1. yourstruly says:

    K.R.I.T buried this beat. Damn

  2. Batman says:

    Nas > Cole > Krit

  3. Shromz says:

    You mean Cole’s track, lol.

  4. Strong Johnson says:

    The best young artist in the game. More insightful lyrics & tight flow

  5. balwantsingh says:

    How is this guy not getting more love

  6. Sean Mahoney says:

    Fucking killed it.

  7. yup says:

    he deserves to be as big or bigger than cole, its sad that he seems to be stuck lately

  8. DJ Semtex's Prothsetic says:

    i think its

    krit > cole > nas

    im in terms of substance and lyrics on this joint

  9. anonymous says:

    this is meh, he is boring

  10. wsaz MISTER YOU says:

    he hasn’t evolved as an artist, sorry but I’m one with him.

  11. azeggg says:

    I don’t want to support that cat anymore, dude has been doing the same shit since 2011.

  12. Facts says:

    The hate is real

    This is the music that makes me check out new shit in the first place

    Big K.R.I.T: >

  13. mollyg says:

    same shit, boring… krit proved again why he wasn’t able to fuck with the leaders of the new school

  14. Kaybee says:

    This nigga underrated as fuck

  15. kaitlyn beaumont says:

    up to I saw the check of $4627, I did not believe that…my… mother in law could really bringing in money in there spare time on their computer.. there sisters neighbour has done this for only a year and just now repaid the loans on their apartment and got a great Lancia Straton. we looked here, w­w­w.K­E­P­2.c­o­m

  16. Tooldforrap says:

    He will be bigger then any of you will ever expect in the future. You’ll see

  17. AJB4 says:

    when an artist changes his style up. ppl say where’s the old stuff lol. KRIT’s top 5 right now

  18. great lyrics over a smooth Nas beat, nice.

  19. Loyalty says:

    Nas, J. Cole and K.R.I.T. did they thang on this

  20. The5King says:

    Best In A While

  21. The5King says:

    The Rap Game Is Filled With Wack Dudes With No Heart, Glad KRIT Here

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