1. SophieDope says:

    But yo, for some strange reason… I like this kid. The “2-the-point” flow is kinda raw…. doesnt sound like anything…

  2. LORD YOUNG says:

    how much did they paid yall to post this rr?

  3. onenutned says:

    shits dope.

  4. JustMyOpinion says:

    @ LORD
    ^ Ha ha

  5. Boom says:

    Can’t front…this kid is nice.

  6. Bkuz says:

    Joey Bada$$ should torch him for coming thru brooklyn with this shit…


    he sounds natural …hes comfortable …good

  8. new guy says:

    thats actually soho…besides york st

  9. bread and butter says:

    @Bkuz “spread love, its the brooklyn way”

  10. quese says:

    He can actually rap tho he just gotta get his flow together he sounds wayy to monotone

  11. PistolPistol says:

    Karate kid sorry… Qtips flow is played.
    Dope beat though

  12. Joee90 says:

    I cant hate, Im liking what Ive heard from him. Usually has a old school feel to his stuff.

  13. Chillthrills says:

    Its him,,, young kid rap shit,,,,showing and proving with a lil rap flow with bars attached not to heavy
    Just right for him,,,,,,it’s cool,

  14. Parker says:

    nice flow lil man keep at it

  15. Only need one word says:


  16. Anonymous says:

    […] again proving that his young age is not holding him back from being a mini mogul. His new video

  17. Anonymous says:

    […] again proving that his young age is not holding him back from being a mini mogul. His new video

  18. goat says:

    Simba video 0:15 seconds in #ColeWorld

  19. Uncle Ray Ray says:

    NICE. Has a early 90s feel to it

  20. Anonymous says:

    […] again proving that his young age is not holding him back from being a mini mogul. His new video

  21. Anonymous says:

    […] again proving that his young age is not holding him back from being a mini mogul. His new video

  22. Anonymous says:

    […] again proving that his young age is not holding him back from being a mini mogul. His new video

  23. Anonymous says:

    […] again proving that his young age is not holding him back from being a mini mogul. His new video

  24. Anonymous says:

    […] again proving that his young age is not holding him back from being a mini mogul. His new video

  25. Anonymous says:

    […] again proving that his young age is not holding him back from being a mini mogul. His new video

  26. Anonymous says:

    […] again proving that his young age is not holding him back from being a mini mogul. His new video

  27. Anonymous says:

    […] again proving that his young age is not holding him back from being a mini mogul. His new video

  28. […] After Earth. They took a break from their interview and performed a medley of tracks including:

  29. […] After Earth. They took a break from their interview and performed a medley of tracks including:

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