1. Polo Kid says:

    Can we see videos from Actual Proof, Big Remo, and other Jamla artist? Rapsody is cool but 9th is showing a little favoritism

  2. walkerboy86 says:

    Best female MC

  3. Damon Jaafar says:

    Once again Rapsody is doing her thing making NC proud.
    Bull City aka Durham, NC

  4. chitlin coon says:

    but she look like young joc tho….

  5. disqus_UAljU6Tnqz says:

    I got the permanent stink cave right now, that’s just how nasty that sh!t wuz. That’s some old 90’s hip hop. I never heard of her but i will definitely be lookin out for me music from her

  6. drewsmit24 says:

    Why she so sexy doe bajahaha

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