Chris Brown Pleads Guilty To D.C. Assault

Here’s The Deal.

Chris Brown dodged going back to jail when he took the plea deal in D.C. court today for his misdemeanor assault charge. The judge gave him “time already served” when he served his 108 days in L.A. for violating his Rihanna assault case. Do you understand?



After being credited with time served, Chris Brown completed his 131 days and was released from jail shorty after midnight. Once freed, Breezy tweeted:

Humbled and Blessed. Back to the Music and the Fans. Thank you GOD


Chris Brown was sentenced to a year in jail on a probation violation. The violation stems from him being kicked out of rehab in March. The judge is considering his 234 days already served, leaving him with only 131 days left.

In addition to his sentence, Chris was ordered to complete 700 hours of community service, attend anger management sessions and stand trial for his D.C. assault case.

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    1. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

      naw he needs to sit his ass down in jail for a month to calm his damn nerves and meditate.

  1. Craig says:

    So 2 people cant even have a fight no more? Those dudes looking for a pay day.

    1. Word says:

      Two dudes could never just fight. Someone has always gotten arrested if the cops are around. Pressing charges is nothing new.

      1. sickofyallbliggas says:

        the f*** bliggas still fightin for anyways..get off that shit

        1. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

          lol. parking spots.

    2. 2CHAINZ_2BRAINS says:

      true. man. chris gotta keep his head up smh.

    3. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

      ummm, momma use to call it self control. Grow up bruh, this is real life.

  2. 7thEmerson says:

    Story sounds illogical. Stupid of Chris if he did it, but even dumber of the person who photobombed. Somebody’s lying somewhere.

  3. Veesky says:

    Dag homie, I keep pullin for this cat but he can’t seem to catch a break

  4. Jack Hoff says:

    His album must be dropping soon. Or a song or something

    1. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

      He’s been trying to drop the album since December. The nigga just can get right long enough for the label to release the shit.

    2. LuckyP says:

      shut the fuck up with this stupid shit. you’re probably the nigga who got knocked out trying to get on his bus. fucking dick sucker

  5. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    This fool smh.

  6. Chris Brown says:

    Take it to the nose, yeah yeah!

  7. Guillaume Pilon says:

    breezy number 1 thug of rnb hiphop music lol

    1. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

      Ha! FACT. Bobby Brown aint got shit on Breezy’s crazy ass.

    2. U must’ve forgot about Lyfe Jennings. Lyfe was thugged out like a mf….

  8. Da Business says:

    Chris u have goons for that, no need to get ur hands dirty bruh.

  9. Broski 3000 says:

    Damn homie

  10. north west says:

    is that miley cyrus in the bck/

  11. FedUP says:

    He aint gonna “catch no break” He is a hot head, who thinks his $$$ will get him off like OJ. This nig is going down

  12. Selorm Amuzu says:

    I think it’s about time he leaves music. He could have been the heir to MJ’s throne but he lets his fuckeries get to him . Also his fans gas him up nicely. they are the true definition of dickriders

  13. Selorm Amuzu says:

    I think it’s about time he leaves music. He could have been the heir to MJ’s throne but he lets his fuckeries get to him . Also his fans gas him up nicely. they are the true definition of dickriders

    1. K says:

      I mean, let’s not pretend MJ was above his own brand of fuckery tho…

      1. Selorm Amuzu says:

        at least MJ died the King Pop 80% of time not the Weird, Crazy, Drugged up,alleged peado 20% of the time

  14. GreenBergs says:

    lol people act like chris aint bigger than drake overalll..

    1. It's Just Music says:

      stupidest post i seen on this site. you must be a fan girl.

      Chris been in the game longer than Drake, but Drake got more money.

      Chris has like 6 mediocore albums and no classics.

      Drake has three critically acclaimed albums, business partner of the raptors, and one of the best selling tours around.

      So how is Chris bigger than Drake again?

      1. GreenBergs says:

        thats what the radio and the media want u to think that drake is this “cash rap king”, meanwhile chris brown is featured on everything, overall in the world i mean not in the u.s only chris brown is bigger and has more bread…im a fan of drakes music too..

        1. It's Just Music says:

          once again you’re wild af.

          Doesn’t follow chris brown more, they love to crucify his mistakes. Dude damn near killed Rihanna with his bear hands, he pissed off tons of people and they clearly black ball him every second they get, media included.

