1. wow says:

    Cool song, dope beat and lyrics just mixed horribly. And they had the nerve to put his name on the cover lol

  2. PistolPistol says:

    If your an artist and your JOB is to put out music… Why the fuck does south time pass without a damn album?
    Where’s that muddy watersII Reggie??

  3. PistolPistol says:

    ^*so much time

  4. loch121 says:

    This is official 90’s shit.
    Loch Afro American Horror Story Mixtape Hosted by @DJDooWop http://piff.me/d91349e via @DatPiff DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!! #AAHS

  5. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Damn Easy Mo Bee. Like the beat. Redman is a hip hop legend.

  6. nico_one says:

    yO gIVE us MUDDy waTERS rEgGIe!!!!!! IF I finD IT iN THE shop WHAT thE fUCK i WAnnA DO? … hELL yEAH

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