1. johnathan says:

    Wack as diddy rapping…
    Los get lost!

  2. smoss44 says:

    if you packed a rapper in a package it would be los… (not a good thing) too basic in every way. Feel like he kinda out raps himself and tries to be too good of a rapper if that makes sense. Kinda like XV, just something that doesn’t keep my attention. thank me los for keepin it 100 wit ya.

    1. KILLA says:

      “Too basic in every way…Tries to be too good of a rapper” No, that makes absolutely NO SENSE. SMH. I’m not sure who you listen to however with that statement I’m sure it’s no one with any real form of talent or lyricism. It’s sad you could make a dumb statement like that. Los goes in on 99% of all the tracks, I’ve heard him on and in my opinion is entertaining/holds interest. He just needs more exposure, and a real backing.

      1. smoss44 says:

        ok well let’s see.. he has absolutely no buzz, no one but you internet Gsss say he’s dope. None of his peers put him on songs that mean anything… what am I missing? like I said he’s too basic and tries to hard to be a rapper. don’t care if he “goes in” at all. Can I listen to more than one song much less one from him? no! MORE EXPOSURE LMAO! are you kidding. This cats music is on every hip hop site, he was signed to mr exposure himself and what came from it? nothing! face it. your fav rapper is basic homie.

        LAST WORDS

  3. The Incredible Creation says:

    that weak ass selfie… lol http://toomanyfuckinrappers.tumblr.com/ — #Baltimore tho

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