Drake Retracts ‘Yeezus’ Comments

So Far Wrong.

In Drake’s feature in the new issue of Rolling Stone, he’s quoted as questioning the lyrical chops of Kanye West’s Yeezus:

“There were some real questionable bars on there. Like that ‘Swaghili‘ line? Come on, man. Even Fabolous wouldn’t say some shit like that.”

Apparently, that isn’t the case. Drizzy released a series of tweets this morning repudiating the comments and addressing his cover pull.

I never commented on Yeezus for my interview portion of Rolling Stone. They also took my cover from me last minute and ran the issue. I’m disgusted with that. RIP to Phillip Seymour Hoffman. All respect due. But the press is evil. I’m done doing interviews for magazines. I just want to give my music to the people. That’s the only way my message gets across accuratel

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  1. Epul says:

    What did fabolus have to do with that?

    1. ShitYouNeedToKnow says:

      Sometimes fab has corny punchlines

      1. polopolo1 says:

        sometimes??? lmaoo? gambino is the king of that korny shit tho

  2. jav says:

    Lmao …this was the one time he could of made himself look like he had balls and then he does this

  3. Hussle says:

    1. He’s corny. this nigga so bipolar. one minute he’s the softest nigga on earth, the next minute he’s mr I dont give a fuck. MAN THE FUCK UP to what you said! Yeezus was trash period!
    2. SHOTS FIRED @ Fab. shit….Loso are you really gonna let it slide?

  4. lmao says:


  5. PolarBearsToenails says:

    He didn’t speak on Yeezus “for the interview portion” so it was still said. Corny ass Drake just thought it was off the record

    1. Dashing28 says:

      That was my first thought. He said “for the interview portion” which means he said it, just off the record. Shots at both Fab and Yeezy. I know Ye won’t respond, but Fab probly will.

      1. Cmon Son says:

        Fab has absolutely nothing better to do & already dissed Drake (which no one cared about) so it wouldn’t surprise me if he responded. Too busy playing patty cake with Troy Ave bumass

  6. LP1087 says:

    Nah I believe him ( Scorpio bonding moment, lol) but this is what they do. I don’t see him talk’n crazy in a room full of writers that you know would eat that shiet up, maybe round his boys in a playful manner, but not around press. He’s gotta know where that would eventually go. Even the slightest thing

  7. polopolo1 says:

    Coming from the guy who said “Shout out to asian girls let the lights Dim Sum?” common man every artists has a “Wtf?” momment

  8. Chronic says:

    Drake getting exposed for te fake motherfucker he is

    1. haann says:

      Im sure every artist has there own personal views on peoples albums that they would rather not let out to the public, how does that make him or any other artist fake

      1. Chronic says:

        Because he’s trying to take back what he said, and he’s butt hurt that a dead actor (who was mad good) got the cover instead of him.

        1. haann says:

          He didnt take back anything. All he was making clear was that statement wasnt meant to be publicized, that was not for the interview

          1. Fiyah says:

            Don’t bother arguing with idiots my dude. Niggas that hate Drake will always hang on to any reason to hate Drake.

    2. LuckyP757 says:

      well not really. anyone who has an opinion that matters never considered drake a real nigga

  9. sincereakilleez says:

    why every time I really really try to like this dude he says some dumb shit. Drake I’m sorry dude but you soft and your corny and this is from someone who tried to like you. You make good music but your personality over shadows it. STOP being such a SOFT ASS CORNBALL. U make niggas look dumb for fuckin with you!!!

    1. Luther says:

      Worddd. Just make music. Don’t come out

  10. Cmon Son says:

    My momma told me never throw a stone and hide your hand

    1. polopolo1 says:

      jay electronica told me the same thing

      1. LuckyP757 says:

        damn, a jay electronica mention. it really is black history month isn’t it lol

      2. brza says:

        “Exhibit C” man I wish this guy would release an album already that record alone is better than half of these so called “rappers” entire albums

        1. $₱₳ṝ₭≳. says:

          Man I was in a Bar in LA this nigga Jay E was in there (I THOUGHT I WAS TRIPPIN) with some basketball shorts on & had some fine ass women around him… I asked him about the album he said “It’s Me” not the label & be bought our drinks & I never asked him shit else about rap! Hes a very cool cat never would have thought he was that down to earth!!!!!