          Once again, when it comes to concerts, albums, business ventures (which is non existent to Chris brown for being a woman beater) the media doesn’t follow him or has anything good to say about him (you google chris brown all you get is tons of shit on how he beat Rihanna, how he throws bottles in clubs, how he hit this man, how he disrespected his own mother etc.)

          Once again, Drake is on the FORBES LIST. Drake has more hit records than ANYONE in the game right now, dude just surpassed R. Kelly AND Jay-Z in hits. His albums are all past the 1 Million mark AND his tour, once again is one of the highest selling ever. Last year I went to see drake at a venue with a 17 capacity. Shit you not, there has to been 20k and up at most.

          I could careless if I get pussy from taking that bitch to a chris brown concert cause:

          1. I don’t spend any type of money for pussy
          2. Chris Brown might beat that bitch and I’d be responsible.

          1. GreenBergs says:

            just go on the radio one day and see who you hear more, chris brown or drake..features or w.e

          2. It's Just Music says:

            gay agenda? lmfao if talking about bitches is gay then yeah he’s pushing it alright.

            The reason why Hits Brown is on radio so much is because he has to drop an album every year because the last one flopped.
            So by your logic, Chris Brown is bigger than jay kanye wayne or drake cause his label pays money to play his records lol

            You are confusing the hate the media has for him for being bigger than drake or anyone else for that matter.

          3. PaccMan says:

            you both sound like some fagget ass man fans. Bitches should be arguing over which dude is better. hahaha fucking fags. MANFANS!

          4. Dontoure Smith says:

            Lmao real shit homie

          5. GreenBergs says:

            i think u have it twisted, the media pays the radio stations to push records like “hold on im coming home”, soft ass half rnb bullshit…u think people actually liked that record before it got paid to be played non stop…no it just caught on eventually like jay z records and everyone else u mentioned..

          6. Theodore Pendergrass says:

            Right on Bro!

        2. tlox says:

          not only does drake have more money he has more twitter followers so where is this ‘CB more popular’ coming from lol Drake is more popular CB is just INFAMOUS

          1. GreenBergs says:

            Dude this is facts I’m sorry but this post was from months ago and dude chris brown is still on the radio ten times more overall on features and everything than drake is, facts …I’m done with this convo.

          2. It's Just Music says:

            Answer this question and I’ll believe you.

            Name an arena show that Chris “Beat-Em Down” Brown performed at?

            Now look at Drake’s current tour venues, and tell me how many people those stadiums can hold for ONE show?

            This proves my case, anything else you say is irrelevant.

          3. GreenBergs says:

            Sorry bro, guess you can’t handle the fact that chris on is the radio ten times more than drake ever will be..facts are facts, drake is big for the amount of time he’s been here, chris has longevity already..

          4. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

            You two arguing about Chris Brown and Drake isn’t a good look guys. Time to cut that shit all the way out!

      2. GreenBergs says:

        u take a bitch to a chris brown concert its a definite that u getting pussy, u take a bitch to a drake concert she gonna b texting her ex up…

        1. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:


        2. TeF says:

          This shit is too funny!! lol

        3. Accounts says:

          That was the funniest response possible

        4. Starpoint feat Renee Diggs says:


      3. Theodore Pendergrass says:

        Critical claim albums, mediocre at best. If that your cup of tea, fine, until he sale(1album) 5 to 10 million he’s not there yet, Chris, do the time an be through with it.

  15. GreenBergs says:

    lol people act like chris aint bigger than drake overalll..

  16. Michael Ibbett says:

    Im not saying it is, but why does his face look so photoshopped on someone elses body in that picture?

  17. The Incredible Creation says:

    Bitches love Chris Brown…

  18. Joshua Lang says:

    The justice system is a joke Chris Brown gets away again with a slap on the wrist. He should still be in jail for what he did to Rihanna.

    1. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

      i though Rihanna dropped the charges and that’s why he didn’t end up in jail?

  19. nirusxhonda says:

    chris breezy back out again on the streets..haters watch for the hook…

  20. brza says:

    I bet Cris Brown goes through a TON of alarm clocks lol

  21. That one guy says:

    People love to see this guy in trouble.But he needs to learn to keep a calm.He’s got enough money to pay people to beat up people.

