YN Interviews Jay-Z

Its the battle of the laughs. Before Hov took the field at Yankee Stadium last weekend, YN caught up with him for a special sit-down of The Truth. In the first part, Jay talks about Magna Carta Holy Grail, Samsung deal, and new legends.

UPDATE: In the second segment, Jay discusses sports management, competition, Harry Belafonte, Trayvon Martin, and fatherhood.

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  1. itsMe says:

    I hate YN’s laugh smh

  2. the truth says:

    nice tits elliot.

  3. skrillz says:

    hahah Jay has nooo clue what he’s talkin about to YN half the time – ‘bassquiat and art colliding and stuf’ – seriously who does this guy think he is – Jigga came up wearing crazy do-rags, having an ugly ass smile, and making killer raps with DMX and ja – now he thinks heeees sooo bogie cause he’s chillen wit kanye

    Jigga would lovvee to be pac back in the day – when pac had a crazy influence on the masses, and was actually banging madonna and shit

    jay such a funny clown now in 2013 it’s HILARIOUS – dame and biggs must crack up at this guy


  4. Donn says:

    Did YN laugh alot

    I’m scared to listen. Best interview was with Zane Lowe. No dick riding, no unnecessary laughter or cliche questions. Hov drops jewels

  5. eastpointvet says:

    good interview YN got CRWN without having yall pay to see it thanks.

    and skrillz what jay said made a lot of sense if you knew about the 80s art scene in new york but then again you may have not even been born then.

  6. […] much for Elliott Wilson not getting a interview with Jay-Z. Here HOV joins the Rap Radar boss to discuss performing at Yankee Stadium, working with Justin Timberlake, Jean-Michel Basquiat, […]

  7. Juice says:

    Great interview elliott. You asked the right questions and improved from your CRWN interviews. I notice you tried to keep your hyena laugh away from this interview lmao. Long may that continue

  8. Nathaniel says:

    lol @ skrillz

    jay got crazy influence in 2013, bro. and he’s banging…. beyonce.

  9. Nathaniel says:


  10. Nathaniel says:

    oh, and b.dot…

    i’m pretty sure that hyphen has been discontinued, my nigga. “JAY Z”, you lazy journalist, you. #newrules #factsonly

    i’d say when it’s all said and done this will be the best hov interview. order being

    Zane Lowe
    Breakfast Club



    Angie Martinez (no shade, ang… but that interview was like best friend small talk.)

  11. prai$e says:

    @ 0.35 the guy with the tits calls jay “my boss”. it all makes sense now.

  12. Johnny Ryall says:

    You don’t have to like Jay-Z the rapper, the album or any of them for that matter… but if you don’t Respect. his vision and care for hip-hop culture your whole perspective is wack.
    I know that time period he was talkin bout when there was no Cole, Kendrick or KRIT (ya I said KRIT B.) It was scary thinking that there would be no torch passing and then who knows where the culture could have gone.
    Pimpjuice might be done movin units but yo Em you next homie.

  13. […] CREDIT TO THIS POST BELONGS TO Rap Radar 0 […]

  14. KILLA says:

    First off it was a GREAT interview. I’m not sure if y’all saw how Elliott Wilson kinda posed that question about fame to Jay allowing people to see his take of it is which totally different from Kanyes’. LOL By the way I kinda feel skrillz on the art stuff, like let’s be real Jay-Z was talking about art and ish until maybe when Kingdom Come dropped I think all that artsy stuff was a heavy influence from Ye. But nonetheless an insightful interesting and entertaining interview.

  15. Jungz says:

    I was going to say something about the way Jay is sitting, and then i looked at how Elliot is sitting, then it made me realize how i was sitting while watching the video (like Elliot).. Hov has great posture lol.

  16. The Real Truth says:

    @Skrillz Dame aint laughing at anything, he damn near broke, he also likes the album because to quote Dame ” love hearing Jay talk that shit because I know its true” and Biggs aint laughing because he locked up, kicking himself in the ass wishing they didn’t try to fuck Jay over…

    @killa and its called evolution… u cant talk about the same stuff at 43 that u did at 27, dude is worth over 450 million, and he’s into art, so why cant he talk about it?

