1. DJ Semtex's Prothsetic says:

    glad to see cham still has these lyrics and flow calling out these fakes bruh eh
    The truth: is chamillionare being slept on?

  2. orlando ordaz says:

    this freestyle i wasnt expecting and boi cham did his thing on this track it makes me so ready for upcoming projects

  3. Stillo says:

    NICE…..New Stuff

  4. Stephen T. says:

    Dope freestyle cham goes hard … everybody go preorder Reignfall on chamillionaire.com!

  5. Jimmie White says:

    Cham is the best rapper in the game.

  6. Eden O. says:

    mannn…. u already know… Chamillitary Mayne!

  7. ness says:

    dope as always! Chamillitary Mayne

  8. phuckyoopinion says:

    @Jimmie hold your horses kimosabee this was dope but best rapper in the game you tripping with no luggage bruh

  9. chamillitary says:

    Dope!!!! cham always kills it!

  10. illmatic73 says:

    Dope. Cham kills it like usual

  11. JBEEEZZZY says:

    Dopeness…. Very talented guy! He gets slept on too much!

  12. Hannibal Lecture says:

    Cham always been dope. Anybody saying hes wack is mad cause Cham has something your favorite rapper doesnt…..A grammy!

  13. Dope freestyle! Cant wait till Reignfall!!

  14. yup says:

    so many suspiciously supportive comments on every chamiliionaire post these days it seems..

  15. Ya Boi Johnny says:

    Mayne Cham killin’! Reignfall is gonna be JAMMIN’!

  16. James says:

    Another classic Cham song

  17. ECU says:

    He sure bringin his a game

  18. Limb0 says:

    lol cham spamming this comment section hard

  19. Charlamagne Tha Lord says:

    @Limb0 and @Yup, Lol! I’ve notcied that shit too… This shit is suspicious as fuck. I come here religiously and I was sure that I was gonna read atleast 3 “He needs to retire” comments. Lol! Haha. Cham’s camp is spamming mad crazy these days. With his no buzz having ass. (First). I like Cham too but he can hang it up now. He’s good but I don’t know, I guess. Fuck it.

    1. Alex Godoy says:

      you’re not informed and it makes you seem like an idiot. If you just went to his website you would see that chamiltary has one of the strongest fan bases in Hip Hop today and for the last 10 years fool. Thats how he blew up in the first place from selling 200,000 mixtapes before a deal. Guess what hater, he still does numbers cuz folks who want raw talent still buy it so he aint retiring soon and when Poison drops ya’ll haters gonna know what time it is and why we hold the boy down. Just sayin…

  20. James Marlar says:

    this freestyle cham went all out on this, it’s fire

  21. James Marlar says:

    and where do yall see cham spamming

  22. anthonymichaelbrooks says:

    dope as fuck. by the way i’m also a chamillitary robot, my bad the illuminati made me.

  23. troofa says:

    cham got spammers on deck on here lmaooooooooooo! its all good tho .Hey cham learn sum more bun b flows and come right back loooooooolllllll!

  24. Stefancmorgan says:

    Man he went on this boy… Sounds hungry as hell. Cant wait for Reignfall.

  25. Stefancmorgan says:

    PS: Also a robot lmao

  26. James Marlar says:

    Spammers? oh yall must mean true fans

  27. Charlamagne Tha Lord says:

    These are spammer(s)… Lol! Straight up. Just look at the text, it’s the same. If it was really many people commenting like that, their typing would be different on how the spelling would be and how the sentences are written out. Come on, this is hiphop. I type like this because I’m a proper ass nigga. But man, I can see right through that shit. Smh… Read between the lines. Smh. Lol! Nice try Camp Cham. Lol!

  28. ayeee says:

    So Many comments on a chamillonare post everytime lol

  29. TX Made says:

    Lol at some ppl assuming Cham using spam robots.. Don’t yall fools know his fanbase is a cult? Chamillitary mayne!

  30. James Marlar says:

    all the idiots that think we are robots lmao, You deserve some alphabet soup so you can eat your words

  31. Ryan Tilis says:

    Cham keeps it real, but this is too similar to all the other freestyles… I was hoping for something unique

  32. anthonymichaelbrooks says:

    theres 41 comments they all seem different i think a robot would do a better job you people are kinda pathetic looking at shit like that with cham putting so much into his music and caring about his fans of course they are gonna be there for him. seriously wtf is wrong with you people. w/e i’m not gonna argue all night.

  33. Jay-T says:

    Y’all dumb as hell to think Cham has robots spamming websites lmao Cham is one of the hardest working and one of the best rappers in the game…. Y’all can continue to sleep on him though and listen to y’all’s mainstream overhyped rappers 🙂

  34. Crisis Ice says:

    I am a robot. Me and my fellow robots think that this Chamillionaire freestyle is amazing.

  35. Evil Sid says:


    Cham gives away his music, that’s why his fans respect him and love his music – its his hard work and dedication that inspires his fans, and drives them to promote and share his music. I’m from Australia and don’t pump “Charlamagne Tha Lord” in my car – so who exactly are you? No one…

  36. POISON says:

    CHAMILLITARY in the house!

  37. HtownGirl says:

    Man i love cham! ❤❤❤❤
    Cant wait for da EP!

  38. Rookie says:

    Dope, i havent heard this guy awhile.

  39. FreshEFX says:

    Chamilitary Mayne!!!!

    @Charlamagne The Lord
    Not spammers, just real fans who appreciate and artist that appreciates his fans..More MCs should study his approach and how he interacts with his core audience..

  40. Dios says:

    he’s like T-Rex on them herbivorous rappers ahah murderer

  41. IamMikeMike says:

    Now that’s what the hell i call TRUE RELIGION!

  42. JBEEEZZZY says:

    Internet Nerds talking trash already! hahahhaha don’t hurt’em hammer!

  43. IamMikeMike says:


  44. IamMikeMike says:

    Spam? Robots? haha smh

  45. Big L says:

    Robots?? this is by far the most ridiculous comment i’ve ever read! I’m pretty sure all these know it all guys would be like: Cham can I take a picture with you? if they would see him in person…internet gangstaz

    Freestyle is a killer! Reignfall on July 23rd. Get a copy or sthu.

  46. Dios says:

    @Charlamagne Tha Lord
    I see you are a lonely boy who has nothing to do in a real life but talking to robots on the internet and more than that trying to persuade them spamming machines that you know the truth? maan, make some friends…hope they won’t be robots….

  47. BucktownzFinest says:

    Cham went hard on this. Calling out all the wack, fake ass rappers. Love it.

  48. D Dot says:

    Woo wee, yall Cham haters mad aint ya? Ain’t nobody spamming, just because the man has loyal fans (me included) we gotta be spamming? It’s called support, if these wanna be thug ass rappers yall fool with was as cool as Chamillionaire and really reached out to their fans then maybe their posts would have the same turnout. @FreshEFX they don’t understand a real artist. They need to be taking notes.

    Chamillitary mayne!

  49. Sipan Kazaryan says:

    Ride behind “Suicides” with the “AC on” like I’m “Fresh to Death”….

    Air condition = fresh. Suicide doors = death. Fresh to death….

    He killed it, salute!!!! Make sure to check out his new EP Reignfall coming out on July 23


  50. davon D says:

    Hold up…james matlar …that line went over haters head…ill tell them how to get a clue on that yall better look up that …..mixtape messiah!!!

  51. Alex Godoy says:

    Koopa go so hard on Trap beat!

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