Inside Rick Ross Georgia Mansion

The Big House.
Rick Ross closed on his new digs this week. The house, formerly belonging to Evander Holyfield, is the biggest single family home in Georgia with 12 bedrooms and 21 bathrooms. Got damn. Below are photos inside the new crib. We can probably expect one crazy housewarming party.





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  1. b zdbnz says:

    This will impress the simple minded people who support him.

    1. Snake says:

      …who? B.Dot and Elliot?

    2. Guest says:

      …who? B.Dot and Elliot?

    3. majormar says:

      It should impress u too clown

    4. Kingly_Caracter says:

      So what impresses you?…serious question.

      1. Dwight Stewart says:

        thats an amazing piece of property. peoples hands made that shit, so yes this is impressive. #StopTheHate

    5. LuckyP757 says:

      nigga, this aint no condo in downtown charlotte or some shit.. smh if this doesn’t motivate or impress you you’re a damn clown

  2. cannon says:

    we know damn well his fat ass aint swimming a lap in either one of those pools

  3. It's Just Music says:

  4. Cmon Son says:

    Why the fuck does this need a post? Cock suckers smh

    1. Michael Ibbett says:

      I thought that too at first but then I remembered how much press 50 got when he bought Tyson house

      1. The Shit Failures Do says:

        Why you don’t have a rap career at all yet you defending the next man to the next man? Focus up, cornball

        1. Actually I like to see BLACK MALES acquire assets dickhead. Doesn’t have anything to do with “defending”. Focus on deez.

    2. Dwight Stewart says:

      why not?! hating ass niggas walking ’round wearing wires.

  5. WEBBIE says:


    1. deuces says:

      Jeezy hometown ain’t the A.

        1. WEBBIE says:

          Where is his hometown then? what City he claims in his raps? where does he say he’s from in his raps? im waiting

      1. LuckyP757 says:

        he damn sure aint claiming macon or south carolina

  6. strange says:

    didnt this nigga he opening up this house to the kids of new orleans atlanta etc.
    sounds like some neverland michael jackson shit. ross a strange character thats some weird shit.
    dude dropped off the forbes last year. this some strange situation.
    time will reveal all.

  7. yeah says:

    gatsby status type crib, hate if you want but it does look nice so fuck off

  8. Kingly_Caracter says:

    Wow…Real talk. I get it if you don’t like Ross and his affiliations (RR). Cool…But mother of God. Some of ya’ll are on every post preaching you hate towards this dudes every move tho? Seconds after its posted. Be happy or over look this type of news. Damn…

  9. dion0025 says:

    21 bathroom crazy for house is crazy lol

  10. MiamiGardensOG says:

    hate him if you want but this is still a young man from the ghetto who made it out and is living out his dreams. salute to him

    1. wiki says:

      from the ghetto???????? lmao….ross stans out in full force.

      dude was from a middle class 2 parent family who lived in the burbs driving his moms benz and shit. had a clean record became law enforcement. straight WWF shit what he transformed into.

      no struggle what so ever. everything after that is just jokes,

        1. FOLK103 says:

          yea he aint lying even tho ross came up with real niggas

  11. bcro says:

    lol at the big house. Little jab at rick ross being a cop.

    1. Michael Ibbett says:

      I think its in reference to the games TV show where they said the big house and the little house like 100 times…it’d be funny if it actually was a jab though

  12. Damien says:

    Congratulate, be inspired, get out there and get yours. “when you feeding on hate, you empty, my nigga, it shows” #Mastermind

    1. STFU says:

      People can voice their opinion as they want, this hating expression is getting highly overworked.

      1. LuckyP757 says:

        cuz you fucking trolls be hating !! fuck whatever you think you know about this man when reading this post. be in-gottdamn-spired the nigga has the biggest single family home in the entire state of georgia!! SHIT!!!

  13. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:


  14. Cassius says:

    Ross dont have that sort of cash.
    album sales dont cover album promotion costs, touring will bring in very little, commercial ventures dont amount to much.
    nope, not believing you ricky.

    1. John Jay says:

      It’s a rental LOL

    2. ‘Bitch my crib look like a mall.” #StayWishing

  15. OgBobbyJohnson says:

    Doesn’t make sense to me WHY people keep coming to this site if you hate what is being documented. You hate RR but comment under every post and give the site more traffic which is what it thrives on. Why people hate so hard on someone who is doing better than them. Say what you want about Ross he still made more money in a year than half you haters will make in your lifetime. Start your own site and buy your own mansion since you have so much to say about other peoples accomplishments.

  16. I’m definitely gonna swindle my way in at this house warming party, B. Fucccckkk thaaattttttt. LOL Oh yeah, why so much hate? SMH

  17. Carlos Danger says:


    1. nicoswebaby says:

      Fuck yeah.. he’ll turn “Earth Hour” in to “Power Hour” and the rest of the night it’ll be dark, with one generator for the gates, I wanna go too!

  18. BlueScalise says:

    Don’t claim Boss unless you paying cash. Very nice house.

    1. Dwight Stewart says:

      Lol, niggas. PAY CASH? how would they carry all that…The FEDS would be on his ass and would definitely hold him for questioning if he bought this cash. You gotta have money in an escrow account and great credit to buy shit like this.

      1. BlueScalise says:

        Not cash literally. . I mean no mortgage. Buy it straight out, he a boss right.

        1. Dwight Stewart says:

          Bosses don’t do that homie, reckless mufuckas do that shit. Lol, The Feds will definitely watch if someone pulls a stunt like that. Real Bosses put their cash in a offshore, swiss type account and transfer it over to escrow and pay for it like they worked for it.

