New Music: Game “Bigger Than Me”

Mad Game.

Game discharges a fully loaded clip at all you fuck boys on his new single. The video’s already in the can and will be in support of his forthcoming album, Blood Money La Familia dropping September 16.


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  1. O.G says:

    Game went hard on this

  2. DopeNative says:

    Game… Lol

  3. Cartune says:

    Finally! THIS IS THE GAME THAT I WANT TO HEAR MORE OF! Not that imposter-copy-cat that suffering from a real identity!

  4. LOL says:

    raw shit, be happy Game ain’t signed with YMCMB or else you wouldn’t be hearing this hard shit from him.

    1. guest says:

      see this fool whose sole purpose is to come and express hate. boy u pained, did a weezy fan fuck yo bitch?

  5. biggs50 says:

    Game rapping like he is part of G-unit or he want to be besides them again.

  6. The Weirdo says:

    Whoa….Ying…Ying Ying!!! on a motherfucker!!!!…Game aint kidding

  7. facts says:

    real talk guarantee the game will sell more then street king immortal

    1. NYC Shawty says:

      he’s on eOne records you can expect his sales to drop by 75% at least without Interscope behind him and he doesnt have 50s money or fame to cross promote.

      1. Hannibal Lecture says:

        50s money couldnt get animal ambition to sell lol!

        1. Get Moneynigga says:

          Animal Ambiton #1 rap album…it sold 46,000 copies independent…that’s good numbers fuckgurl…y’all lame ass niggas hate on 50 even when he ain’t got shit to do anything you just viewed…Game is a good rapper but he ain’t never gettin back with G Unit…Now get over it bitch

          1. Hannibal Lecture says:

            Shut yo pussy ass up hard on the keyboard ballet in the street ass nigga! 50 flopped flat out pussy! His name couldnt sell 50k Street King trash gon flop too!

          2. Get Moneynigga says:

            Lil nigga you so tough…you”ll gangsta on them keypads I give you that…you dick eater

          3. Hannibal Lecture says:

            Put an address up faggot im done talking to you!

          4. Anthony Kelley says:

            Funny how not one rapper said he flopped not one because they understand what u obviously don’t. Independent numbers get ya weight up

          5. GetReal says:

            shut the fuck up he flopped my boy mac miller sold way more than that with way more comp, and hella less promo

    2. Get Moneynigga says:


      1. Hannibal Lecture says:

        I gave your mama double wood while you were taking the trash out and cutting the lawn this morning. Oh stop putting your name on the orange juice deadbeat.

      2. GetReal says:

        just like your father 50, stupid faggot stans i swear

  8. AMTM25 says:

    silent beeef

  9. Sam Robilotta says:

    damn this is hard, love that he even gave props to 50 and eminem. sickk

    1. AMTM25 says:

      that a good sign

      1. Lol says:

        Lol Game’s been on everyone’s dick at one time or another. Nothing new

    2. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      too bad everyone else got dissed lol

      1. GroovyQ says:

        It’s a compilation album.

        Get that shit right!

    3. cannon says:

      even tho he propd fif i dont think 50 wants game back on g unit for the fact that he would outshine everyone in that damn group

      1. Anthony Kelley says:

        Highly doubt that, this fool would be let in and start dissing everyone a week later smh

      2. YoMamasFavorite says:

        Hahaha u such a clown… Listen to Game he says 50 Cent is bigger than him… If u don’t believe we’ll see Sept. 16th when they both drop their projects

        1. cannon says:

          300 bars is the reason g unit slowly fell apart. 50 knows that. Fif don’t want it with game#facts

          1. YoMamasFavorite says:

            If 50 don’t want it with Game why did he set his release date for the same day as Game?

          2. cannon says:

            so he can hype it up and sell more. remember the whole curtis vs graduation thing…he actually sold more off of kanyes buzz. but what happenend when he released an album on his own date(b4i self destruct).he flopped. so know hes using the whole game vs 50cent so he sell a lil bit more. dude cant sell shit any more so he needs a scheme to sell.

