Kanye Debuts “Black Skinhead” On SNL

Kanye West was back on SNL as the musical guest and helped bring their season to a close this evening. For his first performance, he premiered his rock-influenced track “Black Skinhead”.

Below, he returns for a televised performance of “New Slaves”, which he premiered the previous night by projecting the video on 66 buildings in 10 cities across the globe. Yeezy season continues.

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  1. Lil Majer The Cartune says:

    This is a dope little change up for Ye! Hands down, he is the most innovative artist in the rap game!

  2. TRON says:

    ima wait to hear the studio version before I judge this one. Pumped to hear what he got next tho..

  3. O block says:

    Stayed up for this shit.
    I love the line he has about Lebron James.
    Damn yeezy is already in the year 3000 with music

  4. D Twice says:

    Wow this might be the darkest song he’s made. Not feeling the whole “Yeezus” title but at least he’s still pushing the envelope.

  5. alphs says:

    overproduced, trash

  6. xzeoTy says:

    trying too hard, he is officially donne.

  7. O block says:

    The song kinda sound like clique 2.0

  8. KOE says:

    people fear anything different. this isn’t good just because it’s different, it’s good because it’s actually GOOD. good job Ye.

  9. Ummm…what the heck just happend here??

  10. Catch up niggas says:

    Kind of punk, interesting direction.

  11. Shadi11 says:

    I’m a big fan but I think he is done, songs were trash

  12. Lil Majer The Cartune says:

    … After giving this a third listen, I would’ve love to hear Kendrick featured on this! He would’ve ripped this $#!+.

  13. Daan says:

    this is trash, this sin’t trash because this is different, this is trash because it’s overproduced and the lyrics are trash.

  14. […] Video of the Kanye West performance of ‘New Slaves’ live on Saturday Night Live (SNL) off of Yeezus album rr […]

  15. JustMyOpinion says:

    A true musician is not afraid to push the envelope and, in my opinion, this what Kanye chose to do. Frankly, it’s working since he doesn’t choose to be a follower but a prick (his words).

  16. edi says:

    yeezussssssssssssssssssssssssssssss the GOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  17. dmfslimm says:

    nice. cant wait for the video. off topic we need a new blackout and ypy.

  18. xtrajordinary says:

    i’m surprisingly super okay with this. i fuck with it

  19. trueshady2f: says:

    worst song of the year

  20. Blair says:

    overproduced and average at the very best

  21. anonymous says:

    RIP KANYE, your career is over

  22. dmfslimm says:

    as the music evolve we as listeners should too.

  23. mouRis says:

    wtf is this shit ? wtf is this shit ? I ‘ve been a fan since day1 but this is really bad

  24. logic says:

    omfg, poor lyricism, it’s a shame for hip hop

  25. ober says:

    woah there, this is trash

  26. ss says:

    cudi def influenced this one haa

  27. J says:

    All I can do is laugh at the ignorance of the people who think Black Skinhead is trash. Then at the same time y’all going and bumping to some fucking Ace Hood or Future… SMH

    This man is on another level LIKE ALWAYS! Music history, not just Hip Hop, being made before our eyes and y’all are too basic to open your eyes and ears and listen to this evolution.

  28. 1234 says:

    ^ real talk. this dude is a true artist through and through. NO ONE is even near him in comparison. so far ahead of these other clowns

  29. Killaz says:

    thx god we have kednrick lamar and new rappers

  30. theChef says:

    he had a good run, but he is indeed done.

  31. Am^hp,ss says:

    first kanye album I won’t buy.

    there is a huge lack of creativity and originality there

  32. woff says:

    it doesn’t sound good at all, new slaves and this song sound average at best

  33. Catch up niggas says:

    Point to any other hiphop track that sounds the same as that, and no public enemy or ice-t’s metal band do not sound like that.

    If you don’t like it then that is your opinion but to say it is not original is ludicrous.

  34. X says:

    It’s not evolution. It’s not new. It’s not even creative.

    It’s “Beautiful People” by Marilyn Manson, and it’s like 20 years old.