          1. brza says:

            yo seriously?! that’s what’s up

  11. So indirectly if this is true drake came at fab then when he says
    “Even Fabolous wouldn’t say some shit like that” ……Well FAB?? are you gonna respond? I’m yearning for a battle …

  12. Washed Up Ass Fab says:

    “Are any studios open?” Fab
    “Shoeicide” Fab
    “Instagram Punchline” Fab
    “Dissed Drake on TINC2 & Nobody Cared” Fab

  13. haann says:

    Drake is not a bitch for having an opinion on kanyes music, hes also not a bitch for calling out rollingstone. When kednrick calls out GQ were all like kendricks so real good for him. When drake does hes being soft, come on the bias is getting ridiculous now

    1. Cmon Son says:

      Kendrick called out GQ for unnecessary racial overtones & for clinging to the outdated West coast thug persona to sell mags/demonize the hip hop community. Drake is calling out Rolling Stone for using an off the cuff remark as part of his interview. Two completely diff. scenarios dunny, get your comprehension up

      1. haann says:

        so basically they were both upset the magazine portrayed them in a way that they didn’t approve of right. Kendrick fans really have to stop dick riding so hard stop making excuses, its the same fuck thing if one of them was being sensitive they both were being sensitive

        1. PolarBearsToenails says:

          Also it was the TDE label boss who called out GQ

    2. It's Just Music says:

      Because Drake is constantly and consistently winning. so people hate on him religiously. They do the same to Jay Z.

      Wonder what that says about K Dot? lmao

      The hate for Drake is unreal.

      2009 Drake began to blow up and 5 years later he has most #1s on billboard magazine.
      Best selling tours ever (last tour sold 99% of tickets)

      Best Selling albums.

      Sponsorship with Jordan

      And already considered a hip hop legend.

      And for the people defending Fabulous, dude is corny as hell. He is just a mixtape rapper which drops flop albums. lmao

      1. Michael Angelo says:

        drake stays winning, ppl hate it

      2. HeruthaGod (Original N-G-R) says:

        Hip Hop legend? Gtfoh, you dudes will bring up sales more than actual talent as if majority of drakes fan base aren’t suburban teenage girls. MC Hammer was the biggest & best selling rapper at one point but he damn sure wasn’t the best.

        1. It's Just Music says:

          drake’s music is actually pretty good too.

          you must be a gun totting gangsta or a homosexual since I like women like drake and I can relate to shit he says.

          5 years later I am still listening to So Far Gone.

          there is a reason why Jay and Kanye view Drake as competition.
          there is a reason why he has collaborated with them as well as eminem and andre 3k.
          He makes great music and even legends recognize him as a threat.

          Fuck what you think at this point lmao

          1. HeruthaGod (Original N-G-R) says:

            Lmao, this is why people clown Drake & his flower petal soft male fans. So because I don’t think he’s done enough to be considered a legend I must be a “gun totting gangsta or homosexual”, nice generalization. The guy has yet to put out a career defining classic. What do collabs have to do w/ anything? I could bring up how Kendrick has done collabs w/ Jay & Em, played GKMC for Andre 3K before it was released, gets much respect from Kanye, Em, Nas, Jay, Pharrell, Andre 3K, Ice Cube, Q-Tip, & a bunch of other things that don’t mean much. Funny how you say he’s comp to Kanye & Jay yet most people are considering Kendrick as the best right now (not BIGGER than Drake but BETTER than Drake). Kendrick established dominance in the game w/in a year of his debut & no has challenged him yet Drake’s been mainstream for how many years now? Don’t forget when Drake came in the came niggas like Soulja Boy were hot at the time, the climate of hip hop then to now is different. But whatever, continue living in a fantasy world where a guy who claimed Control was “harsh words” is considered a legend

          2. It's Just Music says:

            My bad for generalizing. you finally have a great arguable debate.

            Drake has 3 platinum albums (in the age of internet piracy).
            Most #1 hits on billboard in a 5 year span since So Far Gone.
            He sold 99% of his Would You Like A Tour Concert Internationally. Meaning he has the best selling tours of this day and age.

            I don’t know but to me that proves he is a legend.

            Once again look what he has accomplished in just 5 years!
            Only people doing numbers like that are Jay kanye and Em, aka legends.

            If 99% of his tour is sold out internationally, it must mean that the world likes Drake’s music no?
            He even hasn’t started the European leg yet.

            I think Kendrick is dope. He is a force to be reckoned with and Sing About Me is definitely a hip hop masterpiece song, but dude only has 1 dope major label album (section 80 doesn’t count) to his name.

            Will he be able to top that this year with his 2nd album?

            If Kendrick didn’t name drop in Control, would it even be that hyped?

            IMO, Drake is a legend. Not even rap legend fuck rap.
            Jay Drake and Kanye are with jimi hendrix, MJ, radiohead, coldplay, the beatles, as they all continue to push the boundaries of music.

