Jay Pharoah Imitates Jay-Z At ESPYS

SNL comedian Jay Pharaoh did his well-known Jay-Z impersonation pitching Roc Nation Sports on last night’s ESPYS. We’re sure Samsung appreciated the plug. Yea Puff, we didn’t think it was funny either.

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  1. CBH says:

    I like Jay, but sometimes his jokes go on way too long. This would have been better had it been about a minute and a half shorter

  2. Black Shady says:

    Woulda been funny if it was only 50 seconds….NOT FUCKIN 3mins.

  3. zirkoblaqsox says:

    Really?..at the ESPY’s??…
    Trying 2 pull that man down because all he does iz climb up

  4. michelle michelle says:

    I wonder who wrote this material, Pharoah or the Espy’s. Either way, not funny and not cool.

  5. Jav says:

    It was alright. Too many non funny seconds but it wasn’t bad. Diddy just a little diva. That or he wasn’t drunk

  6. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Jay Pharoah is cool. I think he is funnier then Kevin Hart in my opinion.

  7. The Wise says:

    Hes abusing the shit out of this jayz z impersonations..its was decent at first but hes straight running that act into the ground..NEXT!!..an nobody doess the impersinations like arie spears

  8. Darrell says:

    completely agree with CBH. Too long.

  9. HonestOpinon says:

    They have started.. They put this Jive Ass Turkey up there making fun of Jay-Z entering the sports agent business. Wow! What a way to knock a black mans hustle in the white mans world with another black man.

    This Clown got a check.. But for ever he just lost some of my respect.

    At the ESPY’s they did this… Where Jay-Z’s clients and potential clients are.

    Shots Fired by the Sports nation world!!

  10. Dashing says:

    Ya’ll need to update this post. Jay is no longer going by “Jay-Z.” He’s now going by Jay Z, no hyphen.

    This marks the second time in his career that Jay has dropped a dash…..LOL, I had to make the joke first.

  11. King Chandler says:

    Aries Spears already did the Hov impression shit years ago, not to mention many other impressions and aside from impressions has tons of funny material. How come the only time I see something involving Jay Pharoah it’s about a Jay-Z impression and nothing else, by the way, his impression isn’t even spot on, certain things he does are similar to Jay but he seems like he’s trying too hard.

  12. Homie says:

    Meh…too long. He let the ESPYs play him

  13. CAlejo says:

    Usually its on point but this was just straight flat.

  14. Bk Banga says:

    ok so he just shorten his 15 minutes of fame to 8, Peace Jay Pharoah

  15. DJ Game says:

    wow, that was bad.

  16. bumpy johnson says:

    when u succeed prepare to b crucified ……….

  17. Ray says:

    They try an slander your man on CNN and FOX (and the ESPYs….). Dude was a pawn and he ain’t even know it. Minorities stay holdin one another back.

  18. TROLLING says:


  19. Jaymalls says:

    True shit above… They use us to bring down each other down… FOR CHUMP CHANGE! The sad part is it will never change… we are too ignorant as people! If we learned to stick together it would be over…. we influenced all music genres, all of POP culture, etc.

  20. bumpy johnson says:

    cosign everybody above …….. that’s right white man , use a nigga , to bring another nigga down ….. so we cant progress ….this makes the verses on that piccasso joint sound even more credible ………..

  21. TomOfTheRoc says:

    trash ………. i dare you disrespect my homie ….

  22. NOVA says:

    Diddy was THROWING ALLLLL THE SALT…..sheesh…..at the end he was being real ill in the front row too. damn.

  23. Chill says:

    It’s amazing how ya’ll react when Jay-Z is being ridiculed… Damn, ya’ll act like the man is a God on earth for real… Oh I get it… Jay-Hova is GOD and he sent hos son Yeezus to drop an album before him… GTFOH!!! Now all of a sudden a skit is a plot to bring Jay-Z down by “the man” and all that BS. Please! Jay has enough damn money to survive comfortably if no other athlete ever signs with him… Oh u hurt because of that? Damn Jay’s making his rounds of dissing sports agents and what not (I.e. MCHG and in interviews). So every athlete gets to hear his ridicule of other agents, but no athlete should hear ridicule of Jay??? Please believe that if someone was on stage clowning u and he was there, he’ll have no comment to defend u, but will most likely engage in laughter about your stupid a**. I’m not usually the type to comment, but damn this commentary here is down right despicable! Go on CNN’s site and comment when people are talking trash about Trayvon! Go on Fox’s site and talk trash when people are slamming Obama! But Man… U fools actually got your panties all in a bunch because someone is mocking and making jokes on Jay-Z?!? Rich-a**, don’t give a f*ck about u, Jay-Z??? Get cha life, man!

