1. Homie says:

    Wow.. Jay Who? This guy still raps?

  2. Mo says:

    A Jay Electronica verse, that’s a rare occassion. Song is nice tho

  3. Micah says:

    every time the bullits and electronica have gotten together its been nice

  4. Buggin Out! says:

    WHAT THE FRAK???? The song is SICK!!!!!!!!!! Welcome 2013!!!

  5. Leon Sandcastle says:

    Damn. This is nice

  6. STINKMEANER says:

    woah this is fuckin nuts, i need an instrumental of this shit asap

  7. IN_SITE says:

    HipHop damm jay killed it mos to do

  8. ***BLACK MIRROR*** says:


  9. watchthethrone says:

    Damn! This is too dope. Still need that Jay E album tho

  10. lol says:

    tarentino knock off. sounds like somethin’ straight off his movie/ost. #latetotheparty

  11. Leon Sandcastle says:

    ^ I was thinking the same thing. It did remind me of Django but that beat is hard

  12. loch121 says:

    getting a jay Elect verse is like finding a 4 leafed clover, while finding 2 goblins playing frisby with and angels halo while the angel is tied up to a unicorn
    Loch Drake Started from the Bottom Freestyle: http://youtu.be/TMmOpNbb2J8

  13. Dan Roberts says:

    ^I’ll just assume you two are either 15 years old or just not familiar with legacy of the Spaghetti Western. Have you heard of The Good The Bad and The Ugly? Tarentino did not invent this genre sir.

  14. freshmade says:

    @ dan roberts who said that tarentino invented it tho. it’s just that it feels very inspired by the django theme. the guy said it sounds straight from like a part of that movie. that’s it b.

    nonetheless this shit bangs. jay blessed this shit

  15. PRO says:

    Watch This Video From Mardi Gras 2013!! Turn up !!! Might See Boobie and More!!!


  16. Buggin Out! says:

    HAHAHAHAHA @ everyone thinking it’s a Django knock-off. This song was made TWO years ago. I saw The Bullits and Jay-E perform it at The Big Chill in the UK. And SoulCulture said exactly the same thing on their blog today. Thats how ILL that Jeymes Samuels guy is. A fuckin one man army.

  17. Cruel Thing says:

    Jesus, Mos and Jay both MURDERED that shit

  18. Dan Roberts says:

    @freshmade A “knock off” is an imitation of an original. Tarantino’s interpretation is not the original neither is it the inspiration for this track which predates Django, That would be Ennio Morricone. Look him up if you wish. He bangs…

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