New Music: Game Ft. Rick Ross, 2 Chainz, Diddy, Fabolous, Wale, DJ Khaled, Swizz Beatz, Yo Gotti, Curren$y, Problem, King Pharaoh & TGT “Don’t Shoot”

We Are The World.

The shooting death of Mike Brown has made a global impact. And thanks to Game, he complies a who’s who of artists for a tribute track. The song is now available on iTunes with proceeds going to the ‘Justice For Mike Brown’ charity.

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  1. Black Phillip says:

    Of course Diddy has to advertise his fucking shitty liquor on a tribute song. smh.

    1. wow says:

      First off, you know this dude ain’t write his verse. Secondly, Is that all you took from this? if so go kill ya self.

      1. Sounds like a Game verse as well, real hip hop nerds know Game wrote for Diddy before he got on

        1. Yo says:

          Mostly just real nerds tho

    2. Bruh bruh says:

      pretty untimely mention

    3. GreenBergs says:

      n dj khaleds fuckin obnoxious ass..

    4. Manny Israel says:

      Diddy could care less! you’re right .. he ain’t write the verse but he made sure that plug was in. People defending Ciroc like it donates for Schools and social needs from the very community that it get’s rich from

  2. Viva La Raza says:

    good to see, better to hear….
    sad that a tragedy occurs, relieved that a tragedy brings us closer as a humanity.

  3. Hussle says:

    Make a song is cool I guess…but why not take a stand as a collective?????

  4. @SkiYewNiverCity says:

    o_O? Uhh……

  5. Get A Grip says:


  6. tyler says:

    This fuckin dope!!

  7. Dope joint, last verse is the hardest!

  8. lostprodigy says:

    Hidden Colors 3 part Documentary a must see!!

  9. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Though I can sympathize that a young man lost his life, I do have some questions.  First, I’d like to ask the parents, would your sons death make any difference, if the police officer was black?  You make it a point to drive home, that the officer killed him, due to race. I wonder, if his size and disposition had anything to do with it?  It has been reported, he rushed the officer. If I were a cop, had a 6’4″ man, rush me, and me not know his intent, I might fear for my life. I think, what a lot of people aren’t thinking about is a cops gun. In society, if someone is mad at you, and he’s going to charge you, and your not carrying a gun, you may only tote a butt whooping.  But, with society knowing cops carry weapons, I’d be afraid it was the first thing the person was going for. If they get a service revolver, the cop just lost the upper hand, and could be killed.  So, I’d probably say, if he would have cooperated with what the officer said, he’d probably still be alive. I just don’t believe the cop just wanted to kill a black man.

    1. marty mcfly says:

      It was not reported that he rushed the officer. It was reported that he turn around and was facing the officer after being shot the first time and then that was reported as rushing… Black kids are more likely to be shot by police across the board regardless of the situation. All witnesses on the scene said he was gunned down unlawfully. The account of the officer defending himself came from somebody who actually didnt see the shooting and was not on the scene. The other account of him “doubling back” after being shot the first time came from an eye witness but he did not say Mike Brown “rushed” the officer. Now lets take the race out and say that a white kid was shot six times by a cop and he was unarmed? That is a problem, why? Because tax payers pay for the police department and the police are a service of the people and taxpayers aint paying for six bullets to be fired in unarmed 18 year olds. If a white kid is unarmed and gunned down with six bullets that is still a problem. Im black btw and regardless of him stealing from the store I think when you have trained police and unarmed 18 year olds and six bullets are left in their upper body? and four eye witnesses say he caught five of those bullets while on his knees after being struck by the first bullet. There’s definitely room to suggest that was a murder. And again, if Mike Brown was white it would still be a problem.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Only in the US can a similar situation happen in 2 days only the races were reversed and the only story the media picks up is the one where the white cop kills the black guy but won’t even write a story about a black cop killing a unarmed white guy.

        1. marty mcfly says:

          I think there is probably a write up about that situation and it made local news but not national news. Had there been a protest (where some rioting and looting happened) and then a militarized police/nation guard response over the situation that last for a week happened then it probably would be covered more. Black people are not the majority of even half the population here in america so it has to be something when black people are 5 times more likely to be stopped by the police. No matter how you wanna box black people as if all black people are thugs and potential suspects you still gotta say black people are the ones living under what whites would call a police state. When you talk to alot of white people they all upset about police doing this and that and they talk about how police make it like neighborhoods are militarized concentration camps but what race of people are really subjected to that type of treatment everyday?

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Thomas Jefferson use to rape Sally Hemming when she was 10 to 12 years old in Paris, Jefferson love under age black girls, this i could never understand, if black female were not HUMAN ,why would a white male leave his white wife in bed, and go rape a black under age none HUMAN FEMALE ??????

          2. marty mcfly says:

            WTF, I mean ok whatever but I was talking about something else.

          3. el jim chapo guzman says:

            It’s not racist if one has the common sense to know you don’t get shot in the front if you’re running away, nor in the arms if your hands are raised in the air.

          4. marty mcfly says:

            Of course you can be shot that way. Bullets hit you in the direction in which the weapon was aimed and fired meaning If I pull a trigger on you I can potentially hit almost any part of your body. Mike brown was hit behind the forearm (running) and then he turned around and dropped and was hit 5 more times. Now go to a mirror right not and put your hands up? Now look at where Mike brown was hit and look at your own reflection in the mirror. He has bullet wounds in his arms on the same side as the side of his face which was hit and top of his head which are extremely consistent with what it would look like if somebody shot you multiple times with your hands up.

          5. el jim chapo guzman says:

            been done many times, even though there is no such thing as a “righteous kill” ruling.

          6. marty mcfly says:

            Whats been done many times? Police shooting unarmed people multiple times unnecessarily? Yes that has happened many times. Mike Brown has six bullets in his upper body and was unarmed but instead of holding the cop to the standard of policing he swore to uphold you look at the dead teenager and disregard his right to live and then look for every excuse in the book for the cop. My point is you can not say with certainty how bullets are gonna land once they are fired. Almost all parts of the body are exposed to gunshots.

        2. marty mcfly says:

          People always talking about their rights and shit. Well why is it cool for them to have rights but not Mike Brown? He was unarmed and he had rights as well. If you take 10 cops and have them approach an unarmed person. Even if the situation becomes combative, 9 outta ten of those cops will be able to either get this persons attention or arrest the person without firing a single shot let alone six shots. What makes this one cop more special then the other cops who make arrests on unarmed people without fatally shooting that person?

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            By law, officers are allowed to use deadly force in order to apprehend a suspect who has committed or attempted to commit a felony. Assault, as it happens, is a fairly simple felony to accuse someone of—and a fairly difficult one for those accused of it to deny. “If Brown shoved, punched, or even threatened the officer, that would be considered assault,” said Anders Walker, a professor of law at St. Louis University. “Even if Brown ran, that’s evading arrest, which is a felony, too. So the law is kind of in Darren Wilson’s corner.”

          2. marty mcfly says:

            So shooting him six times as an unarmed person sounds lawful to you? If you told that story to another cop they would say that dont sound right at all. So what makes this different? If Mike took one shot in the arm running and then turned and dropped to his knees and took 5 more shots in rapid fashion as described by eye witnesses, thats lawful to you? I dont think by law officers are allowed to do that. Now a cop fearing that his life is about to be taken is one thing but thats not what your describing.

