Drake Debuts “Too Much” On Jimmy Fallon

With his album set to hit stores in 10 days, Drake appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon to debut number 12 off his upcoming release. “Too Much”, featuring Sampha will be available on September 24th when Nothing Was The Same hits stores. Pre-order here. Interview after the jump.

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  1. VersaceFlockaFlame says:

    Damn that came fro the heart good shit drake! You are going to have an amazing album.

  2. MegaMind says:

    This boy about to kill’em! It’s his time…haters gon’hate!
    This song is dope…and he got Sampha on this joint! Google him…he work with the producer SBTRKT…dope vocalist out of UK.

    I’ll give the credit where it’s due….Drake is dope…he need to cut the singing a bit and come like this more often…but he makes hits…and this is dope!

    cop on 9/24

    The Mind

  3. headedhard says:


  4. Moose says:

    Wow…he spazzed here…props for this Drake, real shit

  5. Yeezus Christ says:

    way better than that wack wu tang shit

  6. Mathematician says:

    Nothing better than music that comes from the heart

  7. Prophet says:

    Much respect to drake for giving that music from his heart to us. This looks like an amazing album is coming our way

  8. villa says:

    My god it’s over for all you old and new niggas….sept24.

  9. Black Shady says:

    Whoa!! Didnt know what to expect. Didnt want another “Wu Tang Forever” joint

    Drake did his thing!!! I fuck with this

  10. vomit says:

    this shit for easy and cocoa

  11. Real Talker says:

    I wish Drake would leave Young Money so he could stop having to piss tracks like Motto, Started from the Bottom, and Wu Tang for females and weak ass club shit. He’s actually a good artist, but he releases trash to appeal. He’s at a level where he can be lyrical all the time and it’d sell… he just doesn’t and that’s why he catches hate.
    This is alright, I still fuck with Born Sinner over this Sept 24 drop I bet though.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Tired of hearing about his come up….

  13. haaann says:

    Drake is easily the king of rap, how can you even compare kendrick to him ?

  14. Yo Mama says:

    Bwahahahahahahaha.King of rap?Can i have whatever u smoking bruh??Dude is gud,aint no two ways about that but he aint no King of rap.Same goes for Kendrick

  15. haaann says:

    Defiantly the king right now, obviously not including the legends like hov eminem nas etc, but out of this new generation drakes defiantly the one whos really standing out. Kendrick was wrong hes not murdering drake in any way

  16. StarFox64 says:

    why he perform on jimmy fallon?? thats where the no buzz artists go on..

  17. troof says:


    JT is on there 24/7

  18. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:


  19. thirdeyijimmy says:

    I blame DMX.

  20. Musikal says:

    This shit was dope.

  21. AAAAAAA says:

    this is fucking disgusting how yall eating up this bullshit

  22. Genesis says:

    No member of the new school is fuckin’ with this man….. It’s only close because of Kendrick…. After that , it drowns down to that Cole/Wale/Krit level….. Salute him and bop to the jams niggas…. Drizzy gone be here for a minute….

  23. Black Shady says:

    ^^^ how you puttin Cole in the wale level? mad disrespectful.
    Cole can easily hang with the Kdots and Drakes

  24. DMVinYourchick says:

    Cole hasnt been lyricaly lethal since friday night lights. last two albums were half and half.

  25. OhWORD says:

    This board is packed with lightskin/sensitive ass niggas if y’all think that shit was hot.

    Stop calling this nigga the King of Rap too. If he is the king of ANYTHING it’s R&B. Wu-tang shit was terrible too

  26. Genesis says:

    @Black Shady

    Lyrically ,yes….. But as far as songs that resonate on multiple levels, no….. His biggest song to date was a last ditch effort that luckily worked…. He was forced to try and fit into a world he could possibly abhor in order to stay afloat….

  27. Genesis says:

    I’m Black as fuck with a darker heart @OhWord….. You must be one of them old ass niggas who got offended because Drake (All that is Evil in your world) referenced the Mighty Wu (That which you deem as “God in the form of a bunch of New York niggas”)…… I’m probably wrong, but does that matter after the presentation?

  28. OhWORD says:

    LOL @ Genesis

    actually I’m 21 bruh, I’m not offended by shit…..I dislike when you sensitive cats praise an R&B singer who sometimes rap as the greatest. Also I’m not from NY buddy. Don’t like either, you probably about 16-19? That’s usually his age group of fans, y’all worship this dude and jump to his defense because y’all have an “emotional” connection to his singing and words lol Hey do you playboy

  29. ImBeastinONit says:

    You little niggas the type that have drake blasting in your headphones while cooking breakfast in your boxers dancing and shit

  30. Genesis says:


    Na, actually I’m a 29 year old intern at a semi-prestigious law firm….. Didn’t say you were from NY, just that the Wu was….. Worship a dude? Na….. Fuck him and Jesus….. No emotional connection to his words that doesn’t parallel the same feeling I feel when any truth is heard…. But hey do you, playboy….. That’s so catchy…..