  35. Fixit says:

    what happened to you kanye ?

    hopefully the rest of the album is good because these songs are WACK as fuck

  36. DAAA says:

    the lyrics are terrible, the beat is unoriginal, it’s a very very bad version of Marilyn Manson, WTFFF

  37. wsaz MISTER YOU says:

    congratz kanye, you ruined a classic beat from manson

  38. Morris Day Laugh says:

    Kanye if u are about to go ‘revolutionary’ be careful lol….they will kill that shit SO quick your head will spin. They always do.

  39. Panda says:

    I cried watching this thank you yeezus JUNE18TH BITCHES

  40. Raiiison says:

    0/5 and it comes from a fan

  41. Jafaar says:

    He needs to retire, right now…

  42. raiseyourL says:

    it’s worse than Cruel summer which was the worst album of 2012

  43. ober says:


    it was about as innovative as Lady GaGa wearing a dress of meat

  44. meezy says:

    how can you say this is wack?? All of you fgts talk about how Kanye is only talking about money and luxury, then Ross, future, ace hood, and Drake start doing it and its cool.

    Then Ye starts spitting real substance and y’all call it corny.

    Go listen to Tyga or Birdman or whatever you fgt jack off too.

    This is art >>>>>>> your favourite rappers music.

  45. matrix says:

    Yall niggs is haters lmao…but seriously wtf was this this nigg on some super rocc shit…this nigg really trynna go super left wit his music…cant hate though…at least it aint the same ol bullshit like all yall favorite rappers…Chuuch!!!

  46. sPaWnY says:

    thx god we have kendrick lamar and new rappers, because this song isn’t hip hop, this isn’t even music.

  47. griberghh says:

    I love kanye but no, this is poor.

  48. genO says:

    LOL, lyrically this is bad, extremely BAD.
    where is kanye ? this doesn’t sound like him, wtf man !!!

  49. klastiNo says:

    I’m done with him, he doesn’t know what to do anymore, this is as bad as indicud

  50. JUS SAYIN says:

    “(CCA = Correction Corporation of America – the private prison system)”

    Kanye hasn’t been this controversial since Diamonds. He’s telling some secrets that “important people” ain’t gonna like.

  51. sataniiiMan says:

    I feel like it will be his first bad album

  52. BIGGIESTAN says:

    Cruel summer, wtt and this one,

    3 bad albums in a row

  53. mollyg says:

    he needs to retire

  54. potoq says:

    thx god we have kendrick lamar and new rappers because kanye decided to ruin music at the end of his career

  55. sawyy3r says:

    this is the end for kanye tbh

  56. HOVA says:

    This is going to be his first wack album.

  57. Ism says:

    that first song does sound like that Marilyn Manson shit tho and the second one is Clique jr.

  58. Megamind says:

    I’ve been hyper critical of Ye lately bc he’s allowing his ego to dictate his moves. (pride before the fall)
    BUT i will say this, I just listen to Black Skinhead a cpl times and it’s a GOOD song. He’s mumbling at some point because he’s trying not to swear….but he a couple times as well as the n-word.

    “They stepped on his jersey in Akron” – nod to the King.

  59. MotaHipHop says:

    His Music has a Hendrix meets Curtis Mayfield sound to it! I have to digest it a bit!!

  60. Megamind says:

    He’s going for a lil Johnny Rotten/Sex Pistols vibe…even down to the font/text in the background.
    I’m still on the fence abt the New Slaves though

  61. Catch up niggas says:

    “Trapped in a theater like Hitler”… as you may already know, in real life, Hitler was never actually trapped in a theater. He died in a bunker. Kanye is referencing the movie “Inglorious Bastards”. Kanye isn’t referencing real life, he’s referencing the media’s version of real life.

    Another line goes like “300 like the Romans…” Now, he’s referencing another movie loosely based on real life, “300”. In real life, the forces of the 300 didn’t belong to the Romans, it belonged to Greece. He’s deliberately mistaking reality for his own version of it.

    Kanye deliberately referenced two historical events, that had famous movies based on them, and referenced the media’s version of these real events, as opposed to what actually happened. By doing so, Kanye is making an extended metaphor on how real life can be altered by the media, a concept which correlates to his own life (how the media perceives him as an asshole, etc).