          3. el jim chapo guzman says:

            What happens if Officer Wilson is exonerated of this shooting and it is ruled self-defense? Will Michael Brown parents and Al Sharpton accept the ruling or will they call for more protests and claim more they are victims of racism? I think all they want is a conviction regardless of what the evidence turns up.

          4. marty mcfly says:

            Its not gonna go the other way. The police work for the justice system. The justice system almost never punishes its own police force.

          5. el jim chapo guzman says:

            That’s the answer I’ve been waiting for all day thank you marty.

          6. el jim chapo guzman says:

            You absolutely correct

          7. marty mcfly says:

            You talking about the victims of racism? Go look at every single generation of american history thus far… What would you call the treatment of black people in america overall?

          8. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Another family is crying about their family member shot by police. Y’all know, tv show, news and so on, have educated us, made us aware for the outcome of many human being being killed by punks reaching for something under their shirts, pants and so forth. If anyone, I do not care whom it may be, reacts and takes a life while protecting themselves, wither trained police officer or everyday human. You do what you think is right when you feel threAtened. I do not think not even all the training in the world would prepare anyone. Now police officers are being made into MONSTORS, KILLERS and so forth. Our laws need to protect the police officers that are there to keep the peace.

          9. marty mcfly says:

            Actually the law is there for the protection of the citizens. MIKE BROWN WAS FUCKING UNARMED AND MULTIPLE WITNESSES SAY HE WAS ON HIS KNESS AND HAD SURRENDERED. HE WAS MET WITH SIX BULLETS OUTTA EIGHT THAT HAD BEEN FIRED. Thats is NOT honest police work. Nobody made this cop out to be a monster, he pulled the trigger a bunch of times which lead to the reaction people are having. What people want to know is is six bullets in the upper body of an unarmed person justified. THAT IS THE FUCKING QUESTION?

          10. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Well, it isn’t confirmed if this was actually the Mike Brown shooting, but let’s pretend it is for second and be FAIR. I’ve heard a lot so far about how this “proves he executed MB and kept shooting even after he was already shot”. Actually, in my opinion, this matches more with Darren Wilson’s account. The shooting starts off with, say, 7 shots then ends after 4 more. We all know from autopsy that only 6 shots out of 11 actually hit MB, so what that tells me is that the officer missed a lot. This can more likely happen with a moving target and a possible eye injury to the officer. If MB was still, more shots would have hit him. Secondly, it could imply that he started with the 7 shots, paused to assess the situation, and MB could have still been charging since he’d only been shot in the arm, so the officer began shooting again until he stopped. That’s my take, and what seems the most logical. Others are claiming this shows he stopped and started again to shoot unnecessarily — If MB was down after the first 7, and was laying face down how he was found, the remaining 4 would have not hit him in the front still. In order to get a face shot, then a shot in the top of the head, the officer would have had a “pause” between the face shot and the head shot. Had the pause in the video indicated this, and 4 more shots were taken, then wouldn’t all 4 have hit MB since he was “still” or “down”? If you ask me, this is actually GOOD evidence for Darren Wilson’s case. Anyone familiar with

          11. marty mcfly says:

            What you just said was ridiculous. You saying the shooting is not confirmed? Is Mike Brown alive or dead? Where did the bullets in Mike’s body come from? You then say the cop shot 11 bullets off in total? Stop right there, now does that not seem a bit excessive especially when Mike Brown was unarmed? The Darren Wilson account is really the Josie account of what happened and she was not there and from my understanding she is the significant other to officer Darren Wilson so of course she’s running with the “King Kong was charging” story. You talk about shooting 7 bullets as if thats perfectly fine to do. Shooting at somebody 7 times as your describing as just the first response to Mike Brown sounds like he was determined to kill him and so much so that he was trying to empty his gun to do so. ANYBODY should look at that and see a problem there. You keep going with this whole charging shit. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU CONFIRM HE WAS CHARGING? Especially when multiple eye witnesses on the scene said thats what he was not doing? Your telling me the cop busted 7 shots and Mike Brown was so invincible that he ran through 7 bullets like Ironman? Your saying a cop busting eleven gun shots total at an unarmed man who I guess has super powers is the most logical shit you can come up with? Vs the fucking eye witnesses? Vs common sense? Usually one shot is enough to make somebody stop and put their hands up. You saying Mike heard 7 shots (probably felt one or two in his body) and decided to charge in the direction of those shot? GTFOH and You keep talking about the placements of the shots and how each bullet struck Mike? HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU CONFIRM THE TRAVEL AND THE INTENT (whether it be protective or excessive) OF ELEVEN SEPARATE FUCKING BULLETS? The only thing that can be confirmed is that many of those bullets were in Mike’s body and caused his death. It is an impossibility for you to explain how those shots were fired because you did not see it. You saying that it took eleven bullets to stop an unarmed man that was charging? And that to you sounds ok? That to you sounds more logical then an unarmed man running, getting hit the first time and immediately giving up because he felt that first bullet and then being gunned down with 5 more bullets? The chances of your version of the story being true? is about 1 outta a hundred. The chance that a cop shooting eleven shots at an unarmed teenager being excessive especially when multiple eye witnesses say he surrendered is way more believable then your bullshit.

          12. el jim chapo guzman says:

            It is known that that Officer Wilson had a spotless reputation as an officer.
            It is known that the dead man had just robbed a store and assaulted the proprietor in order to get away.
            It is known that the dead man and his friend were walking down the middle of the street as if they were invincible and had no limits whatsoever.
            It is known that the dead man and his friend refused the officers’ instructions to get out of the road.
            It is known that a shot was fired from within the police car during a struggle with the dead man.

            It is known that the the dead man took off running after he was shot.
            After some delay, the officer pursued with his weapon drawn.
            It has been said by a witness who had nothing whatsoever to gain that the dead man
            doubled-back and rushed the officer. (You can see Brown (aka the dead man) exhibiting this double-back behavior when he was threatening the store clerk.)

            Consequently, I believe that Brown was shot and killed in self-defense.

            It is a good possibility, in my opinion, that Brown had smoked some dope laced with pcp and embalming fluid which made him think he was invincible . These two would not even follow the officer’s instructions to get out of the street.

          13. marty mcfly says:

            He did not have a spotless reputation as a cop and again he was an officer in Jennings Missouri and his department was disbanded for “racial tension” in the community and over aggressive police work. He was one of those officers that was let go. He was rehired again by the Ferguson police. Again, Mike did steal some cigars but does he deserve to be murdered for it? NO. It is not know that they didnt get outta the street, you simply took some information that was an account of someone else who was not there named Josie and now your running with it as if its true just cause it was reported like that on Tv. You dont not know if the first shot was a case of being over aggressive and according to you after Mike was running away he was pursued and shot again… WELL THAT MEANS HE WAS MURDERED DUMBASS. You have no clue if he rushed the officer because nobody said that. One witnesses said he “doubled back” and was shot more times and 4 eye witnesses say he drop to his knees and was shot more times. Again that means he was murdered. It was not self defense because Mike had no weapon and he was running away, the officer pursued and Mike received more bullets flying at him from behind. Stop right here, this is attempted murder… Now Mike turned around, still unarmed and already shot and received 5 more bullets making it a murder. Mike strealing for the store and smoking a blunt does not mean he should be shot at with elevn bullets and hit with six you jackass. Its unbelievable that you dont see the point here. Even if Mike was fucking Hitler, he was unarmed and shot from behind and then shot multiple more times, that is an extreme use of power and ultimately a fucking murder. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WITNESS ON THE SCECE THAT SAID THE COP SHOT IN SELF DEFENSE.

