1. Yacht says:

    Cole World. Respect he got that off…

  2. Black Shady says:

    Cole World!!! We takin over this summer


    cole is a true artist respect he crafted a strong hit with this

  4. chyeah says:

    Do you guys really pay this dude to make a post every week or so? Lol like this guy is actually on payroll?

  5. Old ass nigga says:


  6. Rome says:

    @ Chyeah, and if he does? Foh.

    there’s many of us that actually enjoy the ‘Breaks’ segment on this site.

    Salute Ty Kidd.

  7. me says:

    as a producer,,,these are my favorite posts

  8. LateOrchestrations says:

    The song is No More by Hubert Laws. Why the fuck did you title this I’m On One? People won’t be able to find the sample and enjoy the original if you don’t name the title of the post the title of the song. Idiots…..

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