          3. YoMamasFavorite says:

            First off Kanye put Graduation on 50 Cent’s release date. So Kanyw was actually using 50 to propel himself to the top. Hence the whole David vs. Goliath talk. Secondly BISD didn’t go platinum because 50 Cent said he was going to retire and industry sales in General went to shit. Thirdly everyone does stunts these days to promote LPs not just 50… Do u see what outlandish things Kanye says and wears and does when his albums drops or why Jay did the Samsung deal, etc… Lastly if 50 Cent didn’t want it with Game he wouldn’t put his release date on the same day period. Whether or not he’s doing it for buzz 50 knows all the beef that comes with it too. This LP showdown will show who the better artist really is to the general public and hip hop heads, and if u don’t think so u’re so spiteful denial has got ur opinions all messed up. Lol

          4. cannon says:

            So basically Kanye helped 50 with sales right..? Because 50 sold like 600k in a week with the whole Kanye scheme but then released bisd on his own and only sold 150k. I perfectly remember around 2005 after massacre was released the game released 300bars started the whole g unot movement and dropped that whole mixtape dissing the whole g unit(which was nasty). Through 06-2010 that game New Jersey devil mixtape brought g unit at a decline immensely and brought anger and aggrevation to the unit to the point where they all left the group. Plus around 06-10 check 50s album sales they dropped crazy because of g unot movement. Honestly ja rule has better singles than fif real talk.

          5. smale45 says:

            lmao. you’re a clown if you think that G-Unit fell apart because of 300bars. lmao.

  10. WES says:


  11. esdee says:

    LOVE Gangster shit …ITS BACK .. say what you will about 50 he bought that feeling BACK.. the unit and now the game cant wait for all their albums. YES!!!!!!

  12. 44wade says:

    couldn’t get past 28 seconds, this guy needs to STOP the name dropping its not even funny anymore, just fucking annoying and stupid.

    1. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      that’s always been my gripe with game. but i like this nonetheless.

      1. Dun Dun says:

        BDot on that hair commercial wave, he is a cool brother. Respect from Korgezistan

    2. Mike Markidis says:

      28? Bama move on with that wtf u on RAPRADAR for fool lol

  13. poetmm . says:

    The Game always been better rapper compare to 50cent but his albums just have way to many features.

    1. YoMamasFavorite says:

      We’ll see when their albums drop heads up on Sept. 16th

    2. Well says:

      Niggas don’t see Game as an artist more as a fan. Constantly name-dropping & getting 1,000 features yet no one ever calls him to be featured on their album/singles. Not to mention the fact he doesn’t have his own flow, just steals whatever’s hot & he’s basically rap version of the Pokemon Ditto

  14. Rick Ross says:


    1. Get Moneynigga says:

      Get yo bitch ass on…ol dick eater…go kill urself bitch

      1. TheTruthHurts says:

        What does that even mean? Your the worst troll I’ve ever seen haha you fucking cornball loser. You have too much time on your hands, I’d say you’re the one who should kill themself.

        1. Get Moneynigga says:

          What bitch? you don’t understand becuz I wasn’t replying to yo bitch ass and obviously yo lame bitch ass got way too much time on yo hands to be commenting on some shit you ain’t got nothing to do with bitch…You Dick eater,you fuckin faggot,ol dick ridin bitch made ass nigga…AM I CLEAR NOW YOU LAME ASS BITCH ASS NIGGA…EAT A DICK

          1. TheTruthHurts says:

            Yeah good one. I’m the one with too much time? Is that why you’re the one who comments on like 5 posts to talk your terrible trash talk and throw out your bad insults like they are gonna matter to anyone. You want some attention? Go upstairs and ask your momma for a hug hahaha, I’m just kidding, that bitch wouldn’t want your bum ass in her house anymore. Your a disgrace to anything you represent and your family.

          2. Get Moneynigga says:

            Aye dick eater don’t get ur pussy kicked in…I kno you”ll soft bitch ass white boy with free wifi…even if you not white…you”ll corny bitch ass nigga…I bet you don’t get no pussy…you prolly a child molester

          3. TheTruthHurts says:

            Keep up your pathetic insults because someone called you out on being the piece of shit that you are. Each time it makes you look tougher and cooler to the internet, trust me.

          4. GetReal says:

            the lamest nigga on rap radar, a fucking disgrace

  15. GroovyQ says:

    and this is why Game will always be better than 50….

    1. LOL says:

      Because he still biting off of Kendrick’s album cover?

      1. Alex Cooper says:

        ooooh damn lol

      2. ilexx says:

        I thought the same thing when I saw the song art but yo the song is tough though… Can’t lie.

