Kanye West Yeezus Tops Charts

2013 Governor's Ball Music Festival - Day 3


Kanye doesn’t do the most press, but he sells the most records. According to HDD, Ye’s Yeezus will top the Billboard charts after moving an estimated 328,800 copies. Rounding out the top three are J.Cole and Mac Miller. Hip-Hop rules! Final tallies tomorrow.

UPDATE: Billboard has the final #s. Kanye scores his 6th #1 with 326,841. Meanwhile, J.Cole’s Born Sinner racks in 296,642 and Mac Miller’s Watching Movies With The Sound Off tallies 101,600.

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  1. loch says:

    Cole did way better than ppl thought as far as keeping up w/ Ye.I think he did the rt thing dropping the same day.Born Sinner
    Loch Ft. @DJDooWop “Spaz Out” (official Music Video): http://youtu.be/oWF0DkfI2zk

  2. Dashing says:

    Wow. Cole was dangerously close to him. Way better numbers than Cole World. #smartdecision
    I guess the boy’s a man now, like Wanya.

  3. Skinny says:

    This is good for the culture man we need more positive headlines like this proud of cole ye & mac

  4. That’s the best picture y’all could find?

  5. migueljontell says:

    DIOPE. ye’ needs to sign his sound alike http://soundcloud.com/love_at_first_sound/paparazzilife

  6. Facts says:

    Unfortunately. no Hip Hop album is #1 on the chart

  7. Glob3Traht3r says:

    Not bad right? I guess this is where we are now.. no more million sales 1st week?

  8. LikeJordan45 says:

    Kanye numbers kinda weak for Kanye but overall this is a win for hip hop. Salute these 3.

    Cole made it interesting.

  9. @SelectahSnipa says:

    Enough said. #GOODMusic

  10. M.T says:

    Congrats to Cole, Kanye and Mac. Surprised Kanye was able to do more than 300k with little promo. Just shows where he is at this stage of his career. Yeezus was ok album for me tho. Mac Miller’s album was better than what i expected. he did good numbers especially for being an independent artist.

    “This makes twice now, I doubled what you expected”. shout out to cole for being so close. Cole has a strong fanbase and, with this, he cements himself as an elite rapper in this rap game. Born Sinner was a major improvement from Sideline Story especially production wise and is AOTY so far.

  11. @tshiamofs says:

    Mac MILLER will prolly get the biggest cheque

  12. Firepower says:

    Em will do heter than ye and cole combined

  13. hiphopfad says:


  14. Leon Sandcastle says:

    Cole even being that close to kanye but i was expecting kanye to sell a lot more.

    i like Born sinner.
    wasn’t feeling Yeezus.
    is Mac miller’s cd any good? I almost bought it when i went to get Wale’s but was like, nah.

  15. Word says:

    Look at how much Cole ate into Kanye’s sales. I think this is more of a win for Cole than for Kanye, which shouldnt be considered an L. Kanye was expected to do north of 500k while Cole was supposed to be south of 200k (according to predictions from weeks ago).

    Mac with another decent showing for somebody who is indie. Not bad at all despite dropping same day as Ye.

    Think this proves dudes like Ye, Hov, Em, are not to be feared anymore. I think the new gen of rappers should be thanking Cole. Cole held it down thoroughly and should recieve praise for coming only 30k short of Ye when most thought itd be by a few hundered thousand. Now young rappers hsouldnt be afraid or tempted to move their sales up or down despite a vet dropping same day or week. Just promote and let your fans handle it.

  16. LP1031 says:

    All victories, but Cole got it sonically

  17. Jax says:

    The rankings are actually very significant too, not just the actual numbers. The fact that urban music acts debuted one through four, when you include Kelly Roland, that was a big win. And not since 2006 have three rap albums done six figure debuts and ranked 1 to 3. You gotta give Cole credit for making that week as big as it turned out to be.

  18. pptheTRUTH says:


  19. LP1031 says:

    Oh yeah like I said, Jay is thee ultimate victor…..#MAGNACARTA on the way

  20. london says:

    kanye did well ..the album was average ..not my shit ,and cole did fucking great.great album. no more million sales.let´’s see what em can do, he is still angry and hungry so that’s good.

  21. cmon son he knocked up a bitch on reality tv and the baby dropped a week before his album did.

    lmao no press

    all kanye does is get press/promo

    all he gotta do is walk into a sign and fuckers are talking about him

    moreover you should be saying he ALWAYS debuts at #1 , that’s a respectable statement instead of searching for reasons why he needs to gloat

  22. Word says:

    @hiphopfad No press or promo? Then what was he doing when he was premiering songs on the side of buildings? That wasn’t promo? The Yeezus commercial wasn’t promo? That short film wasn’t promo? The NY times interview wasn’t press? Not to mention performances in Switzerland and the Governors ball as well.

