New Music: Drake “6 God”, “Heat Of The Moment”, “How Bout Now”

Rap God.

Hours after celebrating his 28th birthday, the 6 God gives back to his fans with a three track collection. You’re all welcome, enjoy! Views From The 6 coming soon.

“6 God”

“Heat Of The Moment”

“How Bout Now”

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  1. trevgetsbusy says:

    Drake wins again…

  2. Music says:

    Haters in 5…3…2…1…

    1. tk says:

      Learn how to count before you go looking for haters.

  3. Hussle says:

    Drake keeps feedin his fans. I respect that

    1. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      in doses at that.

      1. Davide Leroy says:

        Stop Sucking his dick.

        1. jussayin says:

          Yall niggaz suspect..keep talking about dick sucking and dick riding… Shit is annoying

          1. frances951 says:

            my stepmother recently got an awesome month old Chevrolet Express Cargo Diesel by working from a home computer. see post …….>> -> MAKE INCOME FROM COMPUTER!! <-

        2. dumb says:

          in doses at that

          1. greenbergs father! says:

            i see what you did there

      2. Apontay says:

        Jay z gonna get this boy!!! He keep baitin but that’s not what he wants

      3. Ayo says:

        Peeped that your dumbass deleted the “Drake Finally Goes Platinum” post

      4. Greenbergs says:

        i cant tell if this is a positive comment or not..

    2. immortal says:

      He can cause he actually has real fans though. He established and people ride with him harder than others not everyone can do this shit without losing gwap

    3. Greenbergs says:

      these 3 tracks weren’t hot though…

    4. Cindy says:

      Drake is a clown. I can’t stand his gay voice. All of his songs are garbage. His bum ass should retire and go back on Degrassi.

    5. Cindy says:

      Drake is trash.

  4. Adam Arsenal says:

    Drake keeping himself relevant all the time, you have to respect that, fan or not. Also he’s dropping album quality songs for free, no other artists can do that, they need the cash…

    1. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      word. “0-100” is a hit record with no home.

      1. Adam Arsenal says:

        Still can’t believe that was once a free download, that’s how confident he is at the moment. Was kinda forced to put it on iTunes, ha!

      2. hilroycahier says:

        Bro, some of the best rap tracks EVER are like that. Little lone-wolf tracks that just tear shit up but still belong atleast as book on the shelf of the artists library.

        I hope other people try and follow suit, whether or not the quality is there. Him doing this shows that he understands the importance of maintaining that drake vibe – which is what we want to hear on some scale when we play a drake track.

        Good for him.

    2. immortal says:

      Not every rapper can pull it off bruh they broke out here

  5. Ralph says:

    J. Cole needs to take notes on feeding his fans

    1. The Rock says says:

      Drake prolly got every beat maker in the game tryna get their shit to him, cole makes his own beats, it’s totally different processes which allows for drake to put shit out at a faster pace

      1. intelligentsoul says:

        @disqus_Tj59Cfj3St:disqus Drake has a in house producer 40 that soley gives beats to him and thats the only sound Drake uses for the most part so he probably writes fast to these OVO beats

        1. The Rock says says:

          lls that’s not true, other ppl send drake beats too nd 40 changes them up a little to the way drake wants it

          1. intelligentsoul says:

            do you now what a producer does? producer and beat maker are two different things mind you

          2. The Rock says says:

            u just said 40 is the only one who gives beats to him, that’s not true….check his album credits

      2. jussayin says:

        Damn bro…u clearly ain’t in the loop….drake has in house producers… Plus if u make your own beats….u should probably have a few joints to feed the streets

    2. Andrew says:

      J. Cole has put out tons of free music in his career! but he does need to do better with holding ppl over until his next album

      1. J Boogie says:

        I agree, Cole isn’t the one people should be worried about when it comes to not dropping music.

      2. Yak says:

        Kendrick was the WORST with this. G.K.M.C. in Oct. 2012, 1 incredible remix in March 2013 and the Control verse in Sept. 2013. Everything else was forgettable features

        1. JetVet718 says:

          Forgettable features ? Lol

          “1 Train”= Flames
          “Love Game”= Tough

          “Nosetalgia”= Ridicoulous
          “Really Be”= Hard

          You just have a bad memory

          1. hilroycahier says:

            If he had anymore tracks I think you would have run out of descriptive words as well lol.

            My statement = monstrous

    3. PrettyNigga says:

      J.Cole is not Drake tho, Drake just have that it factor that most rappers don’t have. I like Cole he drops songs when its album cycle.

      1. Brian Rostro says:

        All Drake has is a chorus voice. That’s the only thing

    4. yorapper says:

      Cole needa stop taking notes and start making hits!

