New Video: Freddie Gibbs “Lay It Down”

That intro is gold. Ha! Gangsta Gibbs returns to his hometown and breaks the heavy artillery for his new video. The track is in support of his latest endeavor E$GN, which you can support here.


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  1. Ace Hood's watch says:

    Gibbs trying to hard.

  2. jeezy says:

    esgn was trash trap music, gibbs better then this. R.I.P. Gibbs.

  3. Banana Pudding says:


    Jeezy took a L lettin Gibbs go imo


    5 minutes of worldstar fame are ova pussy

  5. Judge Dredd says:

    Gangsta Gibbs Hoe, ESGN is the business… Dope album, incredible trap records. Better than anything Jeezy is doing at the moment or ever as a matter of fact.

    ESGN & YEEZUS I’m rocking with heavy.

  6. HonestOpinion says:

    This is trash. Exploiting your hometowns situation to prove how much of a man you are. #assbackwards

    Talking bout killers.. Yeah killers of blacks. #staythefuckfromroundme

    1. B.Dot says:

      Trash? Stop it

  7. JL says:

    Kinda sick of this style of rap

  8. Deez Nuts says:

    @HonestOpinion You have no clue what you’re talking about. Freddie gives back to his community and tries to lift others out of there. He shows what its like out there but its to shine a light on something others would like to forget about and help, not exploit.

  9. pptheTRUTH says:

    Gibbs spits so well.. Example.. This CD.. Other examples with much better and not rick ross-ish/waka flaka sounding beats(mainstream) is BFK or Baby Face Killa.. Or that old midwestboxframecaddillacmuzik<== SOmething like that.. Its SOOOOOOOOOOO good.. Like amazing.. This is try and appeaking to the fans of waka flaka with great raps but its too over their heads IMO and the people who like Gibbs can see that this is a step away from what made them like them.. However true fans can dig it and I find the greatness in it anyways.

  10. rahrahrah says:

    Listened to ESGN….two or three hot tracks. Dude is talented, but he’s painting himself into a corner. Wish him the best, but I certainly can’t take any of his tracks and recommend them to women and children. If that’s the case then when am I going to listen to this?

  11. William Wallace says:

    @rahrahrah you sounding like a little bitch. I know a lot of women that like esgn. Stop hanging out with children

  12. HonestOpinion says:

    To clarify my point I said that this is TRASH! Not his whole body of work. He’s exploiting his neighborhood, himself, and his people in that video. But hey for 3 min and 39 sec’s of fame who wouldn’t. #onlythemyopic

    I am tired of people exploited there past situation to furnish their new situation. #rearviewrappers

    With talent comes great responsibility! Which at present is absent.

  13. LardASS says:

    albums not that great, honestly thought it would be better

  14. julio says:

    This is garbage .. Gibbs is garbage

  15. KORI says:

    HIP HOP is dead when U got country ASS niggaz like this actin’ like they HARD…FOH nigga..# fake banger

    1. B.Dot says:

      These comments are obvious trolls. Gibbs is too cold.

  16. KingJuggaNott says:

    This shit is trash.

  17. Officer Ricky says:

    Song is fire, Jeezy fucked up on this one….kind of doubtful Jeezy has the capabilities to launch somebody’s career…

    I agree that the video is exploitative of his community but give me a break it’s not like these guys have something better to do. My bigger concern is the lack of originality in the video…I have seen about 200,000 videos almost identical to this one.

  18. Loch says:

    Gibbs got bangers,Album is tight
    Loch Ft. @DJDooWop “Spaz Out” (official Music Video):

  19. Anti-Lollipop KId says:

    Okayyy yooo…

  20. steezplati says:

    Gangsta gibbs always drops bars if ppl actuallyy listen to what hes saying hes frommm fro trash gotta stop with the hate

  21. chino says:

    why yall talking shit or “hating”?..back when he dropped that BFK he was getting praise from alot of people all of a sudden hes indie and leaves jeezy and he sucks?..album was pretty good mayb not as good as BFK but he still had good tracks..this one included

  22. yeaHOE says:

    Am I the only one that thinks ESGN sounds like it wasn’t mastered? how much does it cost to get an album mixed and mastered professionally? I would have enjoyed it more if the sound quality was better.

  23. creo says:

    Lol @ william wallace. Gangsta gibbs is slamming. Nothing wrong wit doing a video n ur hood.

  24. Judge Dredd says:

    You love him, you hate him, now he’s exploitative of his community?? You fucking haters are just that HATERS.

    I say show what your community has to offer, whether it be positive or negative. I believe it’s called artistic expression. If there are 200,000 similar rap videos out, it should be a note to you that out of your little sheltered existence there’s the real world. Where a majority of the young men in the hoods worldwide live like that life everyday.

    So fuck all you all and your suburban sensibilities…. Last I heard Drake was still making menopausal music y’all bitches…… Gangsta Gibbs Hoe.

  25. KingJuggaNott says:

    I’m from the Hood and I still think this shit is trash. Any real MFer from the hood ain’t glorifying what the fuck is going on in THIS fucking video. Niggas is dying every day in New Orleans fool…I swear Real niggas is trying to get OUT the fucking streets and all you bitch ass niggas is trying to get in the Streets. This shits lame.