    Yall need to open up your eyes and respect a hustle, and respect someone who came from nothing to something, u dont have to like it, but to hate is just ignorant

  17. DopeeeeeNesssss says:

    Its the ROC!

    Support unsigned new DMV artist
    Dope video
    Supe Dupe “World In My Hands”


    Jean Michele-Basquiat used to write under the alias “SAMO” (pronounced Same O, for same ole shit) with another cat named Al Diaz.

    If Mr. Carter was such an art buff as he tries to lead us on to believe, he would know this little fact and in turn, he would not have mispronounced the moniker in “Picasso Baby”….

    “..come thru with the ‘Ye mask on, spray everythinglike SAMO, I wont scratch the Lambo….”-JAY Z

    mmmmmmyeaaaah, stop using minimalist era art legends for looks……



    *Jean-Michel Basquiat

  20. […] Elliott Wilson comes through with a special episode of The Truth and interviews Jay-Z. Jigga speaks in detail about his Samsung deal, his album Magna Carta Holy Grail and more. […]

  21. Northwest says:

    Jay needs to sign http://soundcloud.com/Love_At_First_Sound/recklessyouth whoever that is is making the type of music kanye should be making

  22. Black Shady says:

    this nigga and Basquiat….I swear! you’d think he’s getting a check everytime he mentions him smh

    good interview tho

  23. D Twice says:

    Shot fired at Kanye-20:28

    Shot fired at Rick Ross-23:00

  24. 80griots says:

    It amazes me when niggas claim Ye influenced Jay’s interest in the arts.

    He has referenced many contemporary artists in his career before Ye became bougie. Ye took Pharrell & Lupe’s style and evolved into the so-called trend-setter he is today, do you guys even know the time line of the culture? Ye came in the game screaming polo and loius vitton don, Jay had already been rapping about high fashion for years prior.

    And the person claiming Jay is a poser for his alliteration of Samo to rhyme with Lambo, you must not nothing about rhyming dude, how do you think he’s been this rich this long, lived his whole life in NY and Basquiat is somehow alien to his knowledge base? The hate be thick sometimes but o well …

  25. The Association of Chronos says:

    Great interview…..

    I like the last few moments when Jay was talking about that 2006-2008 era of HORRIBLE music. Not all but, a good overall it was.

    I always wonder how he felt about that time. Em had said he felt like Hip-Hop was getting worse so, its good to hear his take.

    Again, good interview so far

  26. sway-z says:

    I ain’t see this nigga seem so agitated in answering a question since Ether came out lol, you can tell he feels like he should be applauded for that Samsung deal, not criticized, and he’s right.

    Like I said when it was first announced, in the Hip Hop realm, there’s really only two artists capable of that, him & Em, so it’s not like he destroyed anything for the rest of the culture, he just took advantage of his position, and that’s why he keeps winning. He been doing that since day one..

  27. ncprecise says:

    Dope interview. MCHG is the BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR.

  28. Ray Love says:

    Soon you’ll understand or maybe not.

  29. mrny says:

    Wait so just because he didn’t start out rapping about art, he doesn’t know anything about it? You can’t learn new things and rap about new things or interest? Maybe he pronounced the word wrong so it could rhyme.

  30. ezylife says:

    i have to spark up some loud because i know @Elliot Wilson gonna be laughing thru out the interview .lls

  31. ED says:

    Nah, not better than Zane Lowe, but better than Angie, but. Not as organic and professional as Zane Lowe seemed. You can’t expect that same energy, when you open up the interview acknowledging him as your boss.
    Better ‘hip hop’ interview, but not overall in general. The best would be Power 105.1 in NYC, The Breakfast Club.

    1) The Breakfast Club Power 105.1
    2) Zane Lowe
    3) YN
    4) Angie Martinez (Hot 97)

  32. 456 headCrAcK says:

    Bk bitches.. The KING of this shit

  33. The Brain Trust says:

    Very engaging so far.

    Love how we’re getting a different perspective from the ones shown in previous interviews.

  34. TImeChange says:

    i was expecting a wack interview, but it was good,cant front or hate on it.