    5. JetVet718 says:

      Lol ya’ll so ungrateful. Cole Dropped “Truly Yours” 1-3 and each had more then 5 tracks, Born Sinner, a few different freestyles and Revenge of The Dreamers all in one year.

      Drake sprinkles tracks throughout the year to remain relevant to people like you with short memory’s. If you a real Cole fan you’re fed and just waiting on whats next.

  6. jimj87 says:

    6 god is FLAMES

    and Heat of the moment is a killa r&b tune for the fall

    not feeling “how bout now”

    this dude droppin album quality freebies… prolly why why his fans actually support him and pay when his albums drop

    1. Kev says:

      Only in 2014 you’ll see a mixtape be called fire for an rnb track… Then again take care was an rnb album that got a Grammy over nas.

      1. ????????? says:

        this is NOT a mixtape you salty ass nigga

      2. bronxbillyunz says:


    2. Rena says:

      Heat of the Moment on repeat. How do these R&B guys live with themselves when Drake is putting on the hottest R&B tracks in his spare time?

    3. All three of these tracks are mediocre at best. Not even mixtape worthy. Throwaways so he threw them away. #TIMELESS

  7. nothing special it sounds like drake nothing special at all

    1. jimj87 says:

      fuck outta hear boy


        1. ccspizzabuffet says:

          Get the fuck out of here you idiot bklynreprezintah – you pussy

          1. why would i go and fuck myself isnt that what your mothers throat is for

    2. Kev says:

      Cosigned. This guy is def not as good as he claims or as much praise he gets but he’s def improving over the years.

      1. i know if you dont agree with this lame ass music theres something wrong with you everybody in new york i know say drake is overrated

    3. Non Fiction Dixon says:


      1. good lookin out theres nothing about those three songs that you havent heard before from drake

  8. Guest says:

    This nigga Drake just keep dropping killer shit, lmao it’s too funny.

  9. jaja420 says:

    Hottest nigga in the game rn, undeniable.

  10. Kev says:

    You know Hip hop is dead when the people running it are rappers with average flows and bars like Aubrey, wale, jcole, big Sean .. And rappers like ab soul and big krit can’t even break 50k first week, and Joey badass and Action Bronson can’t get a release date… I’m from Toronto too shieeeeeet… Y’all giving Drake too much shine when he’s overrated as fuck. He’s good but definitely wouldn’t be rated this hard 10 – fuck even 5 years ago…

    1. J Boogie says:

      Go listen to some shit from 10 years ago then nigga lol

      1. Kev says:

        This is the light skin ice age period of hip hop. The people who claim this is Hip hop are the reason why slaughterhouse flopped…

        1. Andrew says:

          they flopped because they didn’t stick the script instead they tried making records for radio and stuff

        2. J Boogie says:

          maybe you should tell your fellow “real hip hop” fans to go buy Slaughterhouse albums instead of pirating them. Drake fans actually support and buy albums, you mad that most Slaughterhouse fans don’t do that?

          1. Kev says:

            Drake makes music for niggas whose next song on their play list is ‘or nah’ and for bitches getting ready to go hit a club

          2. J Boogie says:

            you mad lol whatever gets bitches to the club is cool with me because I actually enjoy bitches. You sound like you sit at home on Saturday nights nigga lol. Hold this L and go listen to some Crooked I freestyles.

          3. Kev says:

            I ain’t mad fam, just saying this guy is as close to Hip hop music as Chris Brown is. Now I’ll let you continue to do your nails to this ep.

          4. Savimbi says:

            Not much of a Drake fan but i have to agree with you on that. lol

    2. Andrew says:

      Krit will break 50K first week this time around

    3. Bkmkj says:

      joey bad ass succ…and action bronson is a knocc off ghostface…you cant win with them two niggz…krit and ab soul dope as fugg though…but niggz who rap really good never get as much shine as niggz who have a machine behind em and have decent songz…

  11. Uknowit2betrue says:

    Best rapper alive.

  12. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:

    @ B.Dot

    You’re all welcome, enjoy!



    ……………..HA!!!! EP IS AIGHT!!!! 6 GOD IS BY FAR THE BEST CUT!!!!


    1. Kev says:

      For real fam. To even consider this guy a rap God is nuts. Y’all got big L rolling in his grave.

      1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:



        1. Kev says:

          Yo fam I’m talking about Brian’s calling him a rap God in the original post lol

          1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:


            DON’T HATE ON MY OPINION!!!!

          2. Leon Sandcastle says:

            “B.THOT”?!! Haaaa!