    I like Kanye. Didnt like the album a lot, but lets not be blind dickriders and pretend Kanye didnt do a damn thing to promote this album. Like he just announced it and dropped it and 300k ppl bought it point blank. Thats not how it went. And lets not pretend that 300k first week is great for Ye either. Its his lowest first week total of his career, promotion or not, thats subpar for Ye.

    But fuck sales anyway I guess.

  23. Shooga says:

    They both win, good move, end of story.

  24. DT says:

    There’s levels to this shit!!!

  25. Aggie Pride says:

    Cole not to far behind nigga almost got 300K

  26. JustMyOpinion says:

    Hard work pays off. Congrats to all three artist.

  27. JustMyOpinion says:

    @ Glob3Traht3r

    ^ Unfortunately, those days are over. Thanks to A LOT of corny “rappers” who’ve turned this into a singles game. Their concerned with ONE hot single, go gold and they called themselves successful.

  28. Capricorn Religion says:

    @ Word

    “Think this proves dudes like Ye, Hov, Em, are not to be feared anymore. I think the new gen of rappers should be thanking Cole.”

    This line struck me for some reason because, well its starting to get true. I grew up on all three of these artists. (Especially Em and Jay. Or, as I like to refer to them as The Rock and Stone Cold of my time)

    Its crazy seeing this new wave being able to come in an do damage like this. Ha. I’m getting old I guess. Oh well.

    I wouldn’t have wanted Hip-Hop to end with just Em and Jay. This is a bittersweet win for Hip-Hop

  29. yeaHOE says:

    what’s the whole story on declining sales in in music and urban music specifically??..It’s not completely attributed to piracy right?..I mean, I find it hard to believe that hundreds of thousands of people illegally downloaded Born Sinner and Yeezus. Remember Graduation did like 900something thousand first week?? smh..anybody have any idea what other factors contributed to the decline in urban sales?

  30. Black Shady says:

    Cole won!!!!!

  31. yeaHOE says:

    I read that one reason for the decline in sales is that they completely stop playing hip hop on Top 40 stations..unless ur Macklemore or Mac Miller.

  32. jaz says:

    Em going to do J. Cole and Kanye numbers combined? probably because he white and white people are the majority of the people buying albums.

  33. CrazyShit says:

    Let’s be honest Kanye had a baby before his album dropped to the biggest Reality Television star of all time fuckin no press Kanye was on every magazine, Was the talk of tv shows, Radio shows little baby North did the Niggas press for him no doubt! and every mother fucker on those Talk Shows, Radio Shows and magazine’s promoted the album by telling the reader/listeners when it dropped…So let it be known young homies that this dude HAD promo but he a smart ass nigga..

    now on topic wit the news what a great day for Hip Hop Kanye was decent nuttin special maybe 4 memorable tracks, J.cole album was dope 70% dope only three or four tracks I aint fuck wid!.This white dude Mac Miller did hid thing though I personally hated the album this dude on an independent label hustle his ass to 100k in the first week…

  34. KingJuggaNott says:

    Damn…..Congrats to all of ’em.

  35. CrazyShit says:

    @jaz on some racist shit there tho nigga this aint the 50s but the lil homie right tho we motherfuckers don’t buy no albums we bootleg those shits

  36. coolc says:

    Good sales for J Cole

  37. Evil says:

    Cole almost got him,lol
    Good for the 3 of them.

  38. Bowtie_fly says:

    Really intelligent move by Jcole. See kids, school does pay off, even for rappers! Trap rappers are retards because they cater to the trap. Guess what, the traps and hoods are not buying Cd’s! So, do like Gucci Mane and release millions of mix tapes so you can tour with those terrible trap songs!

  39. Jav says:

    The fact that 3 of hip hops bigger stars combined could only sell 700k says a lot about the culture

  40. awww shit says:

    kanye’s album was wack as hell no excuses he should atleast sell above 500k 1st week as for j cole hes a small time rapper so 290k is excellent for him

  41. alex says:

    again with the eminem is white shit???really? grow the fuck up

    great numbers cole,kanye did well but the album it’s not that great

  42. Marteens says:

    got damn this nigga jcole did 300k kendrick did 243k lol huge grow from last album surpised kanye did so little thought atleast 370-500k

  43. Devante says:

    Hip Hop winning

  44. crysis says:

    look at what having a baby and dating the biggest hussie in the world will get ya. and people say no press LMAO. what bigger press do you need when you got the bitch on tv 24/7.