    1. Breakfast Club ( hard to beat those hood questions Charlamagne was asking)
    2. YN
    3. Zane
    4. Angie

  35. WIIROC says:


    Hov is not trying to be an art buff. Dude is a serious collector of art. In 2005 I gave him a copy of my Marcus Jansen art book (google him) to introduce him to that artist. I had a booth at an Art show in SOHO. He was @ the art show with faded jeans chilling with all the other colletors/lovers of art.

    Trust, diude knows artist you’ve never even heard of. And last, Basquiat was not in the minimalist era. Minimalism was a 30s/40s European/ Bauhaus movement spearheaded by like likes of Piet Mondrian. American Minimals kicked in during the 60’s, Not a minimalist, Basquiat was in the POP ART era with Andy Warhol. Picasso is not a minimalist artist either, so not sure which minimalist artists he is exploiting.


  36. DJ Game says:

    Okay, I am a Nas fan. I think Ether is way better than the Takeover record. I am no way a Jay-Z fan, but I like what he had to say. He made a lot of great points. And even though he started as Big’s hype man, he still did his thing and worked hard to be where he is. I am working really hard to become a success myself so I know what he means when he says that he deserves this shit. Shit is tough in the world and when you come from nothing, you really are so proud of yourself. So good for him. This is a dope interview as well. Elliott, stop riding. You guys are running the blogs right now but you and B.Dot need to get Hov’s testicles out of your asses. And that’s just real.

  37. STINKMEANER says:

    yeah this was a good interview, jay drops some real gems.

  38. Medusa V says:

    1. Zane Lowe
    2. Breakfast Club
    9 Angie

    Zane first because Jay accelarated to a relaxed point faster than the other interviews ,plus it seemed like a conversation at certain points rather that a Q an A which I think the primary reason the breakfast club does well in its interviews, CthaGod is hella entertaining with the hood questions ,but Jay just pauses and doesnt even answer if the questions wack which is funny cause it makes the interviewer look wack eg..points during Angies interview ,…angie disappointed me shes fallen off with the way she questions artists and her topics of discussion Id rather watch a Jack thriller interview his D grade celebrities on thisis 50 than her…any wonder her internet show never took off…
    YN good for leading to his business acumen and letting people know the mechanics of how hes changing the game..samsung deal ,billboard etc. ,new streams of revenue. rather than surface questions interviews better when they get the artists into specifics ,cause when most people watch to be entertained and amused by interviews there are a few of us watching , studying and learning the blueprint ,eg..words used, composure, how they articulate, how a artists presence changes the interview ..eg Cthagod and 50 interview , artists idioms etc..
    After his Hot 97 interview YN impressed me with his delivery cause he seemed to effortlessly control the interview which is generally difficult when ebro and rosenberg are at it, didnt really know who YN was kinda till then ..or at least his authority in hip hop lol didnt even know what YN meant …
    word the the wise though dude gotta rock a black vneck those itties mann ,cmon bro ur kids mann ur kids ..
    plus dont call him ur boss hes fortunate to have u ..mann its like the respect I had for u from the 97 and breakfast interview got diminished in that one line..my boss…act humble naturally dont reach for it…
    …its cool if u wanna be 2nd if thats your preference.. hov …best line from the interview…
    but hey what do i know Im just a maori boy from NZ who lives in Banyo Queensland Australia call me on 0423938043 ”i wanna hear what u have to say ” in my elliot voice…

  39. Evil says:

    Good interview.

    I still hope for a Jay z / Nas / EM track…please make it happen!

  40. Izzy-ballin says:

    People who are not obsessed with celebrities will admit this Jay album is horrible.

  41. Har-magedon, G.O.D. says:

    Real man talk not that emo/kneegrows stereotype of the day shit.

    ‘Not here to be second best’

  42. mac DIESEL says:


    ……..THAT IS ALL!!!!


  43. J Yankee 123 says:

    Great interview except for YN and his ridiculously corny and kiss @$$ laugh. Get this guy off the air PLEASE!!

  44. ARTOXICATION says:


  45. J. Cole says:

    OFF SUBJECT: I hate the sound being in just one speaker per SPEAKER.