    By doing so, Kanye is making his own version of REALITY with this song. These themes may be extended within the album. Since he calls himself a God in “I Am God”, the album might be about his own shaping of reality. His version of the world, since he is a god. During “Black Skinhead”, since he is God, he can alter reality and perceive it the way he wants to.

    All the movie references actually have a bigger meaning. He’s talking about how the media (ie movies) can alter the perception of things. The King Kong line is a reference to how the media perceives his relationship with Kim. They portray him as the giant ape, trying to kidnap the white woman.

  62. Catch up niggas says:

    But it’s different because King Kong isn’t based on true events, so it’s more about the media’s depiction of interracial dating, instead of the way the media can alter historical events and such.

  63. Black Shady says:

    LOL ok yeah kanye…

  64. mac DIESEL says:

    The new slaves + Black Skin Head + White baby mother = Fuckery.. all we need now is for Lupe to say Jesus was a terrorist and we going diamond

  65. That Guy says:

    Too early to make any judgments. Wait for a studio version and wait for the final product before saying he fell off. Respectable artists save their gems and don’t release them as singles, etc. I have faith.

  66. the brain trust says:

    Cruel summer, wtt and this one,

    3 bad albums in a row

    The 1st two aren’t part of his solo discography, so he’s technically still 5 for 5.

    I’ll admit, i’m skeptical of where he’s headed. But i’ve doubted Yeezy before & he’s proved me wrong.

    Let’s reserve judgement till we hear some CDQs.

  67. real says:

    2 words …. next level

  68. p6112 says:

    What happened to the soul beats?

  69. the brain trust says:

    Just listened to ‘Black Skinhead’ again & I fucking love it (apart from the ‘keep it 300, like the Romans’ error (Spartans were Greek)…

  70. STINKMEANER says:

    sounds like kanye is more interested in making a statement than in making music.

  71. Morris Day Laugh says:

    Man is the same person posting hater shit and just changing their names…this is NOWHERE NEAR bad. Some people need to do some blood doping and get that hater blood out and have it cleaned…nah just get a transfusion cuz that blood is no good.

  72. Morris Day Laugh says:

    @Catch up Niggaz…ok thats a dope breakdown…this might be a wild album

  73. jrose says:

    trashhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! …dickriders will love anything this lame puts out.

  74. Pawlmac says:

    You guys don’t understand the genius that is kanye
    Hating on anything new because you can’t understand
    This comment section is actually pathetic; smh.

  75. lmao says:

    You niggas are pathetic making alts to reply more than once to hate haha. Ye may have came into the game making hip hop but he is far more than just a rapper now. He is an actual artist and musician. Not one soul from hip hop has the balls to go in any new direction with their sound except Ye, hence his artistry. He’s one of the very FEW who push the envelope in hip hop. I can guarentee you niggas think future is talented lol. Both records are dope and shit on everything your favorite rapper has done thus far get over it. I’m also sure the message went over your heads by your responses, born in the 90’s ass niggas lol. Ya’ll really dont know shit tbh lol. The niggas you think are nice will never make it to Ye’s level, have that respect, or sell records like he do. Deal with it.

  76. lmao says:

    @catch up niggas

    You get it my nigga. You see the actual picture he was painting. These simple minded fools will always show how incompetent they are through their words.

  77. YEEZYHOME says:


  78. Couldn’t agree more @J if your not a kanye fan since day 1 than you won’t like this. If your looking for something else out there in this world and open minded you might enjoy it……..Everybody has an opinion at the f d of the day

  79. Unknown says:

    Seems like all this album is about race and being black… lyrics are terrible, songs are terrible.

  80. CHECK says:

    I’m not reading 100 comments so if someone has already said it oh well.

    Anyway, I THINK this is a sample of a Marilyn Manson joint. Can’t really tell.

  81. eat a D says:

    this shit is awful,this nigga is using shock value/pR stuntin

  82. smokehouse says:

    aaaaaand 10,000 nobody rappers are going to start doing rock beats and screaming….. NOW.

