New Video: J.Cole x Miguel “Power Trip”

Jermaine catches feelings and a body in his new video featuring Miguel. Jealousy is a muthafucka. Despite the dark imagery, Cole insists, “No R&B singers were harmed during the making of this video”. Save the date:  Born Sinner drops June 25

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  1. The best says:


  2. Tev Milli says:

    How come a song like this doesn’t get much airplay?……
    That’s all I have 2 say

  3. Tev Milli says:

    Dope video tho….
    That’s all I have 2 say

  4. scw says:

    great concept. great vid

  5. daff says:

    dope video hopefully the song gets more love now.

  6. matrix says:

    Well damn i was wondering why this vid looked so dark…lol…then i saw the ending..jea that matches…Chuuuch….

  7. jackripper says:

    this shit is dope. Cole totally went left on this shyt. dont think they will play it on tv cause of the imagery

  8. Classic says:

    Terrible, hov needs to drop cole and push The Great One (Jay Elect)

  9. Black Shady says:


  10. TDE says:

    Got me up all night, constant drinking and love songs..

  11. The Other P says:

    June? More like Sept.

  12. blackJew says:

    J coles new artist is nice –

  13. Salute A Nigga 'Fo I Shoot A Nigga says:

    This song is bubble gum garbage, but since it’s J Cole, nobody will say it. I will though

  14. Black Shady says:

    ^ Fuck off nigga. #BornSinner get with the program. on our way to another plaque

  15. Hammertime says:

    mAN this is Video of the Year hands down, from the scenery location, to the concept, to the fine video model everything was on point.
    J cole gonna get his in 2013, kendrick and drake better make way!

  16. RichP says:

    Damn.. my nigga killed miguel though.. Smh..

  17. HiiiPoWeR says:

    This video is based off his song ‘Dreams’. “Had a thing for you…even wrote the song Dreams for you.”

  18. watchthethrone says:

    Great concept, Born Sinner

  19. Donn says:

    Disappointing unless this video is a part of a series of other videos.

    Like there was nothing creative about this at all smh.

    #Disappointed ColeFan

  20. wiz says:

    The video is dope, I like how J. Cole carried out his plan from his song Dreams. The video is different, it wasn’t like the average hip hop video. Even though they were in a strip club there was no booty all over the place.

  21. Bkuz says:


  22. chan says:

    damn its crazy how he flipped it…. at least i always thought it was a more positeve energy to this song but this dark energy works for it as well i like it. not another rap video…..

  23. onenutned says:

    creatively I like, from a business stand point..Cole what the fuck are you doing???! the song gets minimal to no burn but a few people like myself fux wit’ it..if you had only made a visual that would match the song’s potential this shit would’ve been a home run but you went completely left field which I’m not knocking or condoning. I’m just saying what is this vid gon get played on besides Vevo and youtube? I mean damnit man. you get he win creatively but takin mad L’s lucratively son.

  24. sean says:

    the video is great but bit to dark for the maimstream
    this my kill the mian buzz this could got by making so dark
    I know his roc nation as a rapper, but whom is his manger ?

  25. jp says:

    @ sean, Mark Pitts is his manager

  26. youngtoona says:

    dope song, doper visuals

  27. Da Business says:

    I’m @ a lost of words…

    I understand that it’s a play off of the Dreams song from the Warm up but, y? I’m sure that he has something up his sleeves so I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt…

    I don’t know about this move, song is definitely a hit though…

  28. M.T says:

    Video was dope. Love the concept. lol @ some of these posts. would yall rather have the same old repetitive average video with bitches. cars etc. Enjoy the video and stop trying to be A&R’s. Song is already climbing the charts.

  29. blockheads says:

    sometimes the artistry is more important. seeing your thoughts come to life… incredible.

  30. allah says:

    Stalkertheme!!! SO SICK

  31. allah says:

    Not just a commercial love song this single has a concept!

  32. Word says:

    First let me say, I thought Cole could not make good videos but I like this one. If you were a TRUE Cole fan, you would know this is most likely a continuation of his song “Dreams” where he plotted to kill the girls boyfriend. Guess he went through with it. @Donn, you’re NOT a Cole fan. Please stop perpetrating like you are. Creative is a subjective term. Its not to YOU, but its a creative concept to many others. Even if its not, its straight to the point. Not every video gotta be some Kanye shit. Was Started from the Bottom a creative video? NO, but I bet you loved that one though. @onenutned in what state are you where this gets no burn? I hear this on the radio at least twice a day when I feel like listening to it, here in Baltimore.

  33. BBGUN says:

    King Cole. Another masterpiece.