  46. takenotes. says:

    excellent interview YN. props to you.

  47. Ipodman says:

    So Jay z is yn’s boss. Now I understand why this site operates in a funny way. On another note this guy yn needs to stay away from cameras and mics and stay behind his laptop.

  48. Trippy says:

    Great interview

  49. Ignorant Wisdom says:

    we need more people like him, real smart dude.

  50. STINKMEANER says:

    yeah jay confirms what i’ve suspected for a while, he is not just content to be a great rapper or a successful businessman, he is actively taking on the mantle of a social and cultural leader.

  51. The Wise says:

    Seriosuly..gind sum better interviewers for god sakes.. Yall fuckers be askin the same shitt..ive heard all this questions asked thru one older interview..they charlamagne the god to ask em the hood questions people that have grow with jay would like to know

  52. TheTruth says:

    Watches as YN head expands just a little bit more…

  53. StarFox64 says:

    the dude is friends with jay y wouldnt it be a great interview..?

  54. Dre says:

    @LIQUORSTOREMAN Who doesn’t mispronounce words or say them as they really are. Majority of the hip hop industry pronounce Maybach (May-back) when it’s pronounced (My-bok) so what’s your’e point?

  55. platerboy says:


  56. JERZZZ says:

    2 niggas well past their prime, using gimmicks(Hov) and dick riding(you know thats you Elliot) to try and stay relevant………..Its a sad state of affairs when two talented folks dont bend but break who they were to appeal to a younger generation for the sake of a dollar

  57. 7thEmerson says:

    Dope interview. Didnt seem repetitive or anything. Hard to place em in the best order because this one, Zane, and BC’s all had different facets working for it in a different way.

    No shade, but I guess everyone has a consensus that Angie is the least favorable, which is a shame because her and Jay used to have the best interviews.

  58. […] Hop journalist, Elliott Wilson who is the founder and CEO of Rap Radar recently conducted a 2-part interview with Hip Hop great […]

  59. D Twice says:

    He says he claims 4 classics.
    1.Reasonalble Double
    2.The Blueprint
    3.The Black Album.

    I want to know what he thinks the fourth is.

  60. Capricorn Religion says:

    @D Twice

    “American Gangster” most likely. I had caught that too (Idk why either but. its always the little shit I notice)….

    But yeah it has to be that. Tho, in the Breakfast club interview he said that “American gangster” and “MCHG” can fight and compete for that 4th spot.

    We’ll see as time moves on when I’m old an complaining about how these new rappers couldn’t hold a candle to Em, Jay, etc. Sounding all old an bitter Ha!

  61. Loch says:

    Oh shit that’s wusup.Gotta peep these.Jay album is dope.IDK what niggas are hearing.
    Loch Jay-Z Picasso Baby Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman Freestyle: http://youtu.be/DlwwlUsrO54

  62. Pretty bad

    First off, I’M A LONG TIME FAN OF YN. Bought XXL off the strength of YN’s editorials & how much he improved XXL (their typesetting & covers were the worst ever)

    However, this interview is average at best.
    YN is answering the questions as he asks them. It’s painful.
    Jay Z is WORKING REALLY HARD to make sub-par questions interesting & failing.
    Jay Z continues to speak in terms of “growing up” & being “real”, but let’s be honest. Jay Z ‘s his name & he took off JAZ O’s name. He rode Jaz, Irv, BIG, Nas & changes his flows to whatever’s hot.
    YN’s questions are “leading” Jay. It’s tiring. YN gives his opinion on what Jay Z is/are/feels then forces Jay to confirm w/e opinion YN put out. Terrible
    YN’s laughs are beyond forced more than ever. Come on. That Rick Rubin story was NOT that funny. Old fat man likes to lay down. Ok?

