1. BillyBobJohn says:


    1. Its just an ego booster for those involved. Maybe you can take something away from it and check out music you may not have had an interest in previously but for the most part its about their self indulgent posturing…lol

    2. The Incredible Creation says:

      LMAO… Combat Jack … JLP (Complex) Sledge (A&R at some major) Jayson (MTV, XXL etc) i’m guessing u know the other 2… but google helps as well… *shrugs* everybody has their own opinions tho, of course.. well at least they should.. http://www.theincrediblecreation.com

    3. Mega says:

      Exactly I can see Drake or even Kanye for sure signing http://www.soundcloud.com/Love_At_First_Sound/RECKLESS .. Kinda sounds like a left over YEEZUS track

  2. PeanutHeadShawty says:

    look at this nigga b dot don corleone ass nigga

  3. Da Business says:

    I guess I have to go back and relisten to that joint. I didn’t really give it a chance 1st time around.

  4. Donn says:

    No one should get butt hurt over the conversation. You guys have these convos with your boys all the time. It’s just now on a bigger platform for everybody to see and discuss more. Its good for HipHop. Relax. Its just for talk. These decisions aren’t final or the end all the all, just some ppl who go the shows, the studios, the offices and are involved in the culture besides sitting at the computer. Good convos

    1. Dashing28 says:

      I wish that were the case, that these convos aren’t influential but these videos shape how people feel about the work and the artists. They do have an impact. Just like the year-end lists do. So it’s important for the journalists doing it to know what they’re talking about. So far dude from Complex seems to have it right…

  5. Selorm Amuzu says:

    How has Drake improved though, he never stopped rapping or was shit at it …. his sing/rap scale just tilted one side for a year lol

  6. Rap Radar Fan says:

    B.Dot Stop IT!!! I don’t want to hear it anymore…

  7. Dashing28 says:

    Glad the 2 cats who’ve thus far been the most off point changed their votes. Mac Miller absolutely deserves this. Blue Slide Park was…ehhh. Watching Movies with the Sound Off is easily one of the most original, interesting, best rap albums of the year on the low. It came out the same day as Born Sinner and Yeezus and it’s the only one of the 3 that I find myself going back to because the knock on Born Sinner is that it’s too boring and the knock on Yeezus is that it’s too weird. Mac Miller’s album is definitely waay more interesting and varied then Born Sinner while not being as offputting and weird as Yeezus. Probably one of the most slept on albums to come out this year in a crowded year for rap.

    As for Charlemagne saying Big Sean?? What is he smoking? This was a terrible year for Big Sean. Hall of Fame is not good. And didn’t have the hits that propelled Finally Famous. Not to mention it kinda flopped. And then there was that whole Control thing….

    B.Dot saying Drake?? Most improved? Nothing Was the Same is a good album to be sure, but it’s not as good as Take Care, which still had the energy of records like “The Motto” “We’ll Be Fine” “HYFR” and “Lord Knows” “Make Me Proud” to offset some of the slower, moodier music on it. It’s a good album. But it’s basically Drake doing exactly what you expected him to do. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it wasn’t an improvement.

  8. Shenny_Ron says:

    I think Childish Gambino greatly improved. From Camp(Some corny,cringey lines) to Because The Internet(with great production and lyrics).

  9. Macavelli says:

    Dude in the camo knows his shit

  10. DJCognac says:

    Mac Miller is the one who is most improved.

  11. Hussle says:

    These niggas dont even come to the table with solid arguments.

  12. The Almighty says:

    it’s interesting to see but honestly conversations like this go no where, everybody has their own fuckin’ opinion and everybody thinks their word is bond, try convincing an old nigga why he should like this over that… not gonna happen

  13. Word says:

    Definitely agree with the Mac Miller pick. Watching Movies with the Sound Off was criminally underrated. AOTY.

  14. Sina Mailer Daemon Djavadkhani says:

    I like this discussion! keep em coming 😀 https://soundcloud.com/blackgallant/50-days-for-ta-ku-day-9-mailer

    1. Shenny_Ron says:

      Kendrick bout to bring that heat next year.IT’S ALIVVVVVVVVVE.

  15. NativeKing says:

    charlemagne said big sean lol?, dude who’s album flopped? and got murked on “all me” and destroyed on control so bad that niggas forget it was his song?…

  16. YoungN' says:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atNMyKy4VhE WATCH NOW & SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL !!! VIDEO SHOT IN HARLEMWORLD

  17. Extra Domus says:

    B. Dot needs to STFU and stick to copy pasting other websites posts – no opinion please

    1. Dwight Stewart says:

      LMAO, ouch! tell him how you really feel, G.

  18. kanye west says:

    b dot the blogger dont know fuck all. saying nwts is better then tc is just stupid.

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