    2. YoMamasFavorite says:

      Game even know 50 better than him why u think he listed 50 with Pac, Big, and Em… Bc he saying 50 BIGGER THAN HIM DUMMY

    3. A says:

      He basically just admitted 50 is bigger than him -___-

  16. AMTM25 says:

    dont compare 50 to game lol

  17. bastard says:

    dope as fucc

  18. Theodore Pendergrass says:


  19. Kingly_Caracter says:

    Poor Frank, LOL! How did he even get in Games mouth tho? They Beefin?

    1. Free Slowbuck's Chain! says:

      you really asking how another artists name got in GAMES mouth? Have you ever heard a Game record or song before? He can’t help but name drop whether he knows them or not.

      1. Kingly_Caracter says:

        LMAO!!! What the fuk was I thinking. I haven’t had my coffee for the day yet.

  20. Teenage Millionaire says:

    Ok …. this is pretty amazing …. GAME more of this … its clear you wanna link back with GUNIT …. could be a good idea

  21. GroovyQ says:

    Typical RapRadar always posting a 100 new post above a Game song…smh one of the best Rap sites but biased as hell!

  22. tha OG says:

    Great track !!!!

  23. @SkiYewNiverCity says:

    Good Shit Game!!!

  24. It's Just Music says:

    yet 50 and unit stans say Game is irrelevant or sucks as an artist or that his music sucks lmaooo

    Game killed this shit.
    and who cares if his album has too many features I just want good music.

    1. Get Moneynigga says:

      @I’m Just aBitchassnigga…I knew yo faggot ass was”ll Game dick eater…ol bitch ass nigga…no wonder yo pussy ass be trollin like”ll bitter scorn bitch…You want Game to fuck you…ol faggot ass bitch nigga lol NO HOMO

      1. Kay-R says:

        Now i get where dat hate on Game is coming from. You walked in on your moms one day and some nigga was pounding her synchronizing with Game’s One Blood. Too many drums on that track dat pussy started to bleed.

        1. Get Moneynigga says:

          You G Unot muhfuckas our lame ass fuck…Bitch ass nigga you a fan of a nigga who is Bipolar who can’t get over the fact that 50 Banks and Yayo don’t fuck with em…all Game fans our disloyal G Unit haters…every last one of you bitch ass niggas be wishing 50 would get back cool with Game suicidal disloyal bipolar ass…GET OVER IT BITCH ASS NIGGA…G Unit was never for bitch ass niggas with suicidal thoughts…why don’t you just blow yo brains out…at least you would do sumthn Game haven’t done yet

          1. It's Just Music says:

            why would I want Game back in G Unot?
            He is more relevant than everybody in that group.
            has more money than everybody in that group but 50
            and makes better music than ALL of them.

            g unit is for little hood rats in the ghetto thinking cooking dope and wearing xxl shirts are cool. yall all posers lmao

          2. Get Moneynigga says:

            Game wanted to kill himself on the cover of XXL…since you talkin “XXL” you bitch ass nigga…what type of message is that to send to the youth…next time I hope he don’t bullshit…I want Game to just blow his fuckin brains out…so you can be inspired to do the same bitch

          3. It's Just Music says:

            the same message g unit sends by talking about carrying guns, disrespecting the poor and unfortunate, disrespect women like a stereotypical hood male, and selling drugs?

  25. Mr. Real Talk says:

    Yo Game went the fuck in on this!!!!

    1. Get Moneynigga says:

      @Mr.Real Bitchnigga I wish you would’ve died over the weekend,maybe you”ll get lucky and get yo brains blown out tonight

  26. Kay-R says:


    1. Get Moneynigga says:

      Naw fuckgurl that’s what bitch ass niggas like you do…I would tell yo faggot ass to “GO EAT A DICK” but you go do that anyway

      1. Kay-R says:

        OH I CAUGHT ONE! i see my bait lurred one fish… how pathetic and stupid. I was calling out G-Unit stans and you replied. Now go swallow dicks just like u swallowed my bait, your money must be getting too low, time to go work and get moneybysuckingnigga.

        1. Get Moneynigga says:

          Aye dick eater…Game must pay you bitch ass niggas…I see you in the RETARDED BIPOLAR GANG…Now go take a pic of you about to kill urself but don’t be like Game and not do it…just put the fully loaded pistol in yo mouth and pull the hammer back and just squeeze the trigger…oh yeah and fuck you very much

    2. splifffjonezowns says:

      Nah we give props to game as a rapper and only and associate but not part of g-unit. thats all

      1. Anthony Kelley says:

        Why would someone who likes G unit hate on it they droppin heat as well and he clearly wants to be back

  27. Kay-R says:

    Game TOOK OFF! You can see where his album going from this song. BMLF gonn be the best rap album this year, watch!