  34. Honestly says:

    I could go off on haters cuz y’all really reaching but ima keep it positive. This is dope cuz it’s creative as fuck and not like anything else, no bs green screen, no ass all Iva the cam , no 20 chains around the neck jus a dope song and a video that ACTUALLy matched the song. Do me a favor and look at all these other video and tell me how many match. Cole steer the course and follow your heart. Keep your art pure that’s how u got here


    oh shit how they gonna do the nigga miguel like that

  36. Fre$h World Tremier Floyd says:

    Man, this shit hard. Idk wtf u negatively opinionated mfs r seeing. This is Aye Are Tee. ART. Idek s#!t about this “Dreams” song u real fans speak of but that furthers my view on how much of a piece of ART this is being that he followed up on something previously dubbed as a classic, “The Warm Up” is it? with connector video

  37. Fre$h World Tremier Floyd says:

    *with this

  38. whereyourseabass says:

    if you don’t like this video then go jerk off to a generic MMG music video.

  39. Soulstar says:

    Why are people saying this isn’t getting any airplay… It’s in the top 25 on quite a few Billboard charts, and I know I hear it a lot on the radio in both Cleveland and Toledo. Where yall live? Wyoming?

  40. Donn says:


    If this is creative to you, I find that sad. I done seen videos of niggas burying bitches boyfriends and girlfriends burying boyfriends in Sooooooooo many videos. Creative to HIPHOP fans is such a low bar. If u are a fan of other genres of music u’ll see this is unoriginal and I am a Cole fan. I’m not a Stan like some of u who think dude can do no wrong. Y’all will justify anything when u like an artist so much

    And that Drake video was boring just like this@ Word. Jews getting turned up in Walgreens? Lol

  41. Lmao says:

    @Donn Did I say I found it creative? I said OTHERS might. Come on bro, read.

    And when does CREATIVE = GOOD? Creative, sure, it isn’t. Good? Yes, it is. Not every video gotta be out of this world creative. If you’re just gonna compare everything to other genres, don’t even watch a single hip hop video anymore in life. You will disappoint yourself every time.

    Good and Bad are subjective, but of course your gonna think you “opinion” is end all be all, and anyone who likes the video is a “Stan”. Real insightful comments bro. Lmao.

  42. Word says:

    Typing off my phone here. Above comment is mine. Typed “Lmao” in two places.

  43. Donn says:

    HipHop is music. Just like any other genre. Yes I am comparing his video to videos from every genre cus he is an artist, not just a rapper. And amongst the music community and other artists who have done this ten times over this is cliche and has been done a million times. Great song, bad video.

    Someone hit the nail on the head above, this song had the potential to be a fun summer anthem and he ruined a great summer record by TRYING to be deep. Save that shit for songs that are actually deep

  44. As Real As It Gets says:


  45. Ezylyfe says:

    Check me out fam share like or dislike #DMV #Ezylyfe

  46. donwarbucks says:

    mos of you rap radar heads suck on everything j cole makes anyways. its a good song but this shit is on a biased ass site of fans that always complain about mainstream or music not being underground or not. at the end of the day the shit is about selling records and attention who gives a fuck if the video is creative or not, half ya clowns not gonna buy his album yall just criticizing his shit and rating music on here instead of actually feeling it out. actually feel niggas songs, thats wtf is wrong with rap and why records dont fucking sell its the age of opinionless opinions and blog bullshit.

  47. Dnice says:

    @Donn, there is no way you are a real Cole and then write in a blog that he is “tryin” to be deep. COLE is DEEP. That is what sets him apart from the rest and its what his “Stans” expect. If you want generic hiphop, you already have plenty to choose from, but I’m sure you already know that. In case you didn’t know this, apart from being about a crush/stalking that went bad, Cole himself said this song has a double meaning of being about his love of hip hop and trying to get that hit single he needs to send him to the top….Listen to each line and relate it to hip hop and then maybe you can appreciate why people are saying its dope and yes, creative–if you are a fan be a real fan and keep up with the artist or just admit to being a bystander like the rest of them….

  48. Harris says:

    creatively/conceptually this is awesome, but j. cole is at a stage in his career where he should know how to market himself but he doesn’t. even kendrick knows how to mix substance with style

  49. Fre$h World Tremier Floyd says:

    it’s like this… fucx everybody’s opinion… ’cause @ the end of the day the fucxin video has been shot & released whether uuuu fucxers like it or not. bn so got damn critical. ohhhh this is cliche, ohhhh other genres, ohhhh… stfu!!!!

  50. Fre$h World Tremier Floyd says:

    mfs wouldnt know art if it was their first name

  51. Statdefine says:

    Nice work. #Coleworld #Nosnuggie

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