Juvenile Re-signs To Cash Money


Home is where the heart is. And after years off Cash Money Records, Juvenile revealed to MTV’s Rob Markman that he’s back on the label. Afterward, Birdman explains his reasoning for bringing Juve back into the fold. That deserves a Nolia clap.

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  1. FYI says:

    The word you’re struggling with is “re-sign” not “resign.

    1. hostage says:

      I was like resigning from what ? B.Bop was like: Nah autocorrect, I got this! 😀

    2. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      blame autocorrect.

      1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:


        …………..HA!!!! SIMP!!!!


        1. MegaMan says:

          And where is your college degree? You seem quite slow.

          1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:


            DON’T HATE ON MY OPINION!!!!

          2. bcro31 says:

            You have to stop responding to people with your troll ways. Your getting killed every time you leave a comment.

          3. MegaMan says:

            I’m not trolling. Mac is an uneducated, uncultured and primitive idiot.

        2. YOUNG NIGGA says:


          1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:


            DON’T HATE ON MY OPINION!!!!

  2. StrokeyDokes says:

    “if you in you in if you out you out pleighboi” -birdman

  3. Just saying says:

    On some no-lol shit I wonder if these niggas make you take incriminating photos kissing Birdman soon as you sign…because cats be getting raped and STILL come back to YMCMB, that’s gotta be some God-level blackmail

    1. K.I. says:

      I don’t believe Juve down with that shit. He, B.G, & Turk got to leave the label. Official reason was business, but I feel like if all that shit was going on, a mf that’ll do that is a mf that’ll blackmail niggas w/shit & they wouldn’t have ever left.

  4. Jax says:

    What an idiot, you don’t jump on a sinking ship.

  5. bcro31 says:

    It’s pretty obvious birdman practices voodoo. He’s got these Niggas brainwashed.

  6. K.I. says:

    I’m good with this if all that Rich Gang shit he screaming is just cause. Juve my favorite Cash Money artist of all time and was their 1st Superstar imo. Hope he keeps it locked w/Mannie & put out the 2014 versions of that era.

  7. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:



  8. Nicholas El Tahir Jayy says:

    I guess these fools don’t recognize that YMCMB is falling off. But Birdman is one smart clown looking OG and he’s pulling off classic HOV move without ppl recognizing. Starting this Rich Gang shit and including RHQ and Thugga is just him revamping his brand and peeping a talent while they’re relevant. It’s slick from a business stand point but the platform is shallow. Lil Wayne created this Dynasty once the old Cash money died out. And because of him came Drake, Nicki and etc.. With Wayne becoming an after thought and Nicki tryna find the right record to match her commercial appeal the label is deteriorating. The foundation has loosen up. And with Drake being a fishy nigga you can’t trust to stay much longer. The signs are clear!

    1. bcro31 says:

      This Nigga should work for rapradar. Everything he said was 100 percent true.

      1. Nicholas El Tahir Jayy says:

        Thanks homie, I just call it how I see it!

        1. Changeclothz says:

          u r very good my nigga

    2. ALL FACTS. YMCMB’s last 2 studio releases (Rich Gang, Rise Of The Empire) sold less than 45K first week & are nowhere near Gold/Platinum. Tha Carter series keeps the label afloat if you look at the history & sales. People buy new QUALITY & they lack in that area with the exception of Drake.

      1. Nicholas El Tahir Jayy says:

        Drake is their money maker. Birdman is loyal to the money, look at his interview response to Tyga. Him jumping on the RHQ and Thugga bandwagon is evident. Sidenote: he’s trying to turn Thugga into the New Trukfit weirdo Wayne since Weezy is uninspired and on his way out!

    3. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      at this point in his career, What better alternative does he have?

      1. Nicholas El Tahir Jayy says:

        It’s not a knock at him trying to keep his brand relevant, I mean this is a business. What I was doing was showing that his attempts aren’t going unnoticed as well as it won’t save the brand in the long run!

    4. SaniAbacha says:

      Spot on analysis.

    5. my g yo you got to read some of the racist things some guy on this site goes by el jim chapo guzman said about black people

  9. FREE MAX B says:

    some cats never learn.

  10. brollya says:


  11. yeah says:

    Prepare to not drop for 3 years if you ever do and by that time nobody will even care. Sad but true

  12. MegaMan says:

    Juvenile will continue to work tirelessly on his debut album which is slated to drop in 2015. Birdman only wants the best for him. Once again, YMCMB welcome Juvenile to the greatest label on Earth.

    1. LuckyP says:

      tf are you talking about you fucking idiot?

      1. MegaMan says:

        Not about you, you insignificant amoeba.

    2. this is not juveniles debut his debut was in 1995

      1. FREE MAX B says:

        i dont think he knows what that word means

        1. Lmfao i get that he thinks juvie is a new artists on cash money Lol

  13. Judge Joe Dredd says:

    Ha….. rap nigguz with no fucking integrity….. Listen, I’ll fuck an ex over and over and over but I’d never re-date the bitch.

  14. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Lame he should be ashamed for weak ass decision.

  15. LuckyP says:

    nigga don’t act like anyone else wanted you !! you aint been shit since 400 degrees !!

    1. 400_Degreez says:

      Not true…. Tha G-Code and Juve The Great both had #1 hits on them

      1. LuckyP says:

        PLEASE. no one plays any of those records now! I can honestly say, i play 400 degrees at least once a month in its entirety

  16. 400_Degreez says:

    I preface my comment by saying a Juve album will never see the light of day… BUTTTTT…. you niggas sound silly with this “sinking ship” shit…. There are a few things you can count on in this rap industry… one of which, is Birdman finding a way to keep this shit going… Cash Money is an army… always and forever…

  17. ask your self the question whos interested in a juvenile album in 2014 the sad part about rap is some rappers cant get that theyre time came and went

  18. Bruh Bruh says:

    wasnt he signed to RapALot not too long ago??????????????

  19. M.E.C.C.A, says:

    Yall better thank fifty cent for making this happen without g unit reuniting none of this would be possible

    Once again 50 is saving the rap industry

  20. PREMERE says:

    Juve dun fucked up now…..

  21. Belize says:

    Juuuuvvviiiieeeeeee. Wahhhhhh

  22. Your Father says:

    This nigga really got Stockholm syndrome. He love the niggaz who raped him.

  23. AshtonGLD says:

    May not drop albums from hereon out or get royalties from them (the ‘YMCMB Way’) but it could help both sides with revenue from touring and feature placements. Also, YMCMB, just like any team, needs a veteran presence (especially after this Twist & Tyga fallout). Mystikal didn’t work out. Juvie is an upgrade anyways.

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