          14. marty mcfly says:

            This goes back to the shit I was saying earlier. Not only do you and some others like you believe that the dead black man was a thug but also that he was a navy seal/samurai ninja/super villain with X men mutant powers that could charge through bullets to try and attack an officer who’s shooting like he has no sense or concern for public safety and the people of that community. Smh Just the fact you think eleven fucking bullets is what it takes to stop an unarmed man is ridiculous.

          15. el jim chapo guzman says:

            You can protest against police brutality without deifying the dead. Michael Brown was not an innocent party. We don’t know much about him but we do know that he committed a strong armed robbery, probably not even his first. We know that he doesn’t respect authority and was a drug user. All this at 17!

          16. marty mcfly says:

            So is the cop the innocent party? Yeah he committed strong arm robbery for some blunts and the store clerk did not receive any serious level of injury. How you know he doesn’t respect authority? Do you know Mike Brown? Is it possible that the cop is the one that doesn’t respect authority? How do you know the cop aint a drug user? Yeah he was 17 and you do not know if Mike was some rampaging Tony Montana during his life or if he was just a teenager who made so stupid decisions and in particular that day. You dont know if Mike woulda been somewhere right now doing his homework as a college student if he was not shot. Almost every child in america has stole for the store before and has physically pushed someone else around. So should they all be shot at and killed? FOH

          17. marty mcfly says:

            You have already made your mind up about the dead. That because of what happened at the store he deserved to be shot multiple times and killed. You saying he was charging, he was a thug, high on weed and possibly pcp etc.. Most of which you have no idea if that was true or not cause yo saw the shit on Tv and assume that the public gets accurate information about police shootings. You do know he was shot multiple times in the street but you have complete faith in the cop that all those eleven bullets were necessary for an unarmed 18 year old. Smh

          18. Get Moneynigga says:

            You just a dumb fuck.Mike Brown was shot 6 times 4 or 5 of those shots were when he surrendered as reported by 4 different witness,who told the exact story.So Mike Brown didn’t get a chance to try and get away,he was shot dead with his hands in the air.Oh yeah and fuck yo wanna be knowledge of the law

          19. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Us being black people we have to no the law inside out.

          20. marty mcfly says:

            If your a cop and you pull up to a scene and you see a dead unarmed person where six shots were fired in them. As a cop wouldn’t you go into investigative mode as if something is not right with this picture here? Regardless of race or the officers feelings, wouldn’t you still think to yourself, six bullets? Really? I mean was Mike Brown Wolverine from the X men? I dont think so. I mean Mike Brown is dead with six bullets in him, thats one thing we all know to be fact. The other things we just know to be accounts of what happened but the one fact we do know his Mike is dead with six bullets in his upper body. That alone is enough to investigate whether that was necessary or if that was over aggression on the officers part and not necessary.

          21. el jim chapo guzman says:

            They don’t care what the evidence says. They just need a way to get their message out. I mean, the real problem here is police killing more and more of its citizens. I hear these stories daily. Cops are killing white citizens too. But some want to make this about race. It causes confusion and subverts attention away from the REAL problem.

          22. marty mcfly says:

            The police also have ridiculous responses to peoples actions on the books as well. They say a man can cover 21 feet in running distance faster then an officer can fire a shot from an aimed position? That is a physical impossibility.

          23. el jim chapo guzman says:

            I’m black and I’m just trying to get you to think about it in more realistic terms. You should get out of the “us vs. them” paradigm

          24. marty mcfly says:

            Think of it realistically? The police use the “oh he rushed me in an attempt to go for my gun” over a couple hundred times per year as their story of why they used their weapon. So not only are black men thugs and gangstas but also expert ninjas with the ability to grab police guns and use it against the police and you the type to actually believe that happens as often as police suggest it does in the streets. Bullshit

          25. el jim chapo guzman says:

            I must disagree with you. Either he got shot while running or while raising his arms. So it has not been concluded which ways he was shot, but with the newly discovered audio, we wil soon see. Next, we need the video. I’m sure that will pop up as well.

          26. marty mcfly says:

            He was running away and was shot from behind and then he turned around and dropped to the ground and was hit 5 more times… Either way you wanna put it, the chances that the cop was doing more then he needed to do is WAY MORE LIKELY then the cop having to do that because his life was in danger from an unarmed teenager.

          27. marty mcfly says:

            Audio can not show you how bullets were flying through the air. Mike could have been 30 feet away when he was shot down and audio will not show you that.

          28. el jim chapo guzman says:

            smh audio was sketchy at best.

          29. marty mcfly says:

            audio does not show you the fucking murder fool but it does suggest that all that shooting on an unarmed man is an extreme amount of force for someone who was running away.

          30. marty mcfly says:

            This cop took the “Use Of Force Matrix Continuum” to a whole other level and Mike got six bullets in him and you looking for the excuse for the cop before he even made a statement himself.

          31. el jim chapo guzman says:

            wait till the nearly all white jury give their verdict, you will see if the case is open or close alright

          32. marty mcfly says:

            The verdict will say not guilty. Again the justice system does not turn on they own officers and neither do people they have selected to be the jury. An all white jury can not just prove to me that everything they believe is true. They were not there. Your calling something open or close based upon the opinion of what the officer is going to say. Of course he’s gonna say that shooting Mike Brown as he was running away and unarmed was necessary because he was so scared for his life that all he could do was squeeze that trigger a bunch of times… Well just cause he may say that dont make it the truth of what happened that day. Just cause he may say Mike charged into a hail of bullets cause he was the black superman… Doesn’t mean thats what actually happened. Newsflash genius – police lie all the time and especially when their facing punishment for their actions.

          33. el jim chapo guzman says:

            What would be so wrong about have a “special prosecutor” responsible for cases against law enforcement? This is also why we have separate “internal affairs” divisions responsible for identifying lawbreaking by law enforcement. I wish it were otherwise, but in many cases, the police are not very effective when it comes to enforcing the law against other police officers….more
            See More

          34. marty mcfly says:

            ANYTIME a police officer shoots eleven times at an unarmed citizen? The response should be was it justified? Period. You do not just assume the cop was defending his life especially if one or two bullets would have most likely dropped the unarmed teenager. The fact he shot eleven bullets and hit with six also demonstrates a reckless use of a firearm as well as excessive force.

    2. disqus_5cf9fQAd3l says:

      You have to consider the amount of times he was shot, and the witness and audio accounts of him being shot even after Mike was on the ground.

      That cop was dead wrong.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        This audio is sketchy at best. Ten gunshots ring out loud enough to be caught on PC audio and the guy never misses a beat. It would seem that if the shots were that loud he would have paused, ducked, or reacted in some way.

