New Video: Ab-Soul “Closure”

Case Of The Ex.

Love is a never ending story. And for Ab-Soul, his mind is on his ex while in the presence of his next.  Directed by Jerome D, Soulo’s album, These Days drops Tuesday.


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  1. kj says:

    real talk this album seems to be a disapointment and on top of that the ceo@ of TDE said on twitter that this album aint even Ab’s major debut project. played his shit!

    1. ShitYouNeedToKnow says:

      Thats because its not his major label debut hes only signed to top dawg. This album is gonna be fire #TDE

      1. odd says:

        im sorry its gonna be ok

    2. GreenBergs says:

      im happy to hear that and all, but the people are going to think this is his major debut project..

    3. BCE says:

      This isn’t even a debut project in the first place.

  2. inf says:

    I like this.. Best song I heard thus far from These Days..

  3. O.G says:

    Can’t wait for this project to be out

    1. GAME_BLOOD_MONEY says:


    2. 2 cents says:

      Don’t think it’ll be as good as Control system. Most excited for the Kendrick interlude, Soul spazzed on the section 80 interlude

  4. JOseph says:

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  5. Sina Mailer Daemon Djavadkhani says:

    too dischordant? chorus is dope though

  6. Guillaume Pilon says:

    keep ur shirt on

  7. Guillaume Pilon says:

    man….wtf is that is horrible

  8. Matthew Morgan says:

    Okay I get it… letting every member drop some type of project to get back to Kendricks next album

    1. GreenBergs says:

      shits crazy, watch nobody care bout kendricks next album. witout payola of course..

      1. GetReal says:

        lmfaoooo you sound dumb

        1. Matthew Morgan says:

          Sigh ain’t nobody saying nothing wrong with the’s a dope song but all the energy is in what is Kendrick next album gonna sound like

  9. GetReal says:

    safe to say that kendrick lamar is the only nigga on TDE finna lead a long lasting career…..sad to say smh

  10. SPAC36ODD says:

    i dislike when artists impersonate other artists. stay in your lane, leave chance’s alone.

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