New Music: Master P “Letter To My Daddy”

With Father’s Day right around the corner, P dedicates this one to his dad and to all the hardworking fathers out there.

This is my letter to all of the fathers that are out their handling their business, to the ones who struggle and sacrifice for their kids and to the fathers that never get recognized for their commitment and contribution to their kids and families. This is my letter to yall. Nobody is perfect, even if you’re no longer with your baby’s mother, you’re still taking care of your kids and your responsibilities as a father. This letter is also to my own dad. I love you, Pops… Happy Father’s Day.


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  1. I like the concept of the record, we posted this yesterday, being a supporter of Master P, Im glad you guys picked it up

  2. LikeJordan45 says:

    Master P is a trash bag musically but salute to him bringing something positive to the game and shedding light on the good fathers out there

  3. @LikeJordan45 Yo This track isnt that great, I’ll admit that, but Master P has been dropping some hot shit lately!

  4. static says:

    salute to the real reason hip hop started with a fuckin concept and voice not this garbage out nowdays..

  5. I notice that Master P is really dropping consistent records lately. Does he have new ghostwriters? Either way, I like this record.

  6. Foreign luccini says:

    Give it up give it up give it 2 me * dru down voice*

  7. JSing says:

    great concept… a dads role is truly over looked and usually not valued for what a dad brings to the table. there would be more confident and secure men if there were more daddy’s

  8. $ir$tank says:

    Ya’ll killing me thinking this man has someone to ghost write for him,the man been in the rap game over 20 years really ~GET OFF THE GAS~

  9. Tre says:

    @$ir$tank you a fool if you think otherwise. So either he has a ghost writer or he’s doing what he usually does…… Biting someone else’s style

  10. realNL says:

    @TRE. the videos online of him in the studio, recording and writing his bars, bar for bar, also check out the classic video of p alot of the hit records in the 90’s p freestyle that rowdy shit. p the orginal south hip hop artist, he got plenty of hit records and stories to tell REAL!

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