1. Chris M says:

    Shit is fuckin hot.

  2. Jay Clutch-ler says:


  3. Son says:

    Minus Fredo this is pretty coool

    1. drumingking2176 says:

      fuck u bitch nigga fredo poppin right now hoe ass nigga

      1. Son says:

        Buy a 24 pack of dicks, eat half & then take a nap duke

        1. Devin Ancrum says:

          Shitt’d on him though…

    2. GDFOLKS74 says:

      hating ass dike

  4. CanYouAllHearMe says:

    wow Fredro Santana’s first post on RR i wonder why

    1. wow says:

      whos Fredro Santana? lol

      1. Paris says:

        fool i swear!!! ^^^^^

  5. Robert Tomas says:

    fredo gone be next up

  6. Brandon Edley says:

    His next mixtape should be Frodo Santana with a lord of the rings album cover

  7. Da Business says:

    No hate, but this ain’t for me.

  8. Hussle says:

    this the type of artist yall like????????? fredo really? #nohate

    1. disqus_xpmwx1oUV3 says:

      There is nothing wrong with Fredo he is a Trap Artist, he appeals to those who like the Trap Genre. If you do not like the genre listen to some backpack shit. #NoHate

  9. carl grimes says:

    gbe dont deserve a kendrick verse

  10. Kevin Banks says:

    wow the guy that raps afer Kendrick is terrible! What a basic flow

  11. Levvi says:

    Kendrick possessed the track. Fredo just got free exposure.

  12. majormar says:

    Shit was hot.

  13. Hot Lover Tone says:

    So Fredo Santana gets on RapRadar with a Kendrick Lamar feature, but Snake Hollywood’s song “Choke” featuring Ab-Soul (with the Kendrick Lamar diss in the last verse) dont? I better never hear this site talk shit about Ebro ever again.

  14. KayandGee says:

    that beat hard.

  15. RogerTHAT says:

    WHOA…. SO THIS IS HIS WEAK AZZ RESPONSE TO “LIV THE INVASION” FOR DISSING HIM>??????….. He shoulda came harder than she did -she really got to him I see …LMAO…. now hes calling out HER CITY (CHICAGO)

    1. LOVE_LOVE says:

      He s calling out Models too lol…. even called her a small fry lmao – i love it – she finally is getting the attention shes thirsty for….

  16. Ashton Au says:

    The drop, Chorus and K-dot verse are all you need to hear.

  17. sam says:

    this nigga kdot stay copying andre3stack hooks and flow

  18. DaJuan says:

    Kendrick is doper than Drizzy.

  19. RealDeal©Hill says:

    We neeed a visual for this.!!!!!!!

  20. Streets Buchanon says:

    *yawns* Not a fan of trap rap niggas stick to selling dope . Pusha T is one of the few rappers that can make poetic drug dealer music these dudes sound like they abuse drugs not sell it . Kendrick was Kendrick . #hate

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