  83. smokehouse says:

    @CHECK – I know, it sounds like the drum pattern to “The Beautiful People”, but it isn’t. Probably inspired by it, tho

  84. loch121 says:

    This is dope to me.he’s really saying some shit lyrically,it’s different and not really rap purely.I like it.beat is dope.His flow is dope and is like some Rock shit ,but he spitting.This is good music to me
    Loch Afro American Horror Story Hosted by @DJDooWop http://piff.me/d91349e via @DatPiff

  85. WestCoast says:

    none give fuck about gay ass nigga aka kanye west , we need news about eminem album

  86. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Forget Kanye West, this nigga career done.

    Get ready for 50 Cent’s Street King Immortal. I’m tellling you people it’ll sell at least a milli first week.

    When that happens, remember who foretold.

  87. smokehouse says:

    @ZoomZoomDad-Otis – Can we hold you to this comment when it sells 40,000, or just if it goes platinum in its first week?

  88. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @smokehouse. you bet!

    1mil first week, my nigga. he’s bringing that real hiphop back, and will make hiphop history again.

  89. bob says:

    “content rejected”

  90. @ Catch Up says:

    In the movie, the 300 were still portrayed as Greek, not Roman. It’s an interesting theory, but since that leaves only one historical inaccuracy correlating to a media portrayal, I’d say it’s much more likely that Kanye simply didn’t check his facts.

  91. KIDDA says:

    lol, this site has some idiots that visit it. a black legend is evolving in front of our eyes. the REAL real is back. read the lyrics dumbasses.

  92. Evil says:

    What the fuck was that? Doesnt sound good at all.
    Weak lyrics again,just like New Slaves.Not impressed at all,in fact im very disappointed.

  93. Da Truthhhh says:

    Kanye Goes in he even Killed jay on watch the throne

  94. creo says:

    I want 2 hear the mix n mastered version. I dnt like all dat wild screaming. Im waiting 2hear sumthing dat blows me away. I was kinda let down the way every1 thinks its super crazy.maybe kanye got a promo team typing good comments 2 hype it up. I didnt like stronger when it came out n graduation was dope,so well see. I hope he dnt release most the album like mtdf.i like 2hear the album n full 2get the full message.

  95. Man... says:

    A lot of fucking retards commenting about how this is “trash” or that the lyrics “suck”. Shut the fuck up. This shit is dope.

  96. tha OG says:

    Illuminati !!!! Music



  98. Reblogged this on thehiltonburnellfiles and commented:
    Last night I watched Yeezy performing his two new tracks at SNL. It was fucking dope. Can’t wait to hear the studio version of two songs. Shit was fuckin’ incredible.

  99. Rozay says:

    I like Kanye’s music as much as the next person and I understand as an artist you are trying to get better after each album which he has done on previous albums but the problem is unfortunately the bar has been set starting from his debut the college dropout his albums are so good that it is almost hard to duplicate again, production always was and will be his strong suit, his lyrics have gotten so better but he still needs to improve, he still sometimes mispronounces words in his raps, although I don’t disagree with the message to me it comes off somewhat hypocritical considering his massive ego, we all there are issues with race but Kanye is Rich and successful a lot of his backlash comes from him being an asshole straight up, when you choose to be an entertainer you sign up for everything that comes with it good and bad, at this point Kanye is running out of ideas so he blends rock into his music, Kanye to me is the best at getiing his inspiration from different records he has heard and putting his on spin on it and because the average hip hop head hasn’t heard it before thinks it’s something original that Kanye has made, Jay-Z does that too in terms of fashion,cars,jewelry,watches,etc, but i’m not mad at him for that because it has influenced a whole hip hop generation, that being said Kanye is a great artist but he needs to be a better lyricist and don’t force it, these songs seemed forced to me.

  100. StarFox64 says:

    every one saying look at the lyrics hes tryna send a message, yet yall gon be the first ones lining up t pay thousands for the new red yeezy 2s..

  101. Cruel Thing says:

    I liked New Slaves ever since I heard it but Black Skinhead I didn’t like at first. It grew on me after a couple of listens. Its Yeezy Season bitches

  102. BobbyWhite says:

    the fact people are calling this whack makes me think most of y’all are fucking retards. black skinhead is crazy good

  103. Yungkata says:

    Killin it, most of y’all hatin are prob workin for the system and are afraid ye gonna expose how fucked up the whole business is.

  104. Genesis says:

    It’s on….. Get em ‘Ye…… Yeezus: June 18th……..

