Kanye West On Juan Epstein

Juan Epsteineezy.

Kanye continued his press run over at 395 Hudson St for the latest episode of Juan Epstein. The full interview won’t be available until next week, but here’s footage from the first 10 minutes. He talked about his weapons of choice, family, J Dilla, and meeting Michael Jackson.

UPDATE: Full 47 minutes.

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  2. HeyBuddy says:

    They could’ve had better questions, best part: Kanye shitting on those that passed on him. Always good to hear that fresh air.

  3. datnicca says:

    im subscribed to them but where da fuck is the podcast

    1. Barry says:

      Clearly, it says “Wont be available until next week.”

      1. datnicca says:

        thanx for clearin dat up bruh

        1. james says:

          the best interview…the only time its not about kim or nike…its about the music! finally!

    2. Tay172 says:

      iTunes Store. Dorid user

  4. Brownskinz says:

    this is my favorite kanye interview in the past few years.. at least the first 10 minutes. Those ‘2pac of fashion’ and ‘walt disney meets david stern’ quotes were getting played out

  5. DeezNuts says:

    B. Dot…listen what he says about Dilla. I’m not gon hate brother but please go and study or at least re listen to Dilla’s shit…

    1. kanye west says:

      b dot just a blogger, let him be that. any dickhead that would say “j dilla is over ratted” is obviously uneducated when it comes to music.

      1. Nick Perle says:

        Man let that man be entitled to his opinion.

        1. kanye west says:

          what cipha sounds said about dilla was an opinion an educated one at that. what the blogger said was just uninformed and slightly dismissive.

  6. Nikky Noir says:

    this is definitely one of the best kanye west interviews i’ve ever heard/seen. You can tell that he isn’t very interested in speaking about these things, but he doesn’t know how interested WE are to hear them (especially producers, rappers, etc…). Cipha/Rosenberg tend to annoy me sometimes with their extra pseudo intellectual approach to rap shit, but they asked well thought out questions here, big up

  7. Meme meme says:

    man I was really hoping this would be dope but it was just kanye gassing himself up I wanted to hear some classic stories. Respect to Rosenberg for trying to keep it hip hop tho.

  8. brza says:

    since when did the comment section become the classifieds?

  9. brza says:

    this was an excellent interview btw everybody seemed happy. that’s Hip Hop

  10. Produced By Reality says:

    http://youtu.be/AXNR0DRRph0 Best to ever do it!

  11. LeVar Johnson says:

    What the hell is he talking about when he says Biggie dissed the Roots? He’s misqouting Biggie’s verse on Flava In Ya Ear Remix. He got the line completely wrong and it makes him sound stupid. He said “Like the Roots disappear vamoose. You’re wack to me.” What Biggie actually said was ” Invisible bully like the Gooch disappear vamoose. You’re wack to me.” If any of you guys are old enough to remember a show called Different Strokes which starred Gary Coleman, then you would remember there was a bully who you never actually saw named The Gooch. Hence the line “Invisible bully like the Gooch”. Suprised Cipha or Rosenberg didn’t call him on that.

  12. Jose says:

    WTF is up with posting of links and videos on coments on here? Bullsht! thirsty as hood nikkas trying to get put on. aint no one gonna click them shts, FCK OFF!

  13. Guest says:

    This Isn’t Everybody but you’ll get the idea .. #drgnation

  14. This Isn’t Everybody but you’ll get the idea! #drgnation

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