        1. Get Moneynigga says:

          He had his headphones on.Stop trying to justify the murder of Mike Brown.You just making yo self seem stupid.

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            So they expect a jury to believe a cop with no history of misconduct just up and decided to summarily execute a kid in the middle of the street in broad daylight for no reason, and that the kid who had just committed felony strong-arm robbery did not assault and go for the gun of a cop that stopped him minutes later? Good luck trying to win that case.

          2. Johnny Caruso says:

            Smh lol

          3. el jim chapo guzman says:

            It is what it is but it the truth.

          4. TruthRuth says:

            Ok in your whole defense attorney jargon. Your pseudo cross examination… The chief police officer already establish that the shop lifting incident was an unrelated incident. The officer had no prior knowledge of that situation. In your whole analysis you did not once ask yourself Why the officer was so adamant about getting this kid out of the street that he felt compelled to get out of his car, and some how end up in a tussle with this young man. If the officer was being aggressive and combative towards Mike Brown what rights are allocated to him that situation??? And even if the law says you can use deadly force on anyone who commits a felony. There’s something called discretion. It doesn’t make it right that why we have “amendments” certain case bring attention to the flaws in the legal system and as society becomes more civil we change them to better suit society. So because you believe some stupid law, doesn’t mean the shooting was justified. And this race issue body Mike Brown is not the only focus… Cops (white) have publically executed Eric Garner, Jordan Crawford, Mike Brown, Ezell Ford, Kajieme Powell in the span of two weeks. You’re not no black man stop lying. I don’t even know how white people can stand there and defend this it ones again reveals their insincerity and their barbaric nature. They care more about dogs than the care about black people, ask Mike Vick…

          5. Johnny Caruso says:

            Dude let me answer some of your questions.because I couldn’t make my points with out some one as yourself making all the good points you just made so let me try to answer those.The Store Robbery was releavant…The guy the main witness who claim he was rite there walking with Michael Brown was also the guy seen on film with him in the store.and here why it’s so relevant.He of all ppl had motive to lie to the cops.He reported that they were in da middle of the street when the cop a me from behind in his unit and told them get out the street.then the cop rolled by.when he seen that they weren’t out the street he backed up.To the point where his car door was even to where they stood.Now fo llow me here when those guys saw that cop back don’t think rite there they had presumably thought “hey this cop may have just found out we robbed that store.and automatically agreed he try to get out we gonna hold his car door shut and big Mike you lean in there and knock him out then we gonna strike it’s either you belive that or you belive he backs up his car be a use they didn’t get out the street.trys to pull a 350lb 6f3 black man in through his window by the neck a or ding to witnesses.keep in mine the cops sitting in his he must be really strong”ok” then Michael freed himself.start running.the cop gets out shoots him twice in the back.Mike turns around with his hands up.the cop shoots him again.and then again in the head.all in broad day light with witnesses around and e erything.well damn ! That’s one badazz cop huh ? Lmao…you need to collect all the facts.i lay it all out there for you at the very beginning of this thread go back and read what I’ve wrote about these witnesses that got the whole country holding they hands just might find out they were full of shit.We want even take in account the police went to the hospital with a swollen face that’s irrelevant he a cop who cares about him.or that there’s audio that suggest Michael Brown rushed the cop with his head down got shot up 4 times on top his rite arm then when that didn’t put him down was then shot twice in his head.head down charging police..The while country is protesting though that the time dude 2 as shot he had his hands up.Simply not true.Everybody who beleive in justice needs to read all the evidence in this case and comb over all the witness statements and what the aydtopsy reveal.then you might come to a different conclusion like I have.everything isant all black and white.Except for the media.we live in a country that’s more like Black.Yellow White and Brown keeping it 100

          6. marty mcfly says:

            I doubt alot of what you saying. I mean people act as if he ran up in the store with an AK and laid everybody down for some cigars. Mike Brown took the cigars and handed them to his friend and his friend put them back on the counter and Mike picked them back up. As Mike was stepping to the store clerk his friend was leaving out the store. Now they were walking around still in plain sight. Usually people have their senses up when police get involved. Now the theory that Mike Brown rushed an armed police officer is a bit of a stretch. Going from stealing some cigars to trying to commit suicide by charging a cop is hard to believe. Police always use the same story and at some point its like GTFOH with that. Its way more believable that what most the witnesses said happened is what happened. Mike Brown was not a suicide bomber. I dont know how you heard an audio that suggest the motion and direction in which Mike was running. The audio I heard was a bunch of bullets being fired. I doubt Mike was charging into a hail of bullets with his head down. I mean that would be retarded and really dont make no damn sense. All that shit about the officer being hurt is not facts or even evidence at this point. Those were statements and accounts of what happened that none of us can confirm cause we have yet to see the evidence and those reports have yet to be confirmed as factual. The only way to know if the officer was hurt is to actually see his face and confirm the injury which nobody has yet to do and provide proof of. This is why I said earlier the only concrete evidence we can confirm is Mike is dead due to multiple gunshots. Alot of that other shit is accounts what what happened that has yet to become facts.

          7. Johnny Caruso says:

            He was sat charging into bullets you make it sound like the cop was shooting only going back in forth with you to find the truth.because you seem to think that a cop in broad day light gets out his car because a guy is Jay walking and guns him down and murders him cold in front of really beleive that because ppl who say they saw it said that’s what happen so you really beleive this.ok.dude.well then you are really naieve.and are not considering all the evidence…CNN played footage that the girl who was suppose to being picked up from work gave them remember her..On the footage it shows Michael Brown already shot and killed.then they quad up the audio and you hear a black man saying possibly a neighbor of the young girl saying “the cop ran after the man.the man put his hands up.turn around said something then all of a sudden that’s when the cop shotem up ” they didn’t say the cop was shooting and he ran into the bullets.the guy said the cop was chasing possibly trying to arrest him with his gun drawn.a d it suggest Mr Brown at one point put his hands up.turns around says somthing to the officer and all of a sudden charges him.thats when the cop shot him up…CNN played this particular audio just once be a use they had too.and since I’ve been following it they haven’t showed it again.i wonder why , if you Google and do your research h my brother you will find everything I’m telling you is true.Michael Brown was a thug # fact Michael Brown had just turn 18 and already had a felony conviction for assault and batter # fact Michael Brown new he was already in trouble when the police stopped him fact his partner in crime the so called witness knew he was in trouble to was also in the store with him that’s wutever man beleive what you want.this coo out there risking his life doing his think you can do a better job why don’t you become a fucking cop

          8. marty mcfly says:

            Why is what im saying ridiculous but what you saying is the truth when what we do know is Mike was shot dead. We literally have absolutely no way of know if he charged into the officer and that kind of movement makes no sense at all. People say they saw a struggle at the vehicle? I mean thats sounds very possible to me. Then they say was Mike running away? I mean if you just had a “struggle” with the officer? and you get free for a second then yeah you might run. As Mike was getting up the street the cop got outta his vehicle and fired 3 shots and struck Mike the first time in the arm. Now if the cop was pissed off over “the struggle” at the vehicle then that could’ve very well happened. Now if you get hit by a bullet what might you do? Stop, get down on the ground and surrender, why? because you can not run faster then a bullet. The cop then took 5 more shots and they all hit the upper right side of Mikes body and if a man is on his knees then yeah you could very well hit their upper body. I mean all that sounds very possible. Your shit about him just putting his head down like a rhino and charging into an armed officer (hat was already shooting)? I mean nobody with any common sense would ever do that. That makes absolutely no sense. The witness your talking about did not say Mike charged him, he said he “doubled back” meaning he turned around and he still said he was shot down with his hands up. YOU have absolutely ZERO ways to find out if what your saying is true. You talking about watching CNN and using google… Fool that information is based on accounts of what happened that may or may not be the TRUTH. What is ridiculous though is that several people say Mike surrendered but yet you keep going with this he charged the officer theory? Mike was already shot once at the point, he was about 20 feet up the street and the cop already had his gun out and had fired two other shots at the point. Mike somehow deciding to rush back down the street into on coming bullets that were already being fired makes no fucking sense. He woulda got about 2 feet before he was struck down and all those bullets in his upper body clearly suggest that he was already down on the ground when he was hit. Nobody knows what happened but the side about him running then being shot then stopping turning around, dropping to the ground and surrendering and then getting shot more is ten times more believable them Mike somehow think he was the incredible hulk and charging into an officer that already had his gun out and that witnesses say had already fired his weapon multiple times already. FOH

          9. marty mcfly says:

            You saying Mike was a thug but Mike was on his way to college, the officer were talking about was part of a police unit that was disbanded before he was rehired in Ferguson for being over aggressive to black residents in Jennings Missouri… Who was really the thug?

          10. TruthRuth says:

            Alright my good sir. Your whole scenario was highly intriguing to say the least. Just don’t fabricate to fit your narrative and call it facts. Thank you. First off the tussle was in the BACK SEAT of the COP CAR SO THAT SHUTS DOWN YOUR WHOLE FASCINATION RIGHT THERE, THAT’S WHERE THE FIRST SHOT WAS SHOT. Second you didn’t address all the other blatant accounts of injustice I laid out for you that has occurred within a span of two weeks with White police officers killing unarmed blacks in public caught on film. I think this is the only account that wasn’t really caught on film, HENCE WHY THE MEDIA IS FOCUSED ON THIS!!!!. And the fact that FERGURSON IS FULL OF REAL SOLIDERS THAT”S ABOUT THIS REVOLUTION RIGHT NOW SALUTE TO THOSE BRAVEHEARTS!!!! How ever you wanna twist the narrative to fit your account. IT DOESN”T JUSTIFY THE EXCESSIVE AND DEADLY FORCE USED BY THIS OFFICER! Having discretion and knowing the difference between what’s right and wrong is an innate trait that we all posses, called gut feeling!!! BEFORE THE MEDIA MADE IT BLACK AND WHITE, WHAT WAS YOUR INITIAL REACTION OF HOW THEY LEFT THAT YOUNG MAN IN THE STREET (YOUR GUT FEELING)? YOU CAN LIE TO ME, BUT TO YOURSELF YOU KNOW THE TRUTH.

          11. Johnny Caruso says:


          12. marty mcfly says:

            There is no way of knowing if 99% of what your saying is true. I said there was a “struggle” earlier… The reason I can not give specifics on that “struggle” is because they are not confirmed. What you have are accounts of what happened but those accounts may or may not be what happened. What is FACT at the moment Mike was shot multiple times and killed. YOU can not give 100% facts on anything else because your getting that information after its been passed through lord knows how many different people. However multiple witnesses have said Mike had surrendered and was still gunned down.

          13. TruthRuth says:

            Its not slinging a label, just because your tired of hearing it doesn’t it mean it does exist or we should sugar coat it for you!!! If your tired of hearing about racism everyday imagine those who live it everyday!!!!.Thank you for revealing that amazing stat about the percentages of blacks in this country because that leads me to this baffling undeniable point. Why if whites make up 59% of the population and these poor white die everyday why do blacks make up more then 70% of the he prison population? Where are those killers?? that blacks are just innately evil or is that the effects of a racist institution? If white are killing each other, and dying everyday then it’s either not reported, goes unsolved, or maybe these racial institutions are too busy painting the black male as the antagonist, and the bearer of all social ills, to give a damn about finding out. In short all I’m saying is that it’s messed up when any human loses their life and it should be reported and justice should be served. But you simply stating that it happens to white people and no ones say anything is inaccurate how can we say anything if we don’t know, and just because it happens to whites and it’s not reported doesn’t mean when it happens to blacks it’s justified. So your whole MIke Brown analysis just proves you might also be picking sides of Black & White instead of wrong and right.

          14. Johnny Caruso says:

            Nah.if the cop really shot the dude while his hands were up then I want that mother fucker to fry I put dat on my grandma..

          15. Johnny Caruso says:

            In life you learn to use your common since or be naive and fall for anything you hear.

          16. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Thanks for being honest and allowing your racism and hate to show.

          17. marty mcfly says:

            Yeah its the people who believe the victim had the right to live thats the racists but not the cop who shot the victim who is a cop in a city with a long history of racism. The cop that was stationed in Jennings Missouri before Ferguson and the police had become so racial driven in that department that it had to be disbanded but yeah its the people that think six bullets in an unarmed teenager was probably excessive thats the racists? Yeah right

          18. el jim chapo guzman says:

            WAPO is institutionally racist, biased black racist agenda

          19. marty mcfly says:

            Black people aint the racists here in america and there’s a few hundred years of evidence that points to what race of people are…

          20. TruthRuth says:

            Mcfly don’t even bother with this guy. He’s clearly blinded, but don’t worry you know how it works. When we raise our voices to evoke change and it happens…guess who gonna be hopping on back trying to claim all the benefits but aint put no work in…. These silly wanna be hybrids!!!! FOH

          21. marty mcfly says:

            Word. My thing is was all that shooting necessary for an unarmed teenager? Anybody with sense should be asking the same question. A cop has 12 bullets in the firearm on average, this cop shot eleven. Is this not excessive? We do know without any shadow of a doubt that Mike is dead but that whole oh he was charging shit (which police use alot)? We have absolutely no way of knowing if that is true or not. Why would you argue a point that you have no way of confirming as fact. Mike was hit three times in the arm, twice in the face and once on the top of his head and was unarmed… I mean that clearly leaves the door open for the question of was all that necessary? Did the cop save his own life by doing that or was he just doing way too fucking much? Im done

          22. TruthRuth says:

            Wow how ironic I’m allowing my racism to show… interesting… How about sticking to giving a rebuttal instead just resulting to name calling.

