1. slyfox says:

    ive given this guy so many chances but honestly i think his pure garbage. i think him and elliott have some sort of special agreement like elliott has with mmg because his always retweeting troy ave and his manager and showing them love and he still has his new york mixtape at the no 3 spot on best mixtapes which is ridiculous.

    1. Chronic says:

      Yea, not to mention the guys entire style is just ripping off 50’s early flows

      1. iseerashonal says:

        He has 50’younger voice not flow nor style. Theyre very different after a couple listens…ave one tge vest outta ny fight now

    2. iseerashonal says:

      U just listening for that turn up shit. Its like going to a waka flocka concert to hear bars or going to a jayz to get crunk

  2. DopeNative says:

    This is pretty grimey. pretty dope.

    Top5Alive Blogger

  3. The Incredible Creation says:

    Still channeling his inner Curtis Jackson i see lol smh http://toomanyfuckinrappers.tumblr.com/

  4. CaliBoy323 says:

    i finally listened to this dude. New York takes another L if he’s the savior. Newsflash lame ass rap dude we already got a 50 Cent. wtf is going on in NYC?!?!

    1. Dwight Stewart says:

      who called him the savior of new york? this is just some quality street music.

  5. Dwight Stewart says:

    nice beat. i wanna hear him on a song wit 50.

  6. tha OG says:

    Grimey NY shit!!!!!

  7. Wrekkkmics says:

    Be honest he has his moments but i think u guys gotta look else were for the underground nyc stuff .alot of the times the much bigger blogs like this and others are unafordable but i think you should look at newyorkunergroundradio dot com they have a lotta artist they play

  8. Free Gunplay's Chain! says:

    Anyone else hear him say he finger fucked Foxy Brown?

    1. bcro31 says:

      What? Were did you hear that. Lol.

      1. Free Gunplay's Chain! says:


  9. Boring. Finger popped Foxy though LOL Troy Ave got some heat though. #POWDERrrr #TIMELESS

  10. Bighustle says:

    I like that hook though. Simple, but effective.

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