  31. ayyeee says:

    Its straight.. not bad tho.

  32. Jav says:

    Music is always supposed to be from the heart though. This Aight.

  33. LoverOfHipHop says:

    He killed that shit. Fuck all the hate and biases niggas be having, If this was anyone else that did that record everyone would be talking about how dope the performance was but because it’s drake we either spazz and make him infallable or say everything he does is mediocore or just eh.

    I’m in my late 30’s, been through all of the eras of hiphop and this shit was dope…period. Great performance and dope ass song. Listen to it again and you can’t say he didn’t do his thing, lil homie murked that shit.

  34. Yo says:

    Use to hate on this guy……not anymore, and the great thing is….he didnt change to please the haters…….ya’ll can tell that he put out music the way he want it to
    The man definitely doing his thing
    and about the song……..GOTTA LOVE IT!

  35. Dom says:

    great song,
    great album,
    can’t wait!

  36. haaann says:

    Were currently watching a legend in his making, his claiming the throne with this new album

  37. StarFox64 says:

    ImBeastinONit says:
    Saturday, September 14 2013 at 9:46 AM EST

    You little niggas the type that have drake blasting in your headphones while cooking breakfast in your boxers dancing and shit

    cryingggg loll

  38. Dom says:

    All these opinions DO NOT MATTER.. including mine! No matter what we think he’s on top of the game right now and he’s the king! Jay z & Kanye & Eminem aren’t nearly as HOT as him right now.. I’m not gonna say Drake is better than their legacy.. BUT HE’S BETTER THAN THEM RIGHT NOW! There’s no denying his ability to craft a great song… the others aren’t doing it as consistently as he is right now.. You’re only as good as your last project

  39. it's the roc says:

    This was a solid record. But we give way too much credit to Drake and way too little credit to 40 (who most likely produced this). This was a great collaboration and connection between rapper and producer. And then Sampha took it over the top with his voice/style and made you feel both Drake and 40’s contributions even more. I don’t know, this may be better than UGKs for me…maybe. Good shit nonetheless.

  40. RaTheGod says:

    This shit aint hip hop, this is Hip POP, dont associate this shit with our culture. Stop referencing classic hip hop, while you’re at it, started with crew love (rocafella track, Beanie Sigel dropped a classic verse, look it up, NOW). I’m probably reaching on that 1 lol but fck that, on to this “Wu Tang Forever” shit, dont associate the Wu with them baby kitten ballads for insecure teenagers, you be making, fool.

    Now, to you Aubrey fans always calling fans of real hip hop or “purists” as some say, “haters”, fck yall. We know it’s yall time to shine. Our opinion dont mean shit, the ni99a’s going shine regardless, stop defending this fool like yall family or he feeding yall. Now, back to reminiscing about the good ol days *puts Fabolous’ money power respect freestyle on repeat*

  41. mackfree says:

    Drake killed it
    The thing is drake is killing it in all angles..
    You want a club banger he’s got it
    You want a girl song he got it
    You want a conscience song he got it
    Yeah some times hes phoney but he does it cuz of YMCMb unfortunely . You can tell he has a good spirit and I cant hate that.

  42. mrholloway says:

    GOT DAMN! He’s selling a million first week..

  43. Donn says:

    Drake got u niggas getting emotional behind keyboards and having debates on computers with strangers and he’s the pussy???

    The logic is hilarious cus I don’t see this many comments on so called REAL HIPHOP artists.

  44. ss says:

    drake the type of niggas to hand kiss scarlet johanson

  45. Chronic says:

    The reason why kendrick is better than drake is drake makes club records…Kendrick makes real hip-hop…but drake is hands down the greatest club-rapper of all time, think that’s pretty safe to say already

  46. thirdeyijimmy says:

    niggas please stop with the pure hip-hop shit…the pioneers use to sing and have coregraphed dances (watch Krush Groove for godsake) to go with they songs…drakes not doing anything unhip-hop y’all are just stuck on the “golden Era/roughneck” shit but even Ol’Dirty bastard sang…fact is ya’ll just don’t like drake with all right not to…this song is mehh, his bars are mehh, the emotion of the song…I get it…yellow nigga period problems so is it a great song? hell no?is the bol winnin right now? hell yes. is he the king? no. Jay’s the current king, Weezy (unfortunately ) is the heir and Kendrick’s coming for the trhone right along with drake. calm down people.