        2. Johnny Caruso says:

          You know I don’t like your buster ass.but I will say this.there is a tape that was just played once on CNN.where the girl who was a Co worker waiting to be picked up by her boss.when she says she sees it happening runs to grab her camera and the time she records it the guy Michael Brown was already laying down in a pool of blood.the catch 22 however is.and you will probaly hear about this being brought up again in court is that there is a man on a floor below can hear him on her recording saying CAN’T words not mine “the cop was running after the man then the man put his hands up then all of a sudden stopped, turned around and then charged the cop, that’s when the cop shot him up Un quote..Also no shots found in dudes back but rather in his front right arm.dude could have been charging forward as El Chum Po suggest and got bucked two times in da head.also the witness who say he saw everything was just in the store with dude while he was strong arming a robbery.So he really will make in my opinion as big of a story as he can to deflect attention from his involvement in the store robbery.These eye witnesses and the where your racesim lies had e erythema body marching with they hands up.I don’t beleive the audio of 11 shots was authenic.And the witnesses some said dude shot in the back.audtopsy found no shots in the back.Cop was treated in the hospital for a swollen face and eye socket what world do you live in where if you punch a cop in da face he don’t shoot and kill you.because here in america that’s exactly what will happen everytime..Not saying the cop is innocent but most investigators will tell you most eye witnesses are Un reliable.such as somebody who is seen on sur variance robbing a store with the suspect.or somebody who might not have thought it was right for one man to take another’s life regardless the circumstances..we don’t know what happen.but I think ppl who are interested in justice should go back and review all evidence from both sides.then ask your self what you think…cops just aren’t trained to pull a 400 lb man through a window of a him down and gun him down just for walking in the if you said he got out his car pulled out his Billy club and beat him I would have believed that because that’s what cops do.cops are trained not to shoot unless they fear for they life.and yes they do have bad cops but after looking at all the evidence not just one side I don’t beleive this cop is guilty of what the witnesses say.Dont no any hood in america where a white cop shoots a black guy and there’s black witnesses idk any who will come to the cops side.almost no hood in america.hpw I know this be a use I’m hood.from South Baton Rouge.and no I’m not a racist just trying to share with the majority of you the spin on what’s not being told to you on CNN so you not shocked or surprised when all the evidence come out and you find out the witnesses lied about what they really saw.If the cop did shoot the guy from the back then lean over and shoot him in the head then let that pig fry you heard me.

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            What happens if Officer Wilson is convicted for excessive force and sent to prison? Will you and those who think like you accept the ruling or will you act a fool like when OJ Simpson was exonerated? I think this event is just another opportunity to show how divided this country is.

          2. Johnny Caruso says:

            The country is more divided than you think.seems that with all this black n white going on nobody seems to think the brown or the yellow guy have an opinion.i would like to see police force force there to be 15% black but not limited to 15% plus 15% brown but not limited 15 % yellow and white but not limited.that way they don’t just reflect there communities but they reflect all Of United States how we look today.Dont think it’s rite for all white cops to be policeing an all black neighborhood.thats seriously fucked up.But I don’t think the witnesses in this case are credible either…I mean they really want you to beleive” this white cop in a black neighborhood who shot and killed a black boy ” that’s what this is really about its not about excessive force or even getting to know all the facts.Once they herd a white cop shot and killed a black guy in a black neighborhood he was already guilty in the media eyes.thats why I continue to say ” you cannot have all white cops policeing all black neighborhoods in 2014″ ain’t gonna work…”better police screening, a mixed police force that don’t just represent white or black but all america.lets include a quater yellow quater black quater white quater brown etc.and what’s wrong with cops shooting rubber sure took that protester down real quick lmao sorry smh but it didn’t kill sure the guy who came at the cop with a knife could have got plucked with a rubber bullet too.Thats my opinion.The only thing that ends up fact in this country is what the verdict will be.And for those who don’t ha e the I Q to understand what I’m saying.i got a black wife.and two beautiful black kids fuck you very much..#GodblessAmerica

          3. el jim chapo guzman says:

            I think, and it’s just my thoughts, that this country will take another step towards imploding over race relations. However, this I know for sure, the African American community will not always be the doormat for white america. Sooner or later a just God will lift them up and justice will be served for all the historic and current injustice. Remember, nothing lasts forever.

          4. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Let me get this straight. First there is a video of a 6’4″ bully stealing cigars and pushing the clerk, but CNN waited to air the video waiting to confirm if it was authentic. But this video which has not been confirmed (justifiably so) but they air it immediately.Hmmmmm. Ya think the media has an agenda?

          5. marty mcfly says:

            You keep bringing up the video in the store? That does not mean Mike should be shot six times and killed. Almost every kid in america has stole from the store before or has physically pushed someone else around but that does not mean he deserved to die. Your version of events is going up against 4 eye witnesses that were there on the scene that all say Mike was on his knees and he was struck several more times. Even if you actually believe Mike Brown was a super thug you still have to consider that he had the right to live and your taxes actually go to the police to make sure they protect lives not take them. The fact Mike was shot multiple times even if he was in the wrong should upset you because that cop basically used your money to demonstrate what he would do to you if he felt like it. No eye witness said he went for the officers gun. In fact people say it would have been impossible for Mike to get his gun because in the first altercation the police mans gun side was away from Mike Brown as the officer was sitting in his vehicle. Mike Brown was trying to run away from what several eye witnesses say and not only was he trying to run away but he got way down the street has the cop jumped out and fired his weapon multiple times. IF that is true that his not self defense, that is a MURDER. IF Mike struck the officer and then ran, its still a murder. However eye witness again who were standing in arms reach of the officer has they both stood over Mike’s dead body said they saw no signs of injury on the police officer. There is no other witness on the scene that said what you believe as being the other side of the story. Not even the officer himself has said what you think happened.

          6. el jim chapo guzman says:

            what makes you think anyone cares about what you think?anyways,if i were to put a sign in my yard and said “Justice for Officer Wilson” what do you think would happen? would i be a target? most likely because people that get sensationalized by this dont have the critical thinking skills to stop and say “wait, maybe he means justice is coming for officer wilson”

          7. marty mcfly says:

            Yeah and people who have critical thinking should also think that maybe six bullets in an unarmed person could’ve very well been excessive and over aggressive.

          8. el jim chapo guzman says:

            With a nasty temper, criminal intent and drugs in his system. Just sayin…….

          9. marty mcfly says:

            So that means he deserved to be shot unarmed multiple times? How do you know the cop didnt have criminal intent? and a nasty temper and drugs in his system? Was this cop an angel his whole life? Doubt it

          10. marty mcfly says:

            Either he killed Mike outta self defense and the fear of the losing his life or he was just shooting wildly with the intent of killing Mike knowing he was unarmed and there was distance between the two to a degree where he was not in danger. If that was not the case? Then it was a murder. Especially if it happened like multiple witnesses said it did.

          11. marty mcfly says:

            The think is your so concerned for the officer who almost emptied his whole clip the streets that day and your so worried about his defense when he used bullets as a defense but you just refuse to give any benefit of the doubt to the kid with multiple gunshots in him who was unarmed at the time. You talking about critical thinking? Thats what you not doing. You talking about justice for the shooter and not the murder victim. FOH

          12. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Well then who is that man on video threatening the store owner AFTER robbing him of a box of cigars? It sure looks a lot like the “little kid in a big body”.

          13. marty mcfly says:

            That still doesn’t mean he didnt get murdered by a hail of eleven bullets. Stealing cigars just doesn’t make it ok to bust your gun that many times at an unarmed person.

      2. Myron Yarde says:

        It is never right to shoot an unarmed person. Let’s call t as it is

    3. TRUTH says:

      I’m sick of dumb black people and ignorant white people bringing up “if he were black”, or so-called black on black crime. When white people kill white people, or if any other race kills each other it’s not called white on white crime. It’s proven statistics that can verify white’s kill each other far more than black people kill each other. Yet white owned media uses the term “black on black” crime for a purpose that not gonna into right now. ANY WAY SHUT YOUR DUMB ASS UP. ONE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OTHER. THAT WHITE DEVIL KILLED THAT MAN IN COLD BLOOD BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK PLAIN AND SIMPLE. IT WAS RACIALLY MOTIVATED!

