1. JustMyOpinion says:

    Why I feel like there’s a Ryan Leslie/Fabolous album in the works…just a thought.

  2. Obama says:

    Cool Ryan Leslie raps!! But who’s the lucky guy he’s rapping about?!

  3. The Wise says:

    Fab an lesslie to people nobodys give 2 shitts about..fellas hang the mic up ur time came an went..an i dont wanna hear fabolous stans..(thats even if he has any)..cuz weres his album at..were are his singles..this dude couldnt strike gold if his was sittin on top of it

  4. ctg says:

    The biggest mistake Ryan Leslie ever made, besides pissing off Diddy, was deciding to rap.

    Just sing, dude. He’s been lost musically since the “You’re Not My Girl” single.

    At least write and produce for other artists.

    Anything but rapping.

  5. Check says:

    Fab has 2 gold albums and 2 platinum albums… not to mention his multiple singles that have done the same.

  6. Texas Boy says:

    Pure Underrated artist. His music is better than most of the trash out here, it worth buying.

  7. Magna Cart-Ugh Holy Fail says:

    picasso now mozart lmao whats next vangoh? lol nicca is trash

  8. dll32 says:

    album is niiiiiice! 8/10

  9. Poetic Assasin says:

    Who is Vangogh?

  10. Poetic Assasin says:

    Damn wont let me edit. Van Gogh man, not vangoh

  11. ^ says:

    It probably wouldn’t be smart for a musician to compare himself to a guy most notorious for cutting off an ear anyway…

  12. truth says:

    Why the auto tune? Wheres the r&b? He’s not even singing… where the mint codition? Tony toni tone? Johhny Gill? None of these nee niggas have singing voices at all… they just try to swag away the lack of talent…

  13. not a fan says:

    @The Wise hatin dickhead what you on here 4???? Matter fact anyone thats hatin why click???

  14. NovaKaine says:

    Fab is a waste of talent so dope but stupid lazy he stay having under cover hits tho

  15. mrholloway says:

    Man the haters are out full time…

  16. tre says:

    please stop rapping and go back to singing ryan

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