New Music: Big K.R.I.T. “King Pt. 3”
June 19, 2013 @ 10:20 PM EDT

King Remembered In Time is back with his King freestyle series. For the third installment, he brings some his southern hospitality to Nas’ No I.D.-proudced track, “Stay”.
K.R.I.T buried this beat. Damn
Nas > Cole > Krit
You mean Cole’s track, lol.
The best young artist in the game. More insightful lyrics & tight flow
How is this guy not getting more love
Fucking killed it.
he deserves to be as big or bigger than cole, its sad that he seems to be stuck lately
[…] New Music: Big K.R.I.T. “King Pt. 3″ […]
i think its
krit > cole > nas
im in terms of substance and lyrics on this joint
this is meh, he is boring
he hasn’t evolved as an artist, sorry but I’m one with him.
I don’t want to support that cat anymore, dude has been doing the same shit since 2011.
The hate is real
This is the music that makes me check out new shit in the first place
Big K.R.I.T: >
same shit, boring… krit proved again why he wasn’t able to fuck with the leaders of the new school
This nigga underrated as fuck
up to I saw the check of $4627, I did not believe that…my… mother in law could really bringing in money in there spare time on their computer.. there sisters neighbour has done this for only a year and just now repaid the loans on their apartment and got a great Lancia Straton. we looked here,
He will be bigger then any of you will ever expect in the future. You’ll see
when an artist changes his style up. ppl say where’s the old stuff lol. KRIT’s top 5 right now
great lyrics over a smooth Nas beat, nice.
Nas, J. Cole and K.R.I.T. did they thang on this
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