Eminem, Slaughterhouse, & Yelawolf ‘ShadyXV’ Cypher
November 10, 2014 @ 4:29 PM EST

Lyrical Exercise.
From coast to coast, Eminem, Slaughterhouse, and Yelawolf showcase some of their best rhymes as part the first ever ShadyXV cypher. And oh, just for the record, Eminem is not of this planet. Pre-order ShadyXV here.
no beat.i was waiting for this .Holy Fucking Shit
Anyone who hates on this should be stuck in a elevator for 48 hours and forced to listen to Chief Keef and Trinidad James nonstop on high volume…
If they hate this, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind that.
How about you give me some Mos Def, Krs-1, Killah Priest, Nas, Chuck D, Rakim, Canibus… you act as if people who think this is wack only have Chief Keef as an alternative. That shows people how narrow minded you are.
Here’s the average “old school Hip-Hop fan.” I personally don’t consider people like you Hip-Hop fans because clinging onto one era of the art form isn’t true to me. The only opinion ever voiced by people like you is hate and the only comeback you can ever offer to anyones replies is bringing up people from an era of music that’s the past and isn’t going to happen again. I’m sure most of us listen to and enjoy the people you mentioned and many others but that’s the past, accept it and more on. There’s more good music to enjoy out there once you get your head out of the negativity. This Shady cxvpher is dope, anyone who appreciates Hip-Hop should enjoy this.
You fuckin idiot…He’s not sayin “fuck new school rappers, I only listen to golden era”…He’s sayin just cause you might not be entertained by this lil video doesn’t mean you automatically only like some shit like Keef or James…YOU ACTUALLY SOUND LIKE THE OLD SCHOOL HATER FROM THAT ASSUMPTION…Anyone who appreciates hip hop doesn’t have to enjoy this…If you like they bars and deliveries, then cool, but if not so the fuck what.
exactly these faggots act like they on payroll to suck shady’s dick
some of them i suspect, truly are….no one can defend marshall on his own website like his own delusional fans…paul rosenberg owns this shit probably sucks off eminem at every opportunity saying everything he creates is pure gold…while he attempts to strike gold with this action bronson fat fuck.
AJFKing, there’s that hate that you mentioned. Lol
“I personally don’t consider people like you…” I hope this is an off day for you, because if you’re consistently this stupid in life then you are a certified idiot. Gross generalizations based on limited information is never a good look.
I get what you mean. If you’re living in the past, you could potentially miss out on all of the good that’s going on today. At the same time, you can’t ignore the past and act as if it never happened. It’s important to know the history, who influenced who, and where the music came from so you can put today’s music in context with the genre as a whole. Also there’s not that many great artist around today that I love listening. So when they’re not putting out music, I have to fall back on the older music because that’s what has stand the test of time. Because as far as I know, next year nobody is going to still be talking about this.
woah, you just blew these mutherfuckers heads wide open…
Hahaha you had me until you said Canibitch. Not that he doesn’t have some dope stuff but doesn’t belong next to anyone on that list by far.
I like most of those who you named, but it’s probably time that people started giving Eminem his credit for being a lyrical master mind. I doubt that you can give me a valid argument that could convince me that it isn’t about race.
“Aint really been into diamonds since I put my 1st record out but I could put a chain around my 2nd album & wear it as a neck medallion.” RAP FUCKIN GOD! SHIT! SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN HIGH & ANGRY! LOL
“Murder you on a track like Toy Stewart!” way 2 cold
*Tony Stewart*
I want BDOT’s baby.
dear god
Eminem murdered that shit effortlessly
I only sped this up to Em’s part cause I only get 10 mins for my break and be GOT DAMN IF EM DIDN’T RIP DAT $#!+!!! He was rappin like he was on drugs again! This is what I wanna hear! My God, tf did I just witness!!!
me too. i tried. i gave em all about 2 mins and was like , fuck it. but i did listen to all of Em’s. just cuz he was Em. and spazzing.
Thats unfortunate, they all only spit like 2-3 minutes as is so you might as well have listened to them but they were all good to me.
He wasn’t the best though. Crooked I was.
dont think it was better than em, but yea Crooked I killed it. royce was disappointing to me he tryin to talk that tough shit but he pussy, usually his bars are on point i dont get this
Budden was horrible lol
No he wasnt! he was keeping it real, like he ain’t want to do this
Put the pom-poms down, everyone else went hard knowing the lyrical ability of the crew…but son just complained about his life & argued with himself over which approach to take during half of his short ass verse. IMO that was a horrible use of camera time & he got washed.
shut the fuck up he the only one who spoke on real shit you think rappin fast about bullshit makes you lyrically untouchable FOH
Who said anything about rapping fast dimwit?