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        nice way to pile on in support of your race. It’s pretty clear at this point that it is more likely the cop is a POS executioner. But he’s white, so I can see why you are saying publicly what you are saying.

  10. ShmIamRealTalk says:


  11. Michael Ib bett says:

    Whoa ..i remember Kay slay trying huge songs like this. …but this is more of a we are the world cuz of the “cause”

  12. Wiseman says:

    This song has no creditability cause half these rapper rap about blowing thousands at KOD and by their side piece purses they can’t pronounce, but won’t donate to a penny to the family of mike brown. Shout out to Wale for keeping it 100 though. These niggas don’t care about black males dyings, don’t let them fool you.

    1. Guest says:


    2. JetVet718 says:

      Wiseman, you’re not wise at all. Half the time those rappers who are making it rain are paid to be there and throw the money they were paid. Not saying they don’t spend their money ignorantly sometimes but how do you know they didn’t donate a penny to Mike Brown’s charity already ? It was a rapper that paid for his funeral if you didn’t know.

      1. James Dean says:

        First off, there was an ENTIRE FUND RAISING that paid for Mike Brown funeral that was contributed by the people of St.Louis, NAACP & The Nation Of Islam AND THEN the rappers donated bro. So please make sure your information is correct before you start throwing “vague (very little)” facts out.

        1. Manny Israel says:

          Wiseman people don’t wanna hear the truth..

      2. BLKSWY says:

        The African America Fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha paid for the bulk of the funeral expenses. Look it up.

  13. 1KillMovez1 says:

    Its spelled Ferguson tho … Not ferugon u didn’t go over this huh?

  14. Levar Burton says:

    Such trash

  15. el jim chapo guzman says:

    if black people had listen to Malcolm X, black people would not be in this mess, and only a fool is going to believe the officer that killed Micheal Brown will spend one hour in jail, history history.

  16. Duane Mecca Johnson says:

    The best tribute song ever

    M.E.C.C.A-Real Emotions

  17. The Rock says says:

    Im not listening cuz I saw DJ Khaled as a feature

    1. Theodore Pendergrass says:


  18. 3rd Coast Playaz says:

    Man… 2 chains shocked me good job bro, Rick Ross did his thizzle, and major shouts out the game people gone hate my niggles but the thing is they did SOMETHING! Where wayne, birdman, and drake smh

    1. Johnny Caruso says:

      BOOSIE Should have been on this.solid tribute tho.

  19. Get Moneynigga says:

    Good song overall.The Game always been this type of artist,I can’t hate on him.Loso,Rozay,2 Chainz and even Diddy rap about some real shit.I salute them all for this track #RIPMikeBrown #RIPEricGarner #RIPSeanBell

    1. Lol says:

      Lmao yeah 2 bars in and he’s name dropping…type of artist he’s always been.

  20. 1KillMovez1 says:

    Nice record r.I.p mike brown salute

  21. C. Rido says:

    This song dumb hard…and 2 Chainz got the best verse on it, everybody did their thing tho

  22. Chronic says:

    I’m just gonna go and say it…I know there’s a difference between criminal gun use and a cop shooting a unarmed teen. But guys like Ross and Game, guys who exploit and glorifying a criminal lifestyle shouldn’t be speaking on this matter. G-unit too.

  23. Grandma Folk says:

    How the fuck is Rick Ross on a song called “Don’t Shoot”?

    Didn’t he take an oath to shoot any escaping inmates from his prison? Even young black men convicted of selling cocaine like he raps about.

    1. Rick Ross says:

      is that all you took from this madam heh?

  24. Grandma Folk says:

    Jeezy woulda been on this too but he got locked up for that AK 47

    1. Johnny Caruso says:

      They should have got Boosie.He a real nigga like Jeezy.Good song tho.# Free Jeezy

  25. The Incredible Creation says:

    dope dope dope… just appreciate it for what it is, folks..

  26. TheMarksman says:

    Goddam Wale spazzed. #vintagewale

  27. Pat says:

    Where is the Drake and Yung Thug feature? All these fags are washed up.

  28. Barcelona Boy_ says:

    These washed up as Niggaz aint doing shit besides “Milking” the MikeBrown killing to benefit they careers. They want to support, take they ass down to STL and be with the people

  29. enough talking and boycott with your money. start with nike

  30. c says:

    who is “we” that you refer to when you say we are the world? id love to hear this from you big homie


      google “we are the world” dummy

  31. Dat Nigga Conker says:

    i been listening to young money so much that all these niggas became irrelevant

  32. Jake Zero says:

    Yo Gotti killed it. Go figure.

  33. Free Agentz says:

    What hip-hop needs more of

  34. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:




    1. HOLD IT NOW!!! says:

      NO, NEGUS!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Johnny Caruso says:

    Facts about the witnesses statements EVERYBODY needs to read before you start bobin your head to a song about “hands up”

    Witness (1 she was the witness driving behind it all the labor worker heading to her employee house she was running late.remember her? And remember what she said.Now she rite behind the scuffle.and said she didn’t see Michael swinging on the cop.that it look like he was trying to pull him in the car window with him “lol” ok then she said he prayed himself free and he got out and ran after him.shot him in the back a couple times.then her Michael Brown turns around and he shoots him some more times.and then shoots him in the head.However an autopsy performed by Michael Brown’s mother shows 3 bullets striking him on top of his right slightly under his right arm possibly a bullet comming through the other side and two to the head.So there is no evidence that Michael Brown was shot in the back..form your own opinion

    1. marty mcfly says:

      As a person is running (especially if they keep glancing behind them) if they are shot from behind, a bullet can strike both the back of the arm or the top of the arm. A persons arm is one of the most mobile parts of the body. The 3 bullets hit him on the underarm, two in the inside of the upper arm and one in back of the lower arm which is consistent with someone running away and they line up with the shots to the side of his head making them consistent with someone with their arms up. He was shot from behind and then he turned around and dropped and gave up obviously after catching a bullet and then he was gunned downed with his hands up surrendering and EVERY bullet wound in his body lines up with that side of the story.

  36. Johnny Caruso says:

    Now on to witness (2 This was his PNC “here in New Orleans we refer to it as Partner n Crime.this witness you remember the skinny black dude telling CNN he was walking rite there with Michael Brown.But never mentioned he was with Michael Brown while he robbed the store.This guy was shown with Micheal Brown in the store.everybody says the store robbery was irrelevant to police force but it may lend a clue to motive..No you cannot beleive a cop would just get out of his car or rather try to pull a 350 lb black man a white cop pull this man in his window with him for Jay walking then get out his car chase a man down in the street broad day light with witnesses and a friend near by and just start busting caps in him if this is what you beleive then you are retarded.sorry.however the witness here.very well did have a motive.From what I understand this witness and Michael Brown were both walking in the street.when the cop came up from behind and told them to get out of the street.he rolled passed them when he notice they didn’t listen he put his car in reverse and backed up to where his drivers door were even to were the young men were standing.This witness as well as Michael Brown’s motive.could have been hey he must have heard we just robbed that convent store..keep in mind Michael Brown was a thug.he had just turn 18 and already had an assault and batter felony arrest conviction on his record.just strong armed a convent store and that’s just what we know about him not what we don’t no so yes the guy was a thug fuck what you keep in it these guys have a the cop try to get out the car.the two of them hold the door shut while Michael Brown eat the cop to death.cop gets a hold of his pistol and one runs and hides and the other Michael Brown Starts running.So this is your motive for the second witness to be lying.he was dire try involved I was in so probaly because he didn’t want the cops to run there name and find they had connection to a robbery.

