1. Hannibal Lecture says:

    Im coppin Game 2 for 2! I could have swore he shitted on Kevin Gates lol!

    1. MUSTARD TIGER says:

      hes bipolar, one day he will diss you, the next day he will praise you and beg for a feature

  2. Cartune says:

    Game -__-… Who are you? I don’t even know who you are anymore, I AM NOT looking forward to this album, however, I AM interested in this Documentary 2 album, production by Dr. Dre and Scott Storch, I’ll take it! Hopefully he gets back to his roots, cause as a Game fan, Jesus Piece was a serious skap in the face to hardcore fans and Year of the Wolf is looking like a double slap.

    1. TheTruthHurts says:

      This song wasn’t that great but the song with Yo Gotti, T.I., and 2 Chainz was good and Game went in. I agree that Jesus Piece was the weakest of all his albums but still had a few good song I had on repeat. And I believe Year of the Wolf is a Blood Money Compilation album, not supposed to be considered a Game album necessarily.

      1. Cartune says:

        Admittedly, yeah, that particular song is cool, but it’s something that can be EASILY forgotten. 10 years from now, nobody will be talking about it, 10 years later The Documentary is still considered a jewel, see where I’m going with this? It’s not that Game is completely wack or anything but I feel like he’s truly lost musically, his west coast sound is barely noticeable, listen to his first 3 albums, then listen to his next 3, COMPLETE CHANGE.

        And yeah, I understand the whole Blood Gang thing, like Jay-‘s La Familia, and look how garbage that was. In fact, that its the only album by Jay that DOES NOT touch my iTunes. : |

        1. Just sayin says:

          Nigga the Intro was fire on that Jay album! I personally hate Game but from an objective POV he’s definitely lost musically & cats in general need to stop washing their money with shitty group projects that only dilute their brand.

        2. Mr. white says:

          Whaaaaaat? You bugging homie. That Jay album is a classic. Streets is talking, 1900 hustler, this can’t be life, Squeeze first, Soon you’ll understand are all classics.

          1. Dan Karlin says:

            That album is worth it for “This Can’t Be Life” and “Where Have You Been” alone.

    2. Hannibal Lecture says:

      Jesus Piece was dope fuck you sniffin! It was way better than RED!

      1. Dan Karlin says:

        I’ve said this on RR before- the reason RED Album faltered is that it tried to be everything to everybody, and wound up feeling disjointed because of it. Jesus Piece was the most solid body of work he had put out since Doctor’s Advocate, and it’s too bad it ended up as overlooked as it was. The man needs to quit doing interviews and shut the hell up about the whole G-Unit thing if he wants to be taken seriously, but I’m looking forward to both of his upcoming projects.

    3. Yamzz says:

      I feel you. There’s being versatile and then there’s just blatantly using other ppls style and he’s been biting other flows since the red album. And way too many collabs with the south

      1. Cartune says:

        YESS! 100! My thoughts exactly! #salute

    4. Erick says:


      1. Fried says:

        Its being billed as a Game solo album, regardless of what he says. They even took Blood Money off the cover.

        1. Dan Karlin says:

          It’s like how ‘The Dynasty’ was billed as a Jay-Z solo album. It’s because more people will be interested to buy it that way.

          Also, Game has enough features on all his albums where they might as well be considered “compilations”. This time, it’s just a bunch of dudes we’ve never heard of.

      2. diggz says:

        Ah booo we need new game cd. It’s gonna be wack hering all the features

  3. Groovy says:

    Fuck y’all niggas this went hard & Jesus Piece was one of the dopest albums of 2012

    1. Lol says:

      Lol this is why we’re all entitled to our own opinion. Because that opinion fucking sucks.

  4. Ayo says:

    Big Homie doesn’t know how to spell “you” smfh what a fucking imbecile

  5. Grandma Folk says:

    is there 1 song on this album without a feature?

    1. Groovy says:

      There are 3 songs actually Bigger Than Me, F.U.N. & Bloody Moon.

    2. Mr. white says:

      It’s a compilation album you dumb fuck! Smh

      1. Grandma Folk says:

        every Game album is a compilation album

  6. ME says:

    Snow owned this joint!!

  7. Grandma Folk says:

    such a corny album cover, LOL why does that wolf have a shitty star tattoo just like Jayceon

  8. Erick says:


  9. brollya says:

    why dude always do this… nigga dissed the whole freshmen cover now he doin a feature wit kevin gates…. everybody fall for it

  10. Its True says:

    The games ear for production is next to none IMO, this beat is nuts. his feature choice can be questionable though , but it usually works.

    It might sound weird but I think Drake would have made a better feature than Jeezy and Kevin Gate.

    & this isn’t his type of beat but Nas could have done a lil sun on this if he doesn’t spit double flow lol .

    or he should’ve let Jeezy spit 8 bars maximum & chorus . ha

    1. Its True says:

      Or imagine ScHoolBoy Q on this O.o. hm

    2. 2 Chainz' rachet dread says:

      The beat is crazy can’t lie

  11. Nutz_Swangin' says:

    dope production. The Game is overlooked for sure. his music is reasonably consistent he just has a weak team behind him.

  12. WhenBlackWomenAttack says:

    This is dying for a remix with different features . If he did this track alone and dropped a dope video to it and changed the concept it would be a hit . Dat beat tho >>

  13. Bun fire pon Fruity azz niggaz says:

    Niggas sleepin on the harmonizing and strings in the background

    1. Grandma Folk says:

      real niggas love harmonies and strings

  14. Coroner says:

    I feel like this album gon’ be there where his last album (Jesus Piece) went to… the trash can. No replay value. C’mon son!

  15. Earl Big Lips says:

    G Unit Stans be hatin’!

  16. ike luv says:

    This this shit sound like jeezy ft Kevin gates lol. Game still one of my favorites though. niggas really gonna act like game has never had a wack album.

  17. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Game album will be all south features.

    1. Mr. white says:

      It’s a compilation album idiot.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        fuck you nigga.

  18. Jay says:

    I don’t know, man. After seeing some Kevin Gates interviews, he seems like a pretender, I fuck with his flow, but I don’t believe shit he says.

    1. Shock says:

      Kevin Gates is super authentic, his wrap sheet and background are well known in the Rouge.

      1. Grandma Folk says:

        i liked when he called out that fake ass C.O.

  19. MassConglom says:

    I like how Game raps like whoever he is on a track with, it’s like his way of paying homage to the artist that is feat. with him. #Heat

    1. Grandma Folk says:

      naw thats his way of staying relevant without being original or creative

      1. Shock says:

        Why come on a thread about a nigga you don’t like and leave multiple negative comments? Hating at it’s finest! Let me guess, you must be a 50 Stan?

        1. Grandma Folk says:

          i actually like him

          call it constructive criticism

  20. This shit DOPE…. because of Snow. LOL #SeenItAll #TIMELESS

  21. mike says:

    this dope, dunno what yall listenin to

  22. Belize says:

    So the nigga dissed Gates, then needed him on the single. LOL

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