  22. basedgenie says:

    The Way You Make Me Feel by Amanda Standridge

    You make me feel special,

    You make me feel new,

    You make me feel loved,

    With everything you do.

    You hold me close when I am sad.

    You wipe the tears from my face.

    Every time we are together,

    It seems like the perfect place.

    My eyes light up when you enter a room.

    I smile when we are together.

    No matter how bad things are,

    You always make them better.

    I love the way you kiss me,

    The way you hold me tight.

    I love the way you touch me,

    I could be with you all night.

    I love the way you can make me laugh

    For absolutely no reason at all.

    I love how no matter what I do,

    You will be there to catch me when I fall.

    I just want you to know,

    That even though we sometimes fight,

    I will always love you!

    No matter what, day or night.

  23. Shambamenelek says:

    I keep tryna tell motherfuckas Fame is a motherfucka and it aint for everybody. CB is a perfect example of this. Dude probably wouldnt be going through this if he was a non celebrity.

    1. Theodore Pendergrass says:

      My thought too Bro. Sometime fame ruin good people.

    2. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

      Fame only amplifies whatever demons that you haven’t conquered. For some people its drugs, some its women, some its the applause, for some its aggression, etc. Money or no money people gotta be man/women enough to face their demons and conquer them or they will sidetrack or destroy you.

  24. Kingly_Caracter says:


  25. Buster Cherry #GetOnMyLevel says:

    Bobby Beige at it again

  26. Buster Cherry #GetOnMyLevel says:

    How a dude who makes ribs and barbque music tougher than some rappers?


  27. EJ says:


  28. duh says:

    rehab the beach pool party in vegas?

    1. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

      Word. Be i’l be there in may.

  29. Jim87_dj says:

    Chris gets kicked out of rehab the same week Drake and Rihanna been kickin it all over Europe… Coincidence?
    Breezy move the ef on you gonna kill ur career

  30. The Rock says says:

    I heard he was fuckin some chick who worked at the center, if he in jail for gettin pussy, The Rock says thats bullshit

  31. Angel says:

    This sum bullshit. Breezy gettin hated on by Frank Ocean fag lovers who work for the government. Smh. FREE CHRIS BREEZY!

  32. YG says:

    free my nigga Bhris tho blood

  33. BlueScalise says:

    C. Breezy more thug than Wayne. All Wayne did was shoot himself when he was young and then did a 1 year bid for having a joint. Breezy be smacking bitches up, beating up niggas, stomping Fags.. He putting in work…lol

    1. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

      lmao, true! im not sure if you’re saying its a good or bad thing but you’re definitely right about that.

    2. Buc Nasty says:

      chris brown is wild!

    3. SONative says:

      Wayne had burners on his bus and he took the charge instead of stickin it on somebody else two completely diff. situations lah boi.

    4. Schwappp says:

      Are u retarted wayne got booked for a gun… Dude u must just talk without any knowledge. Lol makin shit up as u go is real easy. Being intelligent takes alot i guess nowadays. You honestly represent most that comment on here and other sites

  34. tipp_-0183 aka Dwight Stewart says:

    This nigga makes great music and i support him but a little ‘sit down’ in the clink will do his mental some good.

  35. LuckyP says:

    in all reality, the order should have been against the hoes in there. they were probably throwing themselves all over that nigga. damn C, hold your head though

  36. dumbass nigga cant stay outta trouble he gon learn..

  37. SONative says:

    learn the hard way but the judge ain’t lettin up

  38. jadbeats says:

    He’ll do 3 more months & be out by September

  39. ThaRealHater says:

    lmao @ the pic. Said he might be out friday due to “over crowding” in prison.

  40. Abe6772 says:

    bc celebrities actually do jail time

  41. STRIK9 says:

    When did his weak ass serve 234 days? Thats like almost 7 months. He aint done no time like that

  42. intelligentsoul says:

    Can we give props to the fact this guy had 3 hits single out at one time while incarcerated!

    1. The Mayor says:

      nigga’s like the r&b pac

      1. Dan Karlin says:

        No. No, he isn’t.

  43. Black Crime Rate says:

    Humbled and Blessed?

    This dumb nigg*r doesn’t know the definition of the word humble.

    Go back to school son, learn the definitions of the words you use and get off the porch.

  44. IM730 says:

    This nigga just need to go ahead and agree to life probation already..

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