1. JOHNYblaze says:

    I dont like it……..

    But I know after a few drinks, few thick hoes in snapbacks with jordans wilding to this, my mind will change and somehow Ill be singing along booty grabbing……

    I hate how this new shit is POPULAR based music not ride out shit….

  2. Midsize Jerm says:

    Where it at tho? Ahh whatever, it’s probably some “Get Lucky” type shit with 2 Chainz instead of Daft Punk, and they re pretty much indistinguishable to begin with.


  3. Oj da Cornball says:

    Wack as expected., beat is dope though. Shout to the producer.

  4. Mo says:

    2 Chainz is perfect for turning up, parties, club music, i feel like pharrel didnt need to sing along on the track! It just changes the vibe and makes it less for the club, pharrell if you out there stop singing on every track you produce.

  5. Milli says:

    officer ricky watching…nice beat. but lyrics are shit. hook is ass

  6. holla says:

    i like this record….and this wshh record too..http://bit.ly/13oiw5j

  7. rahrahrah says:

    Rap radar trying to Punk Papoose with that blackout. The video and song “get at me”, must be meant for you guys. That song isn’t my speed, but in terms of quality it’s no worse than most of the attempts at catchy tunes that you all put up. Hope his crew doesn’t get at you, “like puffy did Steve stoute…”.

    Dude used his connects to put himself on. How can you be mad at that?

  8. drew says:

    all 2chainz music is the same….being when you initially hear it for the first time you hate it. But once the radio/club/and yo rachet ass baby mama play it around you 10 mores times it grows on you. His music is literally an infection. We need penicillin

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