  47. RaTheGod says:

    ^^ It’s not even about the singing, alot of cats sang, fckin Esco used to sing. The ni99a wants to be an R&B singer, he’s said it himself, he’ll never release a straight hip hop album. It’s like he’s trying to create his own genre but still have some sort of roots in hip hop to fall back on. It’s like Nsync trying to call their shit soul music, does. not. compute.

  48. Donn says:

    ^^ But isn’t the music touching people. Aren’t ppl getting joy out the music so what’s wrong with it? Isn’t that what music is supposed to do. Connect with people?

  49. Streetz says:

    Now Elliott is on drakes dick. SMH.

  50. tmb says:

    @RaTheGod and @thirdeyijimmy are both kinda right lol

    but yo Andre 3000’s the love below though. classic. mostly singing. a little rapping. classic. and hes one of the best lyricists ever.

    just saying

  51. BLACK EBERT says:

    Drake VS Everybody….. Drake >>>>> Everybody.

    Sorry ya’ll truth hurts. Let’s accept it. Clearly a perfectly well rounded aritst with heart. #TORONTO


  52. Mar-tian says:

    Great song, great performance!!

  53. Facts says:

    This shit aint hip hop, this is Hip POP, dont associate this shit with our culture. Stop referencing classic hip hop, while you’re at it, started with crew love (rocafella track, Beanie Sigel dropped a classic verse, look it up, NOW). I’m probably reaching on that 1 lol but fck that, on to this “Wu Tang Forever” shit, dont associate the Wu with them baby kitten ballads for insecure teenagers, you be making, fool.

    Now, to you Aubrey fans always calling fans of real hip hop or “purists” as some say, “haters”, fck yall. We know it’s yall time to shine. Our opinion dont mean shit, the ni99a’s going shine regardless, stop defending this fool like yall family or he feeding yall. Now, back to reminiscing about the good ol days *puts Fabolous’ money power respect freestyle on repeat*

    ^^ THIS !!!!!!!!!

    Now pull y’all skinny jeans up and put that pink shirt down

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  55. MIKE says:

    This was nice, Kendrick is great but GKMC is overrated. It was great for the first month it was out and then it just got boring, his flow covered up a lot of flaws in his music. Drake album is going to be dope.

  56. Chronic says:

    Honestly, I would take the singles off of “Born Sinner” over his kinda shit any day. Better messages, flow, and wordplay. Everyone on here is talking kendrick and drake, but j cole dropped what I think is still the best album of this year.

  57. supremejets says:

    I get the flack on “WuTang Forever” but this one is tough.

  58. TA says:

    people still hating on drake???

  59. haann says:

    Drake Cole and Kendrick thats all that matters, they the new big 3 of hip hop, fuck them other new rappers

  60. Brandeezy says:

    Sounds of wackness,

  61. Da Truthhhh says:

    Dope Song HOpe he Remix Wu-Tang Forever

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  63. V says:


    Name me one conscience song bro…

  64. Dom says:

    I can easily download his record illegally.. BUT THIS TIME I WON’T.. I’m BUYING IT!!

    Why? Because this guy deserves it man.. you deserve my money for the product you are giving me..

    Take my money bro! You earned it!

  65. jayzuz says:

    NWTS will sell a milli first week, just wait and c.

  66. DJ Semtex's Prothsetic says:

    on some real nigga shit, too much for one nigga! sometime

  67. asmodeus ashmadi says:

    Aight it sounds like we might have a take care part two. Now lets give drake props for his ALTERNATIVE RAP CATEGORY SKILLS. nothing was the same in stores sept 24th.

  68. Mr.November says:

    When a rapper becomes successful, they get more and more people hating their every move. If you DO NOT like the music or the rapper, why do you WASTE time arguing that he’s wack? The only people besides the “haters” are the fans. Trust me, you won’t change anyone’s mind with the slander. You just come out looking like the hater.

    Respect to Drake for always doing him. Still can’t understand people calling him fake. He only raps about what he goes through. Fake is the ones like Ross.

  69. Mr.November says:

    @Donn you cant argue with ignorance. The truth is the truth, and the success speaks for itself. The niggas hating all day here are probably rappers who never made it off Myspace or Youtube after years of work.

  70. chillthrillz says:

    he can rap his ass off,,,,,thats for sure,,,,,,

  71. tirell says:

    “Drake is the king of rap”
    ha! that’s a contradiction in itself

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