ATCQ Introduces Bonita Applebaum To BK
November 21, 2013 @ 12:11 PM EST

During A Tribe Called Quest’s performance of “Bonita Applebaum” last night at the Barclay’s Center, the group brought out model Stephanie Santiago as their muse. Sporting body paint and delicious curves, you can thank Nigel D for putting us on.
Once again, we have confirmation…God is the consummate artist!
(and Ms. Santiago is a sculptured representation of this fact…)
As LOVELY as Steph is & trust me her body is FLAWLESS, I think it would’ve have been more appropriate to have had a brownskin goddess with those same measurements & African colors body painted. Maybe Briana Bette?
those are implants and injections.
definitely injections, liposuction, breast implants, brazilian butt lift…..
you can easily find pics or her pre surgery and even pics of her all bruised up right after surgery….
that being said, they did an amazing job and I would fuck her til passed out from exhaustion. she looks great
ya gotta put me on….