    Ps. All rappers name-drop, Game just does it better than your fav rapper.

    1. Lmaooooo says:


  28. BlueScalise says:

    If Game can stay off his Bi-Polar shit and show 50 some love like this, it might go along way to patching things up!

  29. brollya says:

    there go game again name droppin the first bars…. he do it inevery song, it never fails…. den he bitting kendrick lamar artwork…. smh

  30. LOL says:

    how are niggas hatin on this? u niggas must listen to that fufu shit if you ain’t fuckin with this

  31. 312THUG™ ✨ says:

    He gave 50 props bc he knows best

    1. alex says:

      or maybe he’s just over it….

  32. 312THUG™ ✨ says:

    Does he have a song were he doesn’t name drop

  33. yo says:

    yo game cant say hes the black marshall mathers

  34. Lisa Roland says:

    The rumour is true! Nicki Minaj an Drake se.x tape released online. Check my pr0file for link. Quick b4 they remove it.

  35. yo says:

    game has made some big mistakes in his career but hes a game changer

    this killed every song off the red album

    the documentary and the doctors advocate are classics

  36. starter says:

    He’s the best nuff said

  37. ma nigga drake be gettin his dick wet in nicki minaj on dat sex tape. i seen dat video he goes in hard niki got some fine ass pussy. dat video is fire brah. check my profile homies cop dat video b4 dem lock it off an delete it. 666 fa life

  38. Wow can’t believe it is true! Nicki Minaj and Drake se.x video posted on the net. Check my pr0file for link. Hurry before they delete it.

  39. AMTM25 says:

    nah homie ur okay or wht 50cent 100times better than game

  40. jprince898 says:


  41. Damien Rome says:

    I gotta say I was a former Game-hater. These days… he’s been slaughtering. All props to him. I was especially sold after that Durk shit.

  42. Get Moneynigga says:


  43. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is kerry.. slagg had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 222

  44. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is kerry.. whore fucked my best friend.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fk her 444

  45. inf says:

    Production on point.

  46. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is emily.. slagg fucked my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 555

  47. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is emily.. bitch had sex with my best mate.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fk her 555

  48. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is kerry.. slagg had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 666

  49. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is emily.. whore fucked my best mate.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 777

  50. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is amy.. slagg slept with my best friend.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 222

  51. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is amy.. bitch slept with my best mate.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fk her 777

  52. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is amy.. whore had sex with my best mate.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fk her 222

  53. Kevin Banks says:

    name dropping is all this clown is good for

  54. talwaniya says:


  55. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is jenna.. whore slept with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 000

  56. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is jenna.. whore fucked my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 888

  57. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is kerry.. bitch had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 777

  58. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is amy.. slagg had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 999

  59. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is jenna.. bitch slept with my best mate.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fk her 666

    1. Capuccino says:

      Yo B.Dot u gotta delete this kid, shits startin 2 get annoying

  60. Jenny Ellis says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is emily.. bitch slept with my best mate.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fk her 666

  61. maine says:

    Is he ever gonna STOP namedropping. GODDAMN.. getting tired of that shit

  62. MM says:

    Game been one of the most consistent rappers. People NEVER give him the props he deserves

  63. Jenny Ellis says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is jenna.. whore had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 333

  64. this nigga trying to get back in the unit? LOL

  65. name droppin like a motherfucker once again lool

  66. Louiev says:

    Oohhhh this shit hard! Can’t wait for Game’s new album

  67. STAKIN MAC says:

    damn this shit hard i c he dissed rich homie quan

  68. ΓΛΝΓV™ says:


    1. Michael Ibbett says:

      Lol b4 that came out, game said on TMZ that he had a hood pass, simply because hes the beebz

  69. raise the bar says:

    this is dope

    but its basic lyricism

  70. Kelly Locket says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is amy.. bitch slept with my best friend.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 000

  71. Allblackgrandnational says:

    Game’s versatility on any track is why he stays relevant, hating him for being able to emulate just about anyone’s sound and flow in rap’s past and present is pretty ridiculous. And all you superficial “gangster rap” fans are jokes. This isn’t Game against 50 and G-unit, this is about two independent artists making money on their own and holding a grudge against one common denominator, Aftermath. I don’t know all the information regarding Game and YMCMB but I wouldn’t be too quick to write off Game and 50/G-unit collabing soon and that being the undiscovered reason Game didn’t sign with YMCMB.

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