            When K Dot does an international tour, you let me know.

          3. McGlock says:

            The only thing people can argue against Kendrick is that he is new, which is obvious. We don’t need an essay to discuss this. Give him time, his 2nd album will be huge.

          4. HeruthaGod (Original N-G-R) says:

            His GKMC tour was an int’l tour his co-headline tour w/ Eminem was international. He was the biggest touring hip hop artist of 2013 over Drake, Kanye, Em, Tech N9ne, Jay, etc. GKMC has higher ratings than all 3 of Drake’s albums, also GKMC is considered a classic by most yet none of Drake’s albums have received that praise despite the chart topping singles & huge album sales. & people were still talking about GKMC a whole year after it dropped but are people still talking about NWTS? When Drake did his promo runs for NWTS he was ALWAYS asked about Kendrick but how many Kendrick interviews do you hear Drake’s name pop up (just think about that). I’m not denying Drake’s popularity & hold on the rap game but he’s no legend & he’s damn sure not on the level of Jimi Hendrix, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, etc that’s just disrespectful to even put him on a level with those legendary acts.

          5. It's Just Music says:

            I guess we just stand different on both artists.

            We’ll see when Kendrick drops his 2nd album if the kid really got it.

            I consider Take Care a classic, he was hot off that album for 2 years.

            But we’ll see.

          6. Noe/Edub says:

            Comment was on point. They dont hear you tho.

    3. LuckyP757 says:

      DRAKE, IS THAT YOU?!?!?

  14. Fiyah says:

    I don’t see the problem with what he said, Yeezus as an album is questionable, not just a few bars.

  15. Fiyah says:

    Reading the comments, I’ve come to realize people are dumb. Really, really dumb.

  16. Nathaniel says:

    i liked the swaghili line, ha!

  17. LuckyP757 says:

    so not only did he jab Ye, he took one at fab too. sucker ass nigga. smh

  18. sincereakilleez says:

    So were they suppose to wait a month to give Hoffman the cover for you? Get over yourself dude. And I love Seakes music to but stand make me sick, Drake is sensitive point blank period l. These last two days remind me of the CRWN interview acting all butt when Kendrick got discussed

    1. sincereakilleez says:

      Drakes music *

  19. Dan Karlin says:

    I don’t think Aubrey “Drinks on the House like Snoopy” Graham, the man responsible for YOLO gets to talk about corny lyrics. But that’s just my opinion.

  20. SmokeYou says:

    Drake throwing a fit over Philip Seymour Hoffman getting the Rolling Stone cover instead of him really says a lot about his character.

    1. Sebastian Slade says:

      So true man.

  21. Reggie says:

    Google – Rapper Kenny Thomas

    1. Capuccino says:

      Nice, ‘When It Hurts’ ‘On Me’ and ‘Work It Slow’ all hot, sounds like a raw Andre 3000, give me some info on how to cop a tape

  22. wow says:

    lol i been telling nigaz fab was trash! Like “thim slick” GTFOH!

  23. BK!! says:

    No Drake is NOT a legend!No Drake is in no way as nice on the mic as you cherrleaders think!I wish!!!I just Wish!!! He would say some sucker shit about Shady!I wish…then his R&B career would be over!!!!Fuck this soft bitch!!!And Yeezus eats dick!!!Wackass album!!

  24. Surfeit says:

    Drake ass doesn’t even make enough real Hip-hop to take shots at Fab. Fuckin with Fab he’s only gonna have an R&B career.

  25. LeVar Johnson says:

    Why doesn’t he have a problem with the lyrical choices Wayne and Nicki make? Even he has mad corny punchlines. “Come and find me. Nemo. If I was at the club, you know I bald. Chemo.” #FuckOuttaHereWithDatBullshit

  26. niggaplease says:

    “my aunt, she rode equestrian I used to go to the stables and get those kids to bet me And I would always ride the stallions whenever she let me” DRAKE YOU CAN’T SAY SHIT ABOUT WACK LYRICS

  27. tonyblunt says:

    man this dude. so you talking tough off the record about yeezy and Fab but only ON the record for macklemore the current industry whipping boy (lol at the being the case for a whie dude..)
    acting like Coward ass dude that only tough with ppl he think he can beat up, thought he get some tough points for the easy mark lol.

  28. DumbassoftheWeek says:

    I was waiting for this cornball to retract everything. Just blame the magazine editor Drake you weak nigga

  29. BigBossDell says:

    damn whats good with this beforeredirect.com/i/ohrn

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