          3. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:


            DON’T HATE ON MY OPINION!!!!

          4. Savimbi says:

            Lmmmaooo @ B.THOT!!!!!!! #classic

          5. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:

            ………….HA!!!! YES SIR!!!!

            DON’T HATE ON MY OPINION!!!!

  13. The Rock says says:

    He should’ve put a tough ass verse at the end of “How Bout Now”, would’ve made the song way better

  14. intelligentsoul says:

    I feel bad for anyone who “tried” dropping anything today…haha

  15. J Boogie says:

    Funniest shit is watching Kendrick stans rationalize his lack of musical output when new Drake songs drop.

    “Kendrick’s taking his time, Drake just drops bullshit”

    “It’ll be worth the wait”

    Niggas really talk themselves into thinking NOT dropping music is a good thing lol the delusion is hilarious.

    1. Kev says:

      Drake sonned Kendrick with his verses on shit and pound cake and even announcing a next album before Kendrick, but O. D. > drakes entire discography… You a bitch if you think otherwise haha

      1. intelligentsoul says:

        @Kev …..guess im a bitch then because Drake has one the most impressive catalogs ever. He could do an hour show on featured songs alone probably

        1. Kev says:

          Most impressive catalogue ever? Kanye, pharaoh monche, ice cube, Eminem, ll cool j, nas, outkast, beastie boys, the roots, hell even Kendrick like I said have far better discographies than Drake. Bruh you sound like the same guy who claims weezy is the goat in 2007-2009.. hold this L and stamp it to your forehead.

          1. intelligentsoul says:

            @kev I said ONE of the most impressive catalogs…oh yeah and im not one of those that claimed weezy as the Goat in 07-09…..I claimed him the goat from 05-09 actually….

          2. OKK says:

            Sike, kanye was winning Grammys from 05-09 while Wayne finally got 1 in what 08/09? After oh so long in the game? 05 ye winning a Grammy as a rookie/sophomore while a SEASONED vet of the game since before he could legally drink had to wait 3-4 more years….

            Try again.

      2. Nebz says:

        ” I hear you talk about your city like you run that

        And I brought my tour to your city, you my son there nigga “

    2. JE says:

      Quality over quantity.

      1. J Boogie says:

        or you can have both….like Drake fans

        1. JE says:

          Debatable. I’m not by this EP, I wasn’t impressed by 0-100, and I wasn’t impressed by any of his albums. So personally I’d rather wait a long time for a great Kendrick album, than be flooded with subpar Drake albums, ep’s and singles. That’s just my opinion though

          1. JE says:

            I’m not impressed by this EP*

          2. Vins says:

            Not an EP bruh, just songs. And u not being impressed by any of his albums sounds like u trying real hard not to like his music.

          3. J Boogie says:

            well if you don’t like any of his music then you’re not a fan bruh lol which is fine. For fans who like everything you just named though it’s unbeatable.

          4. JE says:

            There is a reason why I’m not a fan, because like i said it’s subpar. So if Kendrick taking forever to drop music means it’ll actually be good then why the hate?

          5. Bkmkj says:

            But y you in a drake thread listening to drake music if you not a drake fan? this shit kills me…

          6. JReezy says:

            If you like everything from an artist you’re probably more of a stan than a fan.

        2. the-Lebron-curse. says:

          Exactly drake fans not Hip hop fans.

  16. Donn says:

    FIRE. Don’t like it don’t listen, simple as that

  17. Spru¢e Y33 says:

    The rate at which you drop music depends really depends on what typeof artist you are and what lane your in. Drake is a hit maker, and it works for him to keep dropping them. Songs that really hit the soul by an artist such as J.cole or Kendrick stick with you for a long time. Radio hits just come and go and aren’t remembered as much as a real track with substance.

    1. intelligentsoul says:

      lie detector determined this is a lie. Drake makes quality music that just so happens to do good in mainstream.

      1. Yamzz says:

        Yea he def does have quality music in comparison to these other rappers but it’s all middle class 1st world issues….I.e girl problems, borrowing his uncles car….substance nonetheless just not as heartfelt as a lot of JCole project or kendricks

    2. J Boogie says:

      I agree with you but to say Drake doesn’t have songs that resonate is just false. They may not resonate with me or you but he has loyal fans because people clearly relate to his music.

  18. Yamzz says:

    The one thing I hate about rappers that get to drakes level is that industry doesn’t give ppl a chance to decide if they like or not. Guarantee atleast one of these songs get radio rotation along with the platinum singles before it hits platinum

  19. Van Sertima says:

    F is the 6th letter in the alphabet. ijs.

