Devi Dev Interviews Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick’s Beat Down.

Kendrick returned to Houston’s 93.7 The Beat with Devi Dev to plug his new single, “i”. Once again, he discussed the meaning behind it, upcoming album, depression and desire to act one day. Look out Prince.


Over the weekend, Houston’s 93.7 The Beat’s held their firstĀ  ‘H-Town Beat Down’ summer concert. Devi Dev caught up with Kendrick Lamar backstage, and got some insight on his sophomore album and cultural diffusion.

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  1. Hussle says:

    This nigga right here gonna drop a second classic in a row. WATCH!

    1. kdotbeotch says:

      KING KEDNRICK~~!! y’all should post up too, its killing the clubs in ATL.. could see DRAKE DOING A REMIX TO IT LIKE HE DID THURSDAY

  2. Johnnie Rawker says:


  3. tha OG says:

    TDE>>>>the whole industry

    1. StayWoke says:

      TDE is dope but I won’t go that far now.

    2. bunch a lyrical dudes who is winning right now

  4. Damien Rome says:

    Ooooooooh he’s going to fuck the game up again.

  5. Clarke Gable says:

    Kendrick ain’t stressing he know he got the core fans and other rappers core fans under CONTROL LOL.

  6. summertimer says:

    put some new music out for us please!!!

  7. dat dude says:

    smh the anticipation for this album is killing me !

  8. im from brooklyn it seems like california hoods are really fucked up if you got PTS when you hear the pop you know kendricks dick is out of her mouth shes taking nut hugging to a whole new level oh my god

    1. Starpoint feat Renee Diggs says:

      Damn BK, Everybody was happy til i got to your post, LOL! Everybody nut hugging, U broke the vibe. LOL!

      1. LMFAO you notice that too when she said that about cali hoods and the kendrick nut hugging was next level i just had to keep it real

        1. Starpoint feat Renee Diggs says:


          1. theres fans and then theres nut huggers and who ever that chick name is shes a nut hugger everything he does is so unique in her mind for us that grew up with real hip hop in 1994 he would be average

          2. Starpoint feat Renee Diggs says:

            Everybody would be average, Kendrick is the close we got to the golden age. Is he top Tier, not yet, atleast he’s difference. Nut hugging is putting it mildly, Those Bey Stan, RiRi Stans, Drake Stans, be ready to go to war. they take being a fan to a hold new level.

          3. its sad that if you show a little skill in todays time they want to crown you king of rap

    2. Marley71 says:

      Second coming of Christ…West coast feel they finally got a Nas. East coast got whole factions..Brand Nubian, Public Enemy, Wu Tang to a lesser extent, Poor Righteous Teachers and so many more, dropping science for these 85ers. West coast got someone saying “I love myself”, and they think this is the second coming. Do your thing Kendrick, you’re a blessing to the game, but don’t believe the hype and these crackers don’t love you, sure a couple of their kids who think it’s a “post racial” world embrace you, but they don’t even know history.

      1. thats what im saying they act like this nigga is saying something new his just taking bits and pieces of conscious rap a little early outkast rap flow and creating hes style

        1. Marley71 says:

          Makes you recognize the savagery that is out there on the west coast though. Think of it, Gangs were the salvation of the west coast, not 5%ers but Gangs.

          1. i dont know who brought the gods in that but it wasnt me

  9. Bret The Hitman Fucking Hart says:

    She wanted to suck his dick so bad lol

  10. StayWoke says:

    If Kaney drop college drop out (classic) Late Registration (Classic) why can’t K dot drop two classic tho.

  11. M.A.T. says:

    lmao I read y’all’s comments before watching the video. She’s acting like everything has some deeper meaning. It’s called just trying to make good music with substance. It’s not that deep.

    1. StayWoke says:

      Well to be fair she is women so it was cool.. Rosenberg on the other hand do way to much

      1. M.A.T. says:

        True. haha At the same time it’s like come on have some dignity for yourself and not make it soo obvious. It just came off as over top is all.

  12. Ben says:

    Kendrick is the eastcoast fav rapper. Cali and the bay have some ill ass dudes but theyre to real for the industry. Kendrick is dope but not the best out of the west. Ill take him over games wack though.

  13. devi dev wants the kid llama lol…another classic would be crazy..rrr ring king king lol

  14. BLACK EBERT says:

    Devi Dev wants the D soooo bad. Nothing has ever been so obvi. LOL. – Good Interview. 2 Black thumbs up.

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