  45. Mister B says:


  46. dmc says:

    Lets see how the second week goes

  47. Dashing says:

    I feel what @hiphopfad is saying…

    No “traditional” press for Ye. No radio “single” No music videos available on YouTube. No cross marketing campaign with the NBA or anything. No TV or radio interviews. And because of that every time we saw him anywhere it got major exposure (like that The NY Times article) Basically, Def Jam spent no money on marketing and he still did real well. Goes to show that Ye doesn’t need a record label any more for any reason.

    I feel Cole on this reverence for Ye, Em, Nas, and Jay thing. Obviously they’re legends, but the new breed has to fight to be in the conversation. Jay had to fight to earn his spot. So did Ye and Em so the Kendrick’s, Coles, and Drake’s gotta do the same thing. It feels like a good space for hip hop now though. Even shit like Tyler and ASAP Rocky, which came out and has almost been forgotten was still unique and had it’s own sound.

    I, like a lot of hip hop heads, like the idea of Yeezus and what it represents(anti-commercialism, defiance, genre bending etc) more than I like the music itself. But as long as hip hop artists keep pushing the boundaries, not making bland radio hits, we’ll got more new classics.

  48. over@ted says:

    Damn..that yeezy album is back pockets ….

  49. WestCoast says:

    hhhhh 300K !!!?? media whore

  50. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Congrats to all 3 artists. Kanye always does good numbers opening week. I like how Roc Nation & J.Cole did his whole promo. Damn Mac Miller did 100K he is a indie artist if im right.

  51. @KuulB says:

    Impressed with J. Coles’s numbers.. He’s finally made it

  52. matrix says:

    Niggz is serious? did yall niggz know kanye was dropping an album before last month? shut the fugg up usually rappers be talking up they albums for months and years and shit look at push and fab and fuggin big sean…that what niggz is saying…of course he had to do some type of fuggin promotion but lets not act like it was a regular album promo…oh and Cole on the rise!! young nigg did better numbers than alot of the so called top artist of today…Chuuch…

  53. DJ Game says:

    such a great week for hip hop! proud of cole and mac! ye’s album is horrendous; so disappointed.

  54. As expected, but Cole wan’t that far behind!

  55. Kaybee says:

    Haha Cole made Kanye shook like Romney did Obama!

  56. Siy@ says:

    @ yeaHOE
    ACCESS Is the dominant answer to you low sales question. Getting access to music has become so easy that it becomes a hard decision to buy something you can get for free or earlier.

    Internet has been around for some time now but access to music on the internet is becoming alarmingly ridiculous E.g all 3 albums were already available for access before their release day.

    This then leads to only dickriders/stans buying albums and not both dickriders/stans and Hip Hop fans… before (bout 10/13 years ago) both dickriders/stans and Hip Hop fans would buy music, now only dickriders/stans buy music… so the more dickriders/stans you have the more sales you get SIMPLE.

    I did not buy Kanyes album because Im not a Kanye dickrider/stan who’d convince their self that its hi-end, art, fresh, cool, groundbreaking, saved Hip Hop and that at 2nd or 3rd listen i’ll get it… but because Im a Hip Hop fan i downloaded it to have something that’s relevant in current Hip Hop.

  57. andretti says:

    wow. born sinner has been playing on my ipod everyday. yeezus just one time.
    smh. born sinner should be number 1 and im sure a lot of people would agree.

  58. Judo says:

    Numbers wise Kanye won but Cole had the better album…Havent listened to Macs album and probably wont. Either way this is a win for hip hop. I hope more artist drop their albums on the same day.

  59. MrSkeezyMak says:

    Interested to see Cole vs Kanye 2nd week numbers.. Cole might beat him, since Kanye’s album sucks dick.

  60. CM PUNK says:

    The real winner here is that black jew named JAY-Z!

  61. StarFox64 says:

    if em keeps this up he’s going to do shit numbers he’s losing fans on the daily…

  62. Kanye & Mac’s numbers are lower than their last albums
    “Yeezus” did nearly 200k less than the last album “MBDTF”

    J Cole is the winner cause AS I WROTE BEFORE

    Hip Hop heads needed an alternative & J Cole gave it to them.

    Ultimately , “Yeezus” will go down as a landmark for Ye as the first real failure & Ye will get by selling you sheep the “I’m an artist, I don’t care about sales or the radio”
    even tho he’s been bragging about being the “best producer alive”
    and the “biggest rockstar”

    So the biggest rockstar and best producer alive doesn’t make music to be on the radio?

    The hype is over , time to get back to the music till you fanboys over-react to Jay Z’s not album of “My life is great, & I’m still real. However, my life is sponsored by a cell phone company among others”

    @p0is0nedkoola on twitter
    Let me guess who posted this story does it start with B for bitch and Dot for Doting fanboy of the Roc?

