gloc stays sucking dick.What a hoe ass snitch and he will never get $4,5mill LOL

    40 thought it was fun when he and his monkeys surrounded Waynes car,he wanted to beat Waynes ass and when 40 gets his ass beat by Game,he sues him? LOL Suddenly it wasnt so funny anymore hey? What goes around comes around.
    40 is the definition of a WANKSTA

  102. lody Mack says:

    Get ya money 40..

  103. Yeezus Christ says:

    so for 5 minutes getting of being trash talked and getting hit you can sue someone for that much money? makes absolutely no sense

  104. donniebrasko says:

    Sad thing about all this, is i don’t think game has 4.5millie in his account to pay anyone.

  105. avarice says:

    I feel like that little white kid David after going to the dentist. “Is this real life?”

  106. nigga creep says:

    40 a weak ass nigga lol! Talkin on that shit in songs n now look at em!

  107. evol says:

    What a bitch. 40 ain’t a thug. Hahaha

  108. ayyeee says:

    Somebody needs money.

  109. Tre says:

    ^^^^^^^^^^^ Dude tweeted that a long ass time ago. Quit lying bruh……. Internet cornballs I swear

  110. 50cent ‏@50cent Your a punk @ElliottWilson and you will always be a punk. says:


  111. King Game says:

    Siy@ shut the fuck up bitch boy! Defend a bitch wats that make U?

  112. Q says:

    5mil aint shit to Game that nigga rich Af 40mil to his name look it up as of 2013 nigga has about 42mil Ballin!

  113. NY KIdd says:

    Game real 40 cock fake The End

  114. G.badd says:

    Fuck em all. Dey pussy!!!! Real pusscees

  115. No.. No.. No... Not Today! HAHAHA says:

    @zoom and siy@ you corn balls are fuckin #hoecakes Ha Ha

  116. No.. No.. No... Not Today! HAHAHA says:

    Em jays were sick before that cornDoG got blood on them i say Game should sue him!

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