    In general, it’s very obvious YN’s feelings were hurt that Zane Lowe beat YN to it & put a more interesting take on an interview with Jay than the garbage Breakfast Club/Hot 97 interviews had.
    I give YN credit for having an interesting setting, before the JT show, & for making an effort, but it wasn’t that good

    Big Sean/Macklemore is a chance to improve your interviewing skills

    @p0is0nedkoola on twitter
    Employees interviewing their boss; bad idea

  63. wickwickwack says:

    u did a decent job mr wilson
    nice interview

  64. Cilvaringz says:

    Scrolling down the comments I find it sad that many fail to look past his music (whether you like it or not) and just look at the man, acknowledge his growth but more than anything, appreciate his sincere efforts towards pushing this culture forward. Besides being an amazing artist, I appreciate the fact that the person Jay-Z is not afraid to just be himself, regardless of what is considered cool or not in today’s perception of what Hip Hop is or should be. Feeling confident in being yourself is the ultimate stage of being, from there you build out and try to make a positive impact on your life and others. The music is just a soundtrack to that journey. Try to see it that way.

    As for best interview, I think whenever you see an artist feeling inspired, willing and comfortable while speaking his mind, the goal is achieved. There’s no such as thing as best interview, it’s just a collective of different energies and for that, each interview with an amazing person like Jay is inspiring to watch.

    My two cents, peace.


  65. ncprecise says:

    1. Breakfast Club
    2. YN
    3. Lowe
    4. Angie

  66. JOHNYblaze says:


    I agree with poinsonkoola up top there though lmao, interview was just slightly akward it looked forced deep at times and just within the first few mins i got sussed out from the way YN laughed with Jigga there.

    It seems like Jay Z rather be telling some white person about his life in this weird 3rdperson AVANT GARDE bullshit.

  67. DJ Semtex's Prothsetic says:

    man if Yn wasnt such a fa g this might actually be cool

  68. medusaV says:

    He moved up after that 2nd one,


    things i learnt from Jay..

    1. made ugly nikkaz beleive they can get the hottest chic in the game wearing ma chain ..
    by swag personailty and talent and being a decently disiplined
    2.Made broke nikkaz believe they can get rich my having strategy and working on their godgiven talents
    3. Never strive for second..
    .quote “my very presence is charity”

  69. Hip-Hop says:

    Good interview. @p0is0nedkoola, you swear you’re so knowledgable. Who the fuck have YOU interviewed? What have you DONE? You’re nothing but another commenter like the rest of us. Stop begging people to follow you on Twitter too.

  70. […] also addresses the George Zimmerman verdict, he told Rap Radar’s Elliott Wilson he didn’t sleep for 2 days after hearing the not guilty […]

  71. Haywood Jablomie says:

    If this talentless racist “closely followed the trial”, then he would have known that 100 percent of the evidence PROVED that known burglar, druggie, and violence-prone thug Trayvon Martim “jumped” George Zimmerman, knocked him to the ground, straddled him and was brutally beating him (“MMA-style”, according to an eye witness) when he was shot.

    So, what is racist Jay-Z’s position? That blacks should be allowed to beat white people? That if a white person is being beaten by a black man, and believes he’s going to be seriously injured or even killed, he should be required to lay there and take it?

    I didn’t think even Jay-Z was so stupid as to try to claim that Martin’s holding a man down and brutally beating him was somehow self-defense from being followed. The last I heard, a neighborhood watchman following a suspicious person is not illegal, nor is it justification for assaulting the neighborhood watchman.

    Jay-Z is a disgusting racist.

  72. Jbreezy201 says:

    omg that laugh gets so obnoxious, the worst was the drake interview, i dont know who or what told elliot he could do radio or video interviews with that laugh.

  73. […] Z told Rap Radar’s Elliott Wilson he didn’t sleep for 2 days after hearing the not guilty […]

  74. […] too is everywhere, you ain’t never there. Since YN’s interview with Hov crashed the ‘net, portions of the interview of Hov speaking on the Zimmerman mall […]

  75. @hip-hop

    What do I know?
    Well to begin with simple Simon, I’m a fan of actual interviews that take a format that hasn’t been beaten to death. Thus my surname “LESTER BANGS of hip hop”
    Google Lester Bangs and learn about him, simp.

    Second, “begging” for followers?
    Where do I ask anyone to follow me? I’m just letting people know where to hit me up to continue the discussion, which has happened actually. People follow me off the strength of an opinion that isn’t based off hate or fanboy cheerleading.
    Ya don’t agree w/me. Cool.