  19. C'mon son you retarded? says:

    Who the fuck cares. Fatty is a joke

    1. Dwight Stewart says:

      you feel a way about it.

  20. SDJ says:

    Rap Radar failed to mention that no one wanted to purchase this property because of it’s location and proximity to undesirable neighborhoods. Not a good location for a house of that magnitute. The worst of it is that Evander Holyfield made $260 million in his carreer but coulden’t maintain the the up keep of the property which has been reported to be 1 million a year and an electric bill thats about $17,000 a month. It’s said he brought the property for around 8 million. It’s not really the price he paid the makes the deal it is the fact that he has to maintain the up keep. That’s why no one was interested in buying the property. Ross is said to be worth $26 million and takes in about $6 millon a year, add taxes and thats about $3.5 million a year. With taxes on the home, up keep, and other expenses, this doe’s not look like a good investment. Remember, Evander was worth $260 million and could not maintain the property. Ross $26 million, Do the math.

    1. LuckyP757 says:

      so whats your point nigga? all them figures you spitting from your duplex in the lower class section of montana.

      1. iDontCURRRRR says:

        ^This nikka hahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha … Slapped the life out this dudes post. hahahah

        1. LuckyP757 says:

          lololololol fucks wrong with that weirdo fam?

      2. SDJ says:

        Google the figures bitch. U dumb ass typical nigga. Just the fact you on this frauds nuts shows the type of nigga you are. SMH.

        1. Guest says:

          Evander broke due to child support, house maintenance was secondary.

        2. Trillionare says:

          It shows the type of nigga you if you are googling “facts” about a nigga you dont like just to post it on a RAP BLOG!!!!! Just keep the hate to your self!! Crab in a bucket ass niggas trying way to hard!!!

          1. SDJ says:

            Nope your wrong kid. I was minding my own business. I came on here looking for music and ran across a bunch of materialistic buffons gloating over a house that’s not theirs. Talkin bout be inspired because Rick false said it in a video. Im just telling yall fraud ass dick riders he will go broke behind this shit. The up keep is unreasable that’s why he’s the only dummy that bought it. Everytime someone says some real shit it’s seen as hate. Great excuse to disregard someone elses point of view. U crazy in love uh? Blind loves a bitch. Anyway, sometimes haters tell the truth.

            Im out

          2. Dummy how much is Avender worth again? If you think that someone worth $260 would have a problem maintaining this house then you’re truly no bigger than your tax bracket. Fact is Ross got it for nothing and will quadruple it probably as this is his “Atlanta” home that he plans to use as a platform to host charity events. You can’t reason beyond the dollar store; stay there and shut the fuck up while you’re at it.

        3. LuckyP757 says:

          on his nuts? you’re delusional fuck boy.. his raps may be off but he gives niggas opportunities to make money i.e. wale, meek, rocky, etc etc so aint shit fraud about that. you upset my nigga, i know i know i knoooow *rich homie quan voice*

          1. Dopeboy says:

            dont wait ur precious time for the hater…he family gat nothing to eat…i know him,he shares a room with the brother..

          2. LuckyP757 says:

            lololololloloololololol its saturday homie, let that motherfucker live lol

    2. Dopeboy says:

      shut the fuck….u know nothing about ross….he went off forbes..

  21. bronxbillyunz says:


  22. John Jay says:

    I can see the link with neverland…fast forward 6 yrs from now, Rozay in court fighting child molestation accusations…cause the guy’s flying high in expenses

    1. LuckyP757 says:

      only a faggot places niggas in those sorts of situations. see what type of shit goes through your filthy perverted little worthless mind

      1. John Jay says:

        Yeah right!!!!

  23. ILL MUZAK says:


  24. That Yayyay says:

    All he has to do is upgrade to solar energy and this investment makes a ton of sense on the flip

  25. Trillionare says:

    How the fuck can a nigga hate on this shit is crazy to me!!! If you dont like the niggas music its cool, but when he makes power move after power move and you lames still have some negative shit to say is crazy!! The internet has given you niggas a platform to say the dumbest shit about other niggas who is out here gettin it, instead of wasting your time hating on a nigga who is successful living out his dreams go work on yours!! This shit is inspiration!! U got to salute!!

  26. iDontCURRRRR says:

    From correctional officer to Multi Millionaire…quite the come up. Respect the grind even though his backstory is as real as a 4 dollar bill…. but thats 98.9% of rappers these days.

  27. JMcL says:

    maybe ross does slang bricks

  28. Dwight Stewart says:

    Congrats. from Carol city streets to mansion life. How can you you hate on a mans will to win?

  29. jizzle says:

    Scarface crib!!!

  30. nicoswebaby says:

    Was surprised that he didn’t install an elevator (not really, he can’t afford the electrical bill), Ricky gon lose weight walking up n down them stairs

  31. It's Just Music says:

    Every time RossRadar posts something related to Ross. Let’s not comment or rate it or anything.

    Let’s see if it magically goes #1 on this site like everything ross releated.

  32. BLACK MAMBA says:

    Happy for him

  33. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Rick False didn’t buy this house. He visited it and they let him take pictures. He has no money to maintain this place.

    He’s a wannabe 50 but he can’t.


  34. F_CkUHomie says:

    well its good that he has a large house.. but im not living in that exact house so congrats but really if he not letting me in on that cash who gives a flying fuck.!!! #GetYourOwnBread

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