New Video: Wale x Travis Porter “One Eyed Kitten Song”

With some assistance from Travis Porter, Wale takes us to the strip club for the latest visual off Folarin. Looks like the guys got a little distracted while shooting, so look for the official video soon.

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  1. one eyed kitten! says:


  2. not says:

    video perfect for the tone of the song no need for an official

  3. Troofy says:

    You can only fake being a good rapper for so long!

  4. onenutned says:

    the back and forth shit was nice was on this… I ain’t mad at it.

  5. Pardonmyswag says:

    Niceeeeeeeeeee I fucks with Travis porter n WALE just a Prometheus Beast on the track

  6. stuart scotts eye says:

    Quez from tp only one to get a verse…

  7. As Real As It Gets says:

    When all the smoke clears after the fall of MMG. Wale will be the only artist from that label that will stand.

    Free Mr. DisHoeSnappin.

  8. Jeezy says:

    MMG always copying CTE movement…first Ross with stealing Jeezy TM103 Model for his album by getting the same exact features..smfh

    No Jeezy switches to more of a west coast sound and here come Wale..GTFOH!! Go Away one wants to hear you anymore…Real Bars are coming back…Put Jadakiss and Styles on here ..

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