    However, I’m not some HaTeR spewing off about Jay’s or YN’s looks/money/wives etc.
    I’m speaking facts.
    This interview was the first that YN has done for his Youtube & it came AFTER Zane Lowe’s interview which so many gave props to.
    YN ran out and did his own long format interview & it was average, at best.

    I’m a long time YN fan & respect the man, but I loved Michael Jordan too, but if he had a bad game, I could admit it.
    That’s the difference between being a fan & a fanatic or as I like to call you people, FUCKBOY FANBOYS.

    Ya believe that Jay Z is some ‘artist” because he lip syncs in a museum? Fine
    Ya think Jay Z is “deep” because he was mad at the travesty that was the Zimmerman verdict? Fine
    Ya think Jay Z knows art because he brought up the two most famous painters names in interviews/songs? lol , OK.

    Good luck w/that

    @p0is0nedkoola on twitter
    Learn what it’s like to be an unbiased fan

  76. Hip-Hop says:

    ^^^^ Meanwhile, YN’s interview is on Fox and CNN. Your opinions mean nothing. You want to pretend to be lester bangs? Where’s your byline? What have you contributed to hip-hop besides appearing in a comment section of a blog? Shut the fuck up and keep your thoughts to yourself

  77. […] an interview with  Rap Radar’s Elliott Wilson, Jay Z admits that he didn’t sleep for 2 days when a Florida jury acquitted George Zimmerman in […]

  78. kathyd says:

    What else would you expect from this “star”? Both he and his wife, Beyonce, are always slobbering over OBUMMER and Moochie.

    I wonder if he would have been so angry if George Zimmerman had been black and Trayvon Martin had been white.

    Why isn’t Jay-Z angry about Darryl Green, a black child, being murdered by a gang of black thugs?

    Why isn’t Jay-Z angry about a white baby being shot in the face and killed by a gang of black thugs?

    This “star” and his wife need to get their priorities straight before they spew they hate onto the world.

  79. […] Z told Rap Radar’s Elliott Wilson he didn’t sleep for 2 days after hearing the not guilty […]

  80. Steve says:

    I put Elliot at Zane Lowe’s standard, and he pulled it off. Yes Elliot, this was (one of) the best JayZ interviews.

    PS. Thanks for the updates on the HipHop/Rap culture!

  81. @Hip Hop
    I’ve done more than ya know.
    But what matters is my opinion and writing is better than yours. I mean, I get you’re upset that you have nothing to offer other than anger, curses & cliche terms that you heard from a rap song to TRY to insult me, so I pity you.
    Poor thang (Slick Rick voice)

    @p0is0nedkoola on Twitter
    Google “surname” dumb dumb.

  82. […] Watch the part 1, here. […]

  83. vurbz says:

    1)YN doesn’t know when to laugh and it ruins the interviews
    2) some dude commented and said b.dot is a lazy journalist because he didn’t take the hypen out of jay z’s name…come on B..you judging people off of semantics now…gtfoh

  84. SSD says:

    I read Jay-Z’s response to Harry Belafonte and actually laughed. Sir, are you joking? You are paid entertainer, which in my book puts you on the same level as a clown at a birthday party or a magician at a bat mitzvah. To compare yourself to Barack Obama — a scholar, attorney, senator, and president is not only laughable, it is offensive. You don’t give hope, you give performances. Your presence is not charity when you charge admission. You make music, open night clubs,represent other ignorant new black money, slapped your trademark on a basketball team, and flaunt your wealth on yachts with your wife. Hell no, you don’t get a “big up” for that. You represent exactly what is wrong with America. Being rich doesn’t make you special and it doesn’t give you a pass to be disrespectful. Its really no wonder he and Kanye are so close. Ignorance feeds ignorance.

    1. Rob Calhoun says:

      So, basically you can do the.same or better then??

  85. […] section as gospel. More revealing is his recent non-rhythmic response to Belafonte, explaining to Rap Radar’s Elliott Wilson, “…this is going to sound arrogant, but my presence is charity. Just who I am. Just like […]

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