1. B says:


  2. JuniorHaSole says:

    Venom? Really?? Playlist Poison is his album.

  3. Slim Baller says:

    He’s pretty lazy and all, his music is dope but its taken him 3+ years to even try to release that album and it still hasn’t materialized yet

  4. Faheem says:

    @Slim Baller – You’re a dumbass

  5. Chamilliodan says:

    This is real music. listen to the quality cham always surprises us with only real quality music. Cant wait for my order.

  6. theking2245 says:

    Great EP

  7. Robert Torrez says:

    Chamillionare is the G.O.A.T in other words best rapper alive

  8. Rubens says:

    Quality music Cham brings it to this EP

  9. rrrroz says:

    waiting for like a month for this EP….totally worth it! come on where else can you find a rapper like him?!

  10. POISON says:

    Here We Go Again is the best track on there!

  11. Don says:

    Listening to Reignfall now. Dope.

  12. Jeremy Watley says:

    I can’t wait for the full album. People need to support these EPs though so they don’t look like band wagon riders when Poison drops.

  13. briancockrell says:

    Every track is nice

  14. riding home but stopped in the rain !!! guess the rain will wash off some of the dirt !

    and has certainly blown away the cobwebs good shit !!


  15. Stephen T. says:

    Really dope EP … a lot of singing and rapping here, gotta love when Cham kills the hooks

  16. Sipan Kazaryan says:

    Go and get this EP. You won’t be disappointed. Every track is jammin mayne.

  17. James Marlar says:

    Just think how great poison is going to be, best EP handsdown

  18. Jimmie White says:

    Got this EP on repeat. Cham always makes quality music.

  19. Juanmiguel says:

    Cham always puts out dope music, can’t wait to get my psychical copy. I love the title of the EP too

  20. Dustin says:

    Haha I stopped listening to Major Pain 1.5 to listen to this! Wish I could have pre-ordered the EP, but I took a vacation and won’t have money til Friday! But definitely gonna buy it when I get the money. I’m glad he’s dropping EP’s to tide us over for the album. Truly a great artist, glad he broke from the mainstream. Now he’s an independent powerhouse haha!

  21. Haby says:


  22. BucktownzFinest says:

    This is easily his best work since the Mixtape Messiah series. Dope ass music.

  23. BJLJBranded says:

    With every play i kept saying “this is my favorite” and pretty soon it was the end of the EP. So in i dig The whole EP.

  24. Haby says:

    god bless ,the poison not like this one…srry Cham but I seriously know u can mucho betta

  25. illmatic73 says:


  26. Haby says:

    ehhh…………….what can I say???
    not pleased this time,like I imagined for months^^

  27. Haby says:

    srry for many comments but just cant deal with it^^

  28. Nick says:

    I bought the EP directly from his website, as well as the previous 2 EP’s. Reignfall is very creative and each EP only seems to get better and better. I look forward to future projects. I give Reignfall 3 thumbs up!

  29. Eden O. says:

    this is probably my favorite out of the three EP’s he has released. he’s heating up, all the people doubting him will jump on the wagon when he’s in the spotlight again, you’ll see!

  30. MrSkeezyMak says:

    Each track is dope

  31. NeFFu says:

    Dope Ep…. Cham is always delivering quality music. Hard work pays off and Poison will be a classic for sure.

  32. l says:

    1 dude on here says hes lazy what an idiot

  33. Shav says:

    Cham is nice with it. The production on Here We Go >>>

  34. Alex Godoy says:

    go get it is my joint!

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