1. Yes you do says:

    Yo stop playing games and post that new 50 track. This has gotta be the only site that still hasn’t posted it.

  2. Big Homie says:

    ^ an unauthorized leak that’s not even mixed and was recorded over a year ago. Besides, it sounds like you heard it already.

  3. Luigi says:

    I’m surprised the 50 track isnt on here yet..

  4. kane says:

    No1 wants to no 50 cent shit weak

  5. JustMyOpinion says:

    Imagine…..there are TALENTED singers who can’t make it into the game. And, some of music’s gatekeepers condone singer’s who had ONE album in a 7 year period. We have to do better, music sales are down because fans are tired of being played a fool. Of course, singles go gold and platinum quicker than albums because fans are saying if an artist is only concern with attaining ONE radio single why should I (the consumer) invest in an entire body of work.

    I saw people on this site rant about Justin Timberlake sales, in a negative way, but the difference is rest assured he’s going to give you an entire body of work worth listening to for his core fans.

    Never thought I’d see the day when albums going gold is an accomplishment. Stop with the excuse people get their music from everywhere, of course they do why spend $9.99 for two songs. Do better artists; this is your lively hood, take it serious and if you will the consumers will as well.

  6. brollya says:

    tryna give excuses bout why they aint post that 50 track up
    ya don posted up hella people songs dat aint been mixed down or rough drafts,,,,,

  7. Jamesbond says:

    @Big Homie tone down the hate on 50. U know even the song is on his website so what are u saying that it aint mixed yet or it leaked. If rock ross had released one of them baby i got a 100 grand joint unmixed and unfinished u did run to post it. Ross Radar. Plus u guys on Kendricks balls too hard. I mean the dude is ill but get his d off your mouth. Tell your bro B dot i said that.

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