  63. OuTLaW says:


    Its not so much that people in the hundreds of thousands are downloading the albums for free of the net. its the fact that you can go on the net and listen to the albums in full without the need to download them at all. whether your using the laptop or your phone wi fi is nearly everywhere now so you can always listen to free music while your on the go these days. plus with the way this global economy is not everyone will or can afford to pay the money for albums. but with that being said if you are truly a fan of a certain artist its always important to try a support them if you can in some way.

  64. OuTLaW says:


    Nailed it on the head.

  65. Set303 says:

    LOL at people saying this is a bigger win for Cole than Kanye….. LOL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YA”LL

    Kanye still beat Cole and his album damn near had zero promotion with no radio single. With that said it’s a win for Cole still cause on all fronts he did better than the 1st album. I wonder why there was such a massive difference for Mac? Roughly 40K people that bought his first album didn’t buy this one in the first week.

  66. PistolPistol says:

    What a fucking joke. Sooo rigged. Or just a bunch of egotistical people like himself buying his shit… Or Kim is buying all the stores out. Haaa Kanye= Douche bag

  67. Despite says:

    Fuck the numbers. Cole won.

  68. SayItAin'tSo says:

    Cole would have deserved the top spot! Way better album then what Kanye did! Good to see Mac up there too!

  69. Rah hill says:

    It’s a win for the ROC. period

  70. Truth Will Out says:

    about 3.8 millon in sales for Cole. Nice job!

  71. the watcher says:

    word in the industry is that rocnation bought about 150k of Cole albums

  72. payattention says:

    @the watcher – Nah not buying that. Ok Cole doesn’t have the huge widespread appeal that Ye’ does but any and every show he does sells out and he has the most dedicated fans of anyone short of probably Em. If he had done huge 500k+ numbers first week then maybe you could believe that but personally I thought he could do better than 300k+.

    As has been said elsewhere, it just shows how youtube, spotify and other streaming sites are killing sales. I mean shit its easier to google the album and download it then it is to buy the fuckin thing from iTunes.

  73. Drake Stole Lil Wayne's Jeggins says:

    Roc nation bought 200 thousand copies of born sinner.

  74. Lightsaber Leg says:

    Got damn jcole

  75. Unknown says:

    HIP HOP WON !!!!

  76. Rozay says:

    Looks like Jay-Z is the big winner here, all I see is ROC as in rocafella and roc nation on the top two albums, Jay-Z is getting paid off both.

  77. Twizzy says:

    People need to stop saying Mac Miller is indie, his label Rostrum is using Atlantic records (because of the relationship through Wiz) for his Merchandising, Radio Promotion, and Marketing. An Atlantic Rep already got caught red handed sending his music out back in 2011 and claimed he just sent it to a few dj’s because as a favor because they were asking him for it (google it). Fact is when labels send stuff to DJ’s its gonna be more likely to get spinned because these DJ’s are hungry to develop and maintain relationships with a major label. Its hardly indie when you basically have a major handing your music to outlets to get played and promoted; thats what really translates into sales for any artist and is the hugest hurdle for any indie label. But the perception that he is independent makes him seem more like a wonder kid.

  78. BiscoeTheBoss says:

    That Kanye album was “different”! Based off his previous albums, including 808s and My Beautiful, Yeezus was a FAIL. Press, Promo, Controversy and a Cult-like Fan base is the only reason that the album didn’t collect dust on shelves. Not to mention that the sneaker community only bought the album to increase their chances of winning a free pair of Yeezys. Cole on the other hand, did some pretty good promo, Dollar & A Dream tour, then delivered a solid album. For him to drop the same day as Kanye and do 297k in the first week is a major accomplishment. The NaS co-sign and the couple hundred albums that Drake bought helped those numbers a bit. I’m not really a fan of Mac, so I haven’t heard the album. But 100k in the first week for an independent artist translates into a decent paycheck. In the end, despite the numbers, Cole and Mac won, Kanye took a L!

  79. Bolt says:


  80. STINKMEANER says:

    Who cares about album sales, J Cole won musically

  81. honesty601 says:

    Yeezus was not a good album! It sold because of Kanye’s popularity, its not his best body of work. Born Sinner is a far better album production wise and lyrically, Cole has more to prove so he went in. Yeezus is like a bunch of left over Kanye rants over beats. Ive never seen a famous person complain more about being famous than Mr. West. These three albums are a good thing for rap/hip-hop but be honest Yeezus is not worth $11.99.

  82. T says:

    hip hop is dead

    fans need to learn there shit

  83. vlado says:


  84. Yeezus is blasphemus against my name.

  85. COOL.. says:


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  87. platerboy says:


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