  37. Johnny Caruso says:

    3) Now this third witness is going to put the ending together for you real well.and she isant even going to say anything..remember the first witness.She claim she had a worker to pick up who lived there in the projects.The worker she was going to pick up is our 3) witness who claims she was on her balcony and saw everything when it happen.she said she saw them real good in the street.But when asked if Michael Brown punched the officer or could she see from where she was at.She claim and said what her friend quote unquote friend said that they were struggling that the altercation came from the far side that she really couldn’t see what was going on from her side but that it looked like the cop was trying to pull him through the window..samething her friend said.her friend also said Michael Brown ran and was shot twice in the back then had his hands up and shot 4 more time then twice to the head.but we know the odtopsy done by Michael Brown’s mother shows no shots to the man back all but one shot to the front side of his rite arm..Now for what the 3rd witness does next that will sum all this up for you…she grabs her phone the film it.Maybe she thought she was going to wit Ness a big huge ass dude beat a cops ass or maybe a cop a white cop beating on a black boy then post it on you tube who knows with these youngsters now a days..but here’s what happens you still with me…While she’s starts recording Michael Brown has already been shot and below her like one or two floors hear one of her neighbors say “the cop started having the man.the man stopped put his hands up turned around and said somthing then all of a sudden started charging the police that’s when the police shotem up ” now CNN aired this like a week ago and has said nothing else about it s3nce.Now these are your 3 judge there redicolius.When for yourself.and we all know there’s two sides to every story.but this is all comming from one side clearly there are holes in this story.

    1. marty mcfly says:

      People trying to make it same like Mike Brown is like John Rambo in First Blood or something. Yeah right

      1. Johnny Caruso says:

        Bitch I ain’t people I’m a Boosie fan pimpn, Michael Brown was a mother fuckin thug.and if you read everything I wrote you will find truth in everything I wrote not lies that you were fed to beleive.Keep in it real.And I don’t mean CNN my brother

        1. marty mcfly says:

          You dont know that shit to be truth or facts because you have no way of knowing that. You simply ran with information that you can not confirm to be true. Mike was a thug for stealing cigars but the cop aint a thug for shooting an unarmed person six times? FOH fool

        2. marty mcfly says:

          And you could be wrong about multiple things you have commented on. You talking about what we know from an autopsy? Fool did you do the autopsy? No, what you did was just look at somebody else’s work and run with that. You can not say how those shots were fired and what the intent behind those shots were and even people that do autopsy work will tell you that. They say their work is based on the bullet wounds in the body but based on movement multiple different scenarios could have taken place in a shooting. There are numerous things about this case that could only have been confirmed by actually seeing the shooting yourself. You cant just run with everything you hear from an outside source. Thats why this case is gonna be bullshit cause anything said in Mike’s favor wont be respected to the degree of what the officer claim happened because people believe everything they here instead of holding the police responsible for their responses to citizens.

          1. marty mcfly says:

            However there are four eye witnesses that say Mike was gunned down as he was on his knees surrendering.

        3. marty mcfly says:

          Mothafuckas like you side with the cops cause its he easiest shit to do. And as soon as they let him go you can say see I told you what happened was like the cop said. Thats cause you dumb fuks believe everything you hear a cop and the media say is true even if your own common sense tells you that shit aint always like how its reported.

          1. Johnny Caruso says:

            You a bitch nigga.a CNN follower.gtfo.I follow what the witness says.the what the autopsy say then what the voice of what of the witness has while she was recording dude lying in the street dude below her is heard saying “the cop ran after the guy.the man put his hands up turned around and said something then all of a sudden charged the cop that’s when the police shot him up” no but your bitch ass ain’t going to report that because you a hoe ass nigga.

          2. marty mcfly says:

            The witnesses say he was shot down as he was on his knees surrendering. All the witnesses end with the same conclusion which is Mike was running away and was shot from behind and then turned around and was shot more after surrendering. Nobody said Mike was “charging” the officer.

          3. marty mcfly says:

            Autopsies are accounts of where the victim was shot, they do NOT determine the story behind how and why the victim was shot.

  38. Johnny Caruso says:

    Now the 4th) person isant even a person just a guy chatting on Skype to a girl who it sounds like he’s getting ready to beat his dick hear shots fired in the back ground”.didnt know Skype recorded your sessions” buy ok.and the dude doesn’t even say “Mann they shooting” or “oh fuck” or nothing just continues doing wutever then the audio stops.why does it stop.because it’s fake ppl.So the 4th witness very unreliable too.

  39. Oupa Paulus says:

    this really a nice song

  40. Rick Ross says:

    “I know they hate to hear me scream I’m a boss.” Lets be young bosses man, thats why we last place we too busy hating on our own kind man. #RIPMikeBrown

  41. staytru!!! says:

    respect to the game for this game is a real dude on top of that he got my boi yo gotti on here I AM!!!!!!

  42. James Dean says:

    So they got some of the shitties artist who promote most of the violence in hiphop to do this weak ass shit?!?! Fuck outta here!

  43. staytru!!! says:

    us black people need to start standing up for eachother because these white folks dont give a damn!! about us real talk not being funny just speaking the truth this world we live in is crazy!!!!!!

  44. yorapper says:

    I like this song because the rappers on this song usually make shit that have absolutely nothing to do with social ills, in fact, there songs promote the ignorance that leads to situations like Micheal Brown. Having said that, I cannot participate in this song because Wale, Khaled and Swizz Beats are the holy trifecta of cornyness.

  45. BLKSWY says:

    YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. Chadwick says:

    So Young Thug and Gucci Mane songs is rated a 5.0… But a song that is supporting the culture only gets a 4… SMH…

    1. Grandma Folk says:

      this song aint supporting shit. most of these guys promote violence and drug dealing in the music every other day of the year

      1. Carlos Danger says:

        yeah you right but at the same time its entertainment some folks can’t differ it from real life.

  47. Grandma Folk says:

    Was French Montana too busy with Khloe to drop a few hannns for M.B. on this one? Surprisedto see his name was not in this lineup.

  48. Carlos Danger says:

    amazing tune.

  49. Dope says:

    Would the radio play this?

  50. TheNewMakaveli says:

    This song has a great message but man does it fucking suck!

  51. weds says:

    literal trash! you got a fucking ex CO on a song against police violence?! the fuck? Also fuck all this dont riot talk its so fucking dumb. if people dont riot when these pigs shoot us down then itll never stop. Game’s fake ass just wanted to seem relevant, but G unit’s song is waaaay realer and came out during the riots when it mattered. this is so disappointing,

  52. Yung Skoob says:


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