Joe Budden Announces New LP & EP

Joe Budden’s set to have his plate full later this year. Via his Twitter account, he announced that he’ll be following up No Love Lost with Some Love Lost EP and All Love Lost LP this winter. Asstonishing.

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  1. Realniggashit says:

    Good Shit!!!

  2. Poetic Assasin says:


  3. MrHeat says:

    I wouldnt be rappin at all anymore. I would be checkin that ass all the time!

  4. koa29 says:

    This guy wants to be drake so bad

  5. Poetic Assasin says:

    Budden was Drake when Drake was Degrassi

  6. STINKMEANER says:

    aint nobody wanna be drake

  7. MOOSE says:

    Thank you for mentioning that Poetic assasin, many ppl forget “Survivor” off his first album

  8. Hailey. if you think Michelle`s article is inconceivable… on tuesday I got a great Mercedes after earning $4368 this munth and-over, ten thousand last munth. without a doubt its my favourite work I’ve had. I started this 7-months ago and straight away startad bringin in over $70… per-hour. I work through this website,

  9. fastflipper says:

    budden = top 5 doa

  10. Black Shady says:

    ^^ lol no he aint

  11. Muddy Lungz says:

    @poetic assassin……COSIGN THE FUCK OUTTA THAT STATEMENT….He not the “Mood God” for nothing, he BEEN doing shit like that….been rapping and harmonizing wayyyyy before Jimmy from Degrassi was even a sparkle in Birdman’s eyes…..Respect the history clowns, go practice ya drake hand movements in the mirror or something

  12. StarFox64 says:

    only thing good bout this post is that ass…

  13. Intelligence says:

    @fastflipper: It’s hard for me to make a top 5 so to speak as I listen to so many artists but I’ll agree Joe Budden is a lyrical genius.

  14. Dion says:

    Top 5. I spent too many days in my life defending this man. I’m geeked!

  15. RRCoolJ says:

    I’ll roll with the Top 5 when he’s engaged. I’ve been saying that for 10 years now. His twitter antics and ongoing story line with girls is what makes a lot of people write him off (that plus the fact that he’s never put up big numbers) but lyrically, few are at his caliber.

  16. JustMyOpinion says:

    Another love ballad? I am good. It can stay on iTunes.

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