Fat Joe Sentenced To Four Months


Don Cartagena had his day in court today and was sentenced to four months on tax evasion charges. A month ago, Joe spoke out on his issues with Uncle Sam on Rap Fix. Stay up, Joe.

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  1. Kaybee says:

    Four months is a piece of cake

  2. Zombie Rick says:

    Yooo is it really hard to pay taxes????

  3. miami-LIL SHOTTA says:

    So wat about DEM white MF they do the same SHIT too…

  4. TruthBeTold says:

    I LOL’d when I saw the Title . I dont know why .

  5. Judge Dredd says:

    My understanding is not all the states signed off on the income tax bill when it was enacted. So presumably it is considered “unconstitutional” to remit any payment to a “private entity” such as the IRS.

    With that being said, there’re awful lot of minorities going to jail for tax evasion while some caucasians are winning in court against the IRS (google it – documentary). Do they have better lawyers or am I missing something.

    @ Kaybee, you’ve obviously never been to prison to consider four months a “piece of cake.” IMO he should not spend a day in jail but rather a fine and interest on the amounts owed.

  6. JustMyOpinion says:

    Damn. I know this may not be the forum for this question, but I must ask; the accountants who handle rappers’ monies/taxes, how come there’s no ACCOUNTability in their profession? Is there no fidicuary duty (read: trust) between accountant and client?

  7. Leanin' says:

    He has a GREAT Lawyer! And if it was Cali and Not Jersey he would’v gotten 4 MINUTES! Lindsey Blowhan style! hahaha

  8. Judge Dredd says:

    @ JustMyOpinion, although that maybe of concern I think there are several underlying factors. For instance, it is the responsibility of the client (celebrity) to disclose all financial transactions in order for the Accountant not to under report their income, hence underpay income tax.

    Meaning in most cases, the artists are not disclosing cash dealings (appearances) to their Accountant. Which leads them to under report their incomes and things like these happen.

    Secondly, a witch-hunt (minority celebrities facing jail time for tax evasion?)

    Thirdly, IRS have already been caught (read the news) targeting Obama supporters.

    Fourth….. etc…. etc….. etc.

  9. creo says:

    4months is a blessing. Fuck the irs they take our money n we cnt owe them shit.when really we dnt owe them shit.the system pimp us everyday.freedom aint free.we gotta move 2texas where they dnt have income tax

  10. JustMyOpinion says:

    ^ Sounds plausible.

  11. JustMyOpinion says:

    ^ @ Judge Dredd

  12. jake$ the motherfuckin answer says:

    those that mean his broke now?

  13. slick says:

    hold ya head joe crack i don’t wish jail on nobody

  14. Hannibal Lecture says:

    Dont feel sorry for no one who doesnt pay there taxes. You want to ball and stunt to the world when your fortunate enough to be in that situation. Take care of your business.

  15. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @Hannibal Lecture.

    … pay THEIR taxes. Not THERE taxes, dumbass. Learn English.

  16. Texas G says:

    Texas nigg@$ pay taxes too!! Just no state tax.

  17. Hannibal Lecture says:


    Tax these nuts! Correct that bitch!

  18. Bornsinner says:

    Pay ya taxes, you niggaz is hustlin’ backwards..Niggaz need to learn from Jay

  19. creo says:

    @texas g ne savings is gd brother. Thanks 4the info. Maybe its business dat dnt pay income tax. In cali they always say business move 2texas cuz of tax breaks. Ne way fuck the irs or ne1 taking mine when they didnt work wit me 2get it n the 1st place

  20. Inside I'm Ice!, Outside I'm Lava! says:

    @Kaybee, how’s this: “take all your clothes off, spread your arms wide, lift your nut sack, open your mouth, put your fingers around your mouth and to back of your teeth, turn around, lift your right foot, now your left, squat down, give me four hard coughs, ok bend over spread your ass cheek, & that’s only going to the visiting room! @Judge IRS was targeting non-Obama supporters as it was reported, which is bs!

  21. jose says:

    Free joe crack.

  22. Exile says:

    Why are Rappers making it easy for the man to lock they asses up? SMH

  23. TecOneNyc says:

    And the big pun curse continues….

  24. inb4tupacnasfan says:


  25. Afi K. James says:

    Fuck the IRS.

  26. […] After his long day in court, Fat Joe returns home only to find out that his lady is living foul in his new video with Future. Damn, is this definitely not something you look forward to before serving time. […]

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