  26. Megamind says:

    @BDot – question for you broham…WHAT’S COLD ABOUT THIS? I’d really like to know.
    I JUST HAD a real ephiphany…this IS trash, it’s sonically it sound like a carbon of songs done better, lyrically he’s saying NOTHING of note and VISUALLY – there’s a litany of offenses. This is not productive at all bro…And I’m not on my save the hood ish…BUT Really we do need to save the hood.

    As @HonestOpinion stated…WHO is he talking about laying it down to? residents of HIS own neighborhood. He’s not talking about Park Ave residents or Bel Air or Gold Coast residents. The dame lyrics say “Neutrons get crossed out”…which means you can’t even co-exist around someone with this mentality unless you’re in a gang or thuggin/menacing like they are. This isn’t for the brother in the neighborhood looking to get out…this is for those who have no vision beyond that particular moment or day.

    I grew on “gangsta” rap and when done well…ie Ice Cude/Kool G, etc….its more of a story than threats over beats…this is just bad man…and I’m not even really talking from a musical standpoint…the visual was worse to me…it shows a lot of lost souls and black folk, who many are probably too far gone. These videos are public indictments on themselves.

    For any NIGGA in here talking about this is REAL, etc…yada yada….this IS real…but so is working and taking care of yourself and family. This is the easy way out….get a degree, applied knowledge of a trade, starting a business THAT shit is REAL and FUCKING HARD!

    @Judge Dredd, you seem to be able to articulate your POV so why all the hate at people living in area where they don’t have to be surrounded by people in this video? These are the same type of cats who would throw a candy wrapper on the ground instead of the garbage 2 feet away from him.
    It’s a mentality which it seem YOU subscribe to. My point being IF you live in the hood and have seen violence and degradation first hand…WHY THE FUCK would you want to glorify it?? I’m not attacking you just asking a question and before you ask i’m from NY and I’ve have seen IT ALL!…

    We all love diff music for diff moods but as a grown man, I can’t condone this shit VISUALLY…Truth be told…THESE are the type of images people see and make them cling to their guns and won’t even rationally compromise on reasonable gun laws…and BE CLEAR…your glock, pump, AR, etc aint stop SHIT if/WHEN they decide to send the national guard into your neighborhood!

    That is all…The mind….OUT

  27. Megamind says:

    @KingJuggaNott – PREACH!!!! I don’t understand cats man…but they say the simplest things in life are the truest and i’ve learn “all people don’t think a like”…..cats are really ignorant bro!

  28. Deez Nuts says:

    @Megamind please know that in life there will always be people that we call bitches. People who sit and bitch and complain while others are trying to enjoy what they’re enjoying. It happens with everything. Such is life. And right now you’re one of em

  29. King Chandler says:

    “Steady whippin up the dope man, G.I. N*gga got slugs for the snowman”. I been fuckin with Gibbs music since Full Metal.

  30. Rap Essence says:

    The album is dope too. Its a tad too long with a few filler tracks, but most of it is really good.

  31. Kaybee says:

    Gangsta Gibbs hoe! Fuck a hater!!

  32. The Raisin Looking Fortune Cookie (#1 HATER @ RR) says:


  33. Officer Ricky says:

    @ Judge Dredd

    You sound like a simpleton dude, not all criticism is due to “HATERS” you fucking 12 year old.
    I said I like the song, I said Jeezy made a mistake not hanging on to Gibbs, but since I criticized the video I’m a hater?

    @ Megamind

    I agree with alot of what you wrote but the song is kinda cold…for what it is supposed to be, it is dope

    Gangsta Gibbs is not a civil rights leader he’s a gangsta rapper from Gary Indiana….readjust your expectations

  34. Megamind says:

    @Deez Nutz….any man who will call himself Deez Nutz is normally not worth a reply but oh well.
    Please explain how I’m bitching and complaining? If you can do articulately and without cursing, I’ll have a gentleman’s debate with you.

    NAH actually, I’m not gonna argue with a fool…because that would make me foolish.
    If you don’t see nothing wrong with the content of this VISUAL…not even the audio, I can tolerate or brush off the audio…but the VISUAL to this record, something is wrong with you…God bless ya though.

  35. Banana Pudding says:


    …… and all the HATERS!


  36. crakavelli says:


    Gibbs keeps WAY more socially conscious content in his raps then most any other nigga that spits that drug/violence shit….

    Gibbs LIVED it, and has — interview after interview — condemned rappers for glorifying a life which 1) they didn’t live, and 2) is destructive to communities.

    This track goes hard, obviously its not some Talib Kweli shit. BUT, Gibbs can/will lay tracks like that tho…

  37. j says:

    @Megamind have you seen the thuggin video??? That makes this look like nothing. Anyways, Gibbs has plenty of street conscious songs (the ghetto, never ending cycle, etc). Cocaine Pinata (his upcoming album with Madlib) will feature more street conscious songs. ESGN stands for evil seeds grow naturally or EAST SIDE GARY NIGGAZ. This album is for the streets. For the ignorant. For the fans he made when he was with Jeezy. And for the true Gibbs fans that appreciate the grimy gutter music he is notorious for (slammin, murda on my mind, rob me a nigga, ETC). Any true Gibbs fan fucks with the GUDDA MURDA MURDA Gibbs just as much as the street conscious Gibbs. And for those that like a little softer touch, COCAINE PINATA WILL BE OUT IN OCTOBER

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