  20. supermendi says:


    1. Nah says:

      You on drugs or something ..not even top dick riders make me sick

  21. Homie Ostasis says:

    Homie Ostasis Shmurda REMIX on youtube.

  22. BEE says:

    Drake just rules the game right now, best flow, he gets the best beats, everything on pint.

  23. BEE says:

    Lawd he raps he sings he is rap’s modern king. Salute.

  24. #FreeFallEP says:

    6 God is the best of these three. it is like the old Drake is back on a beat that slaps. Rhymes are on point the beat is hard as hell and welcome back the Old Drake

  25. sam says:

    a lot salty people are going to hate just realise this shit is for his fans, they are tracks that he did that hackers try to leak they leaked how abt now. heat of the moment was a unreleased track from nwts 6god was from the believe me, 0to100 era and they both went gold. this are tracks that will probably have been put in the vaults but he released to his fans. VFT6 is about to be great and for throw away songs these songs are better than some artist career. just enjoy the man’s talent and dexterity

  26. RightHook says:

    if your under 25 you may not remember this……….Jay Z did the same thing when he was in his undeniable Hot streak (late 90’s-2000’s)……some people loved him some hated him……but he did back to back albums…..features…..remixes…Had people on stand by patiently waiting for music……he OWNED the Summers , hell.. he had the people watching and waiting year round. Of course those were different times….Drake is hot right now. He knows it. The people know it. When you make a strong claim on the game like he has done, your in the zone. There is no debate, like him or hate him Hes doing whats smart = what hes supposed to do.

    1. Rene Okoli says:

      @righthool I compeltey agree

    2. Texas_screwhead says:

      Well Said

    3. Public Hairs says:

      Yea, and even tho prime Jay > Drake, you have to strike while the iron is hot cause everyone’s prime doesnt have the same duration. Also, we’re in such a short attention span era, so that’s another reason to put out material between the albums.

  27. el jim chapo guzman says:

    77 drake dick rider’s on the comment board. That’s 77 niggas that doesn’t no anything about good quality music.

  28. Wiseman says:

    This EP is okay, nothing special. Just since it’s from drake you guys hype it up. Drake is too forced. “How about now” is corny. What type of line is “and you suck right now” the whole song is so drake, we’ve heard it before just with a different beat and hook. “Heat of the moment” had me at first with the “they don’t even read anymore” line, but he didn’t even go anywhere with it or the world is ending line he turns the song back to being about drake. 6 god, is okay, but it Isn’t fire, it’s decent. Mt Olympus, 4th quarter, those are fire. You guys need to stop dick riding drake and rooting him up because you think that’s what’s expected. Lecrae put out a great album, Logic dropped a genius full body of work and you guys are here arguing about three songs. I don’t get you so called hip hop heads.

    1. The Incredible Creation says:

      word. can we put u onto 4thQu? ..let us know what u think…

  29. Showercap says:

    Drake fans be dicking, these tracks MEDIOCRE. And why does he keep making r&b tracks? Like give it up bro, you need to quit riding fences to appease teen twat

  30. Showercap says:

    This fool really put “Rap God” on this thread………

    1. DISRESPECTFUL. Nowhere near. Yet. #TIMELESS

  31. realish says:

    only track I liked was how bout now. the others were garbage

  32. i like how rappers just dropping 3 to 4 songs one time this 1 song shit not working give us something to hold us this like a mini ep..not a big drake fan but i can bare is music at times.

  33. jussayin says:

    6 god track is crack. Flow was a lil weird but I won’t care once I bump it in the whip. The other 2 joints were standard drizzy joints…. He always delivers tho

  34. kingshit says:

    HOW BOUT NOW….cuz im up right now!!….wavy wavy that hits your soul

  35. what says:

    this was actually awful

  36. Mr. AVR says:

    Be grateful for drake, the man is blessing us by putting out quality freebies than your favorite rapper and niggas out here whinning like little bitches.

    1. X file says:

      Bull fucking shit .where the fuck is the quality??wack freebies for you sir.

  37. chan says:

    kendrick and cole need to step they game up. i think they are more talented than drake but drakes presence in the game is to BIG.

  38. Dat Nigga Conker says:

    who was drake dissing in 6 god when he said you was popping back when usher was wearing chains?

