1. Lucky Lefty says:

    I really hope this is the beginning of LP promo…besides that, this goes dumb hard.

    1. markbattleslive says:

      hell yeah.. check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0bRg4QF4Rk .. he kinda sounds exactly like KANYE but its nice nonetheless

  2. Clarke Gable says:

    this knocks before it end i back it up this is not bad at all..everybody wreck shop.

  3. $₱₳ṝ₭≳. says:

    NASTYYYYY!!! Flames.

  4. Go Hard Lox!!! says:

    It’s About Time…LOX…

  5. Free Slowbuck's Chain! says:

    lose the intro

  6. @SkiYewNiverCity says:


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