1. calamitycal says:

    He sounds like a struggling upcoming rapper. thats not a good thing for somebody signed to big label like mmg

  2. Facts says:


    That new mmg compilation bout to go double wood like every other of their releases

    1. calamitycal says:

      thats mad funny, @facts: double wood.

  3. fan of good music says:

    You didn’t make it until you get some haters mmg & wiz stay winning that’s why you fuxk niggas stay hating

  4. Bowtie_fly says:

    In other news – Jesus died for our sins and if you can truly somewhat fathom how much he loves us, you will try a tad bit harder to live life according to his will.
    not preaching, just reaching someone who may not know this valuable info!

    1. calamitycal says:

      Bowtie, WTF. Your point had nothing to do with any of the comments or the track. go post on TD Jakes’ site with that ish.

  5. Da Truthhhh says:

    Heard it Before sounds Like a Currency and Wiz Track

  6. $unny Doe says:

    Still an Official Collab,
    Keep it up

  7. why is joey’s audio here? =/

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