  39. Mr. white says:

    Am I missing something or is everybody just a Drake dick rider now? Lol How bout now is the only hot song! & that shit is average as hell. These songs are fucking horrible & I’m a Drake fan!!!! He’s def the leader of the new school no debating, but since NWTS I feel like he been fallen off. This new flow he’s using is just annoying as hell. I can’t believe ppl actually like that shit & Heat of the moment is just fucking terrible. I had to turn that shit off midway thru. Wtf was he talking bout? Lol I have no problem with Drake singing, hell Take Care had some dope ass slow songs on there, but this shit right here nigga is no where near his best work. I feel like he’s putting out anything just cause he know ppl will eat it up. You can’t tell me Thank Me later & Take Care verses aren’t better then EVERY single verse on NWTS. Idk man, I’m not really feeling his new shit like that

  40. Jake Zero says:

    Drake the type of nigga to go to a strip club and tell a chick she better than this.

  41. Jake Zero says:

    Drake the type of nigga to cry after sex

  42. Jake Zero says:

    Drake the type of nigga to date a pornstar and kiss her just after she finishes work asking;
    “So baby, how was your Day?”

  43. RapReal says:

    It’s funny how in 2014 the comment section of rap artist songs are filled with nothing about how the songs are. These 3 joints are type wack IMO. 1 wack rap record and 2 sub par slow jams.

    This is acceptable to yall? Or it gets a pass for “feeding fans” and being relevant? WTF? The sad part is this guy Drake can actually rap. It’s the fans and douche bloggers that fucking suck and let this nigga get away with everything because they’re too busy acting like teen groupies and not music lovers. It’s like watching somebody fill a fat ugly bitches head up with lies and sending her out on the street.

    Seriously from the bottom of my heart, fuck y’all.

    1. alex says:

      I disagree with you in terms of grading these records as wack but I understand what you mean, drake and eminem fans must have joined forces they make it incredibly to be enthusiastic about anything they put out at this point, the objective conversation is thrown out the fucking door.

  44. every rap nigga bout to drop freestyles over these now smh lol

  45. the-Lebron-curse. says:

    Ladies and gentlemen PLEASE just say no to nickelodeon rappers. They are a hazard to your health especially when mixed with a Canadian back ground. Side effects and possible hormonal changes maybe.
    1. Being soft
    2. Your menstrual cycle will start ( even if your a guy).
    3. You will get emotional over EVERYTHING.
    4. You will shoot air balls.
    5. will ask you if you a pad to spare for his periods.
    6. Stealing lyrics.
    7. Anal leakage (this is from getting it in the butt cause you a homo)
    If you have contracted the Aubrey
    diseases please KILL YOUR SELF

  46. YOUNG NIGGA says:

    If B. Thot was doing his job he would tell yall drake dropped these songs cuz some hackers had them. Even drake knows these aren’t his best work

  47. b r z a says:

    Heat of the Moment is SO bad this kid cannot sing just stop already

  48. One three nine says:

    Can i say that this shit is not good without you groupies jumping at me? Why the hype? Wack

  49. Brian Rostro says:

    No matter if you’re good or bad, if you have something interesting in your songs to catch people’s attention with and put out more songs than any artist out right now, then you’ll be the one “at the top, just like Jay-Z, Lil’ Wayne, Eminem, Drake, Nicki Minaj, and every mainstream artist

    1. rell250 says:

      Don’t compare Jay-Z to or Eminem to them. IF you think Jay-Z and Em rap like them you’re dumb.

      1. Brian Rostro says:

        Im not talking about skill as you can see. Im talking about popularity. Think before you speak.

  50. truth says:

    6 god, lyrics dont run true with them strippers coming out the woodwork. Nevertheless, lyrics are pretty bad.Just a bad song imo i give this a 2.5/10

    heat of the moment, rappers singing ballads is not my cup of tea, defer the rating on this

    how bout now – better lyrically than 6 god, but whats that really say… as a song the mixing of the song sounds off. imo 5/10

  51. HIP-HOP says:

    The songs don’t sound bad, they’re aight, but honestly they sound just like any of his previous work. Same content on every song, always crying about a female & boasting on how “great” he is. Shits getting played out fam!

  52. Cornell James says:

    6,6,6……..illuminati lol

  53. Donn says:

    The millions or so PPL who clicked play. The 100 or so negative comments lmao

    Enough said. Ppl like what they like. U like what u like. No debate needed. Fuck wit who u fuck wit and go away

  54. soul says:

    Stop mentioning jcole with drake. Im fine with him taking his time with his music. And all his true fans are to. Well sit back and bump The Warmup

  55. drewsmit24 says:

    Boi1da assassinated that jodeci sample, could have been a single

  56. Dsunn says:

    you think a jewish guy with money knows kabbalah?most people think the ‘devil’ is 666 and never wanna do the knowledge. welcome to the 6God spell. 3 songs. best 1 owe it to Jodeci #intruders

  57. RGeezy says:

    Mediocre tracks

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