    And RR, stop with the extra Jay D’ riding man… Like we get it… He’s the G.O.A.T. and you’re on the payroll… Like we completely F’n get it at this point!

    And for the kid that did the impression… No, his career is not over and all that non-sense. He’ll continue on SNL, get a few pick-up roles in a few movies, and get paid from there. So cut it out and stop making Jay-Z so damn untouchable. 1!

  24. Hungry, why wait... says:

    ^ @chill bruh have a snickers.

  25. RRCoolJ says:

    @ Chill, I sort of agree with you in principal but disagree overall. I, too, believe that the Jay-Z dickriding that going on lately has been out of hand and feel he deserves more criticism than he gets. But this bit was just in bad taste at an award show that overall was very classy and well put together.

    Guess you had to watch the whole show. They announce Jay-Z like he was really coming out and then all you see is this dude who looks NOTHING like him, dressed the way he used to dress ten years ago, doing this half Jay-Z, half Mike Tyson impression for what seemed like 5 long minutes. And the jokes seemed to be attacks not just your ordinary jokes. It screamed to me, “dumb ass black rapper trying to capitalize on dumb ass athletes”.

    Plus I just don’t find Jay Pharoah funny at all. No one laughed. Not Lebron, not Puff, no one. It was in bad taste. Especially coming from a network who name drops Jay-Z any chance they get to increase their cool factor.

  26. Word says:

    My God. Every day I don’t believe my black ppl can get any dumber, but the folks on this comment just proved me wrong.

    A COMEDIAN comes up and tells JOKES and he’s bringjng the whole race down? Why are you guys so defensive of EVERYTHING? Jay makes fun of Stephen A daily, is he holding him back? You can’t make fun of another member of your race without bringing him down?

    And THIS was in bad taste? If you guys said the skit with the kids in it was, id agree, but because your Messiah Jay Z is the butt of the joke, now its planned and a means to bring down blacks! Lmao! Jay Pharaoh, a guy ppl barely know, was sent to take down and belittle a guy worth 500milliom Jay Phraoahs? Lmao you guys crack me up. Chapelle made TONS of racial jokes, guess he was setting back the race too huh??

    This stand up was too long. That was the only fault I saw in it. The rest of you are REACHING.

  27. Word says:

    Cosgin @chill! Jay Z sent SEVERAL shots at agents but its cool right? Oh right, they’re rich white agents so they deserve the ridicule, while Jay is impenetrable huh?

  28. Chill says:

    @Hungry, why wait… LOL… So I guess I was being a broad with my comment, huh… I apologize. I had a snickers. I’m cool now. No profanity in this one.

    @RRCoolJ You make an interesting point. I will have to watch the entire event to understand your angle more. But aren’t award shows normally fun-filled, humorous, entertaining events? I thought that was the reason why the big award shows (whether it be the Oscars, Emmys, or Grammys) hire comedians to host the ceremonies. If the ESPYs is a more classier affair than the aforementioned shows, then maybe I was wrong for my comment. Again, I will have to watch it in it’s entirety to make that determination.

    @Word I’m glad to see I’m not the only one that read these comments and became a bit disgusted in what was put out there. If Jay Pharoah would have came out there with fake dreads, tight leopard pants, and a Trukfit shirt, and screamed “Yung Moola baby” and went into a skit acting as Lil Wayne was attempting to follow Jay-Z’s footsteps into becoming an agent… Not only would it have been hilarious to RR and the above commenters, but there would be no mention of bringing down the race or any of that. And for the record, I’m not a huge fans of either artist. So my comments aren’t meant to celebrate or ridicule neither one… Just simply doing a comparison and contrast to prove a point. 1.

  29. Word says:

    @RRCooJs comment is blown way outta proportion. Yeah they announced him like he was coming out….that’s part of the joke. Guess y’all skipped the part where Pharaoh bigged up Jay “I got 17 number one albums, restaurant chains, beautiful wife, I’m rich, blah blah” that’s insulting to you guys? Lmao. I’m done, if y’all take offense to that then y’all don’t need to watch anymore stand up, skit based shows, or comedy movies. Or at least not anyone that makes fun of Jay, Nas, Obama, etc.

  30. The black robin thicke says:

    *jay like mike* they like em as long as he stay in his lane, doing negro type of things. Like when mike bought the Beatles catalog, Cacaisans were outraged!!!

  31. Left Brain – Ol’ Dirty Remix (Al Bundy & Edmund DaGeneral)

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