  105. troofa says:

    he part of the system he aint exposing shit people dont know! dea? cca? thats cartoon shit, if he got balls let him expose the FBI and the CIA! I DEAR HIM LMAOOOO. LYRICALLY TRASH SONGS GENRE BENDING THO!

  106. Megamind says:

    Ok after listening to both records a couple times…my assessment is that they are both good. Black Skinhead is actually GREAT! However, here’s my criticism lol…my girl who is the most top 40 of top 40 just made an observation which proves the point I debate with Kanye’s staunch supporters. She stated that how can he be so anti-consumerism in term of his new imagery in the backdrop and his content when that’s ALL we’ve known of him in a commercial aspect. No bear in mind, we KNOW he doesn’t just make “fashion songs” but all the the mainstream knows about Ye is that he’s the fashion forward, name brand dropping rapper. The same CAN’T be said about Pharrell who is JUST/IF NOT more immersed in fashion and known to be a fashion maven & icon.

    Kanye is def original…but a lot of what he DONDA people are doing now is steeped in Warhol, Basquiat, Coons, etc. It is good to have perspective and with him being an international star he’s melding those influences with hip-hop, I love that because I love ART…but i also know the original of what he’s doing, so i don’t like when some kid tries to act like Ye invented something. Do the knowledge, he too is standing on the shoulders of giants. Nothing’s wrong with that just give props where they are do.

    I still think his behavior can be repulsive but based on these two songs, I want to hear the new project, that Yeezus title is another debate though LOL

  107. Intelcookies says:

    I swear these comments are being paid for by the corps. This is what we call crowd sourcing comment pages.

  108. youngtoona says:

    fuckin fire

  109. anzorforever says:

    @B.Dot what’s youir take this new Kanye???

  110. anzorforever says:

    @B.Dot what’s your take on this new Kanye????

  111. SHAOLIN NY says:

    so fuckin wack..kanye was never good lyrically and his flow was never impressive, just average.

  112. B.Dot says:


    Shit’s wack son.

  113. Whut? says:

    Regardless…He got half of you to write essays. Nuff said.

  114. Da Truthhhh says:

    @troofa I DEAR HIM? thats how niggas talk were u from Family?

  115. HAHAHAHA NIGGA says:

    ↑So did your teacher and what..shut your dick riding ass up.

  116. troofa says:

    Yes why am I gettin graded?

  117. troofa says:

    Because we all know Da Truthhhh is grammatically correct. get the fuck outta here!! (in an Italian voice)

  118. troofa says:

    Somebody should throw your proofreading ass out the front door like Jazzy Jeff.

  119. CHILLSTHRILLS says:



  120. Whut? says:

    @HAHAHAHA NIGGA…. Firstly. Way to slip “Dicks” into the convo…very gangsta of you. Secondly you dumb ass doesn’t even realize I never made a statement about if the song is good or bad in my opinion. Was stating a fact stupid ass…. The fact that regardless of you or any of our opinions. He got us talking. Dayum….ain gotta get mad at that bro…You must hate weathermen…

    Ohhhh…Never mind I see. You must be a rapper? That would explain the malice.

  121. ISEE says:

    This is perfect. Exactly what is needed right now.

  122. brandonpitts says:

    No disrespect but Uh….This isn’t HipHop.

  123. FreshJ's says:

    This is DOPE! btw, i recon you to put up a youtube link since NBC video player is not available outside US.

  124. anzorforever says:

    lol u should the truth too man
    Hey it’s B.Dot from Rapradar and new kanye’s wack

  125. 27 says:

    @Daan u r funny af for that. @KOE dont feel bad.ha!
    @X whether its 20 yrs old and influenced by some other song that’s what hip hop is anyway that’s what music. Lots of artists especially “the greats” take inspiration from other greats music and just put their spin on it or do u just not know music?

  126. Fuck Errbody says:

    Kanye doing what he do best. Staying real as fuck and shaking up the beehive.

    “Be different. Do different things…”
    -Kendrick Lamar

  127. X says:

    @ 27

    Correct. Plenty of people take inspiration from others, and I didn’t say anything to the contrary. All I said was that this is not new, original or creative; in fact, it’s been done before. Having trouble with your reading comprehension?

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