“But I still get the same respect as jay if i came on stage in a fucking negligee everyday and liz claiborne”
hey brian what does ur homie think of that?
Crooked I and Em destroyed this shit!! My god
You’re white aren’t you?
What does race have to do with anything. Em fucking destroyed it. Crooked did too. All did good.
It does because I’m a member of the klan.
Can any one re upload it please because the video mentions that this video is private
If you hate on this you have no business listening to hip hop. Go listen to Taylor Swift for a catchy tune, bunch of pussy pop song goons.
Matter of fact, don’t even comment, you’ll incriminate yourself.
LOL. Look at these white boys talking bout’ rap. Bruh, your only ‘white’ hope is over 40. Yelawolf or whatever will never take his mantle. Ain’t no new ‘white’ rapper taking over. Stay fanboying your favorite grandpa. SMH. Go listen to Taylor Shit he says. A little too impassioned boy.
Stfu racist piece of shit.
I didn’t even mention Em…. being white has nothin to do this with you clown…. Bars come in all colour. The fuck outta here with your ignorance
You aren’t racist Ray. Just honest.
back in the day artist would put out vinyl records and shit and aint nobody could see they face or noticed the color of they skin, only judged by the music… now i know why
Talent with no direction…sad. Running fast, getting nowhere.
(Signed, Benzino, from my U-Haul / Crib)
OMFG TRU MC’S!!! No beat for you battle heads. Some of the most ridiculous bars from Shady. Whoa! my rewind button just broke
noooo. How did they made this shit private ? i missed.. fucking wanna cry right now
Shouts to Em, Crooked and Joell. They killed it
how the fuck are you watching it ???
idk why it doesnt work for yall. it works perfectly for me
Crooked I always has this essence of “tries too hard” with him whenever he rhymes.
So is there any doubt that Em should be in your top 5? My damn, THIS is a label with SPITTERS.
Top 5 rappitty rap rabbits, yes, top 5 MCs….nope.
Yes he is a top 5 MC ALL TIME. As good as KRS and Rakim, Chuck D are Em is as good as they come. Yes I grew up listening to Hip Hop since 85.
it seems like u r jst a faggot bro…em is definitely
in the top 5 dead or alive
he was in the top 5 homie, after putting out these last 3 turrrrible albums, that coveted title as being one of the “goats” is now gone forever kid, consistency means everything homie..
I m from Greece… I m in Greece right now… The YouTube says to me “This video its private…” Come on guys…You killing me…
This nigga yelawolf tried his hardest not to rhyme I swear
i like it overall but I’m going with the white boys for the win
Holy fuck.
Na this nigg em is just different bruh…like dead ass niggz not really fuggin with that lil white boi lmao…son…lyrics…
We get it you hate white people, but you don’t have to tell us everyday.
Stfu sandman you racist.
lmfaoooo you’re a fuckin racist but its hilarious
i’m not racist getreal.
HOLY SHIT, eminen >
Eminem is a fucking BULLY…
Aspiring rappers need to take notes
I really did the decision to shoot it acapella and switch locations. Shady’s entire inmediate roster are serious mic killers, no gimmicks, just rappin ass niggaz with bars, that’s fucking refreshing.
No ones going to comment on joe’s approach? My order goes Em, joe, crooked, Royce, Yella, Ortiz. Not in general but just for this cypher.
CROOKED I >>>>>>>>>>>>
good lord and dudes say em fell off? fuck outta here my dude jus bodied that dug it up bodied it again
i thought on till i collapse he basically said he’d stop when he’s not hip hop and people are feeling him….what happened to that?
reminded me of somebody shooting off the roof on new years.
Super Lyrical miracles rapping. .
Whats up with these commerical rap chyper?…
fuck mtv’s top 10 hottest list Ill just spend my time debating this.
Have you heard any of Yelawolf’s recent shit?…He’s been killin erthing.
Na i dont like the frickity frack style of rapping he does on his tracks, if he can rap with a normal voice more like how he sounded on this the people including myself would be more appealed to his music..
Whatever “normal” voice you talmbout…He’s been rappin like that for bout the past 2 years…
oh really? so on till its gone that was featured on sons of anarchy he sounded normal?? okay then..
Yes…He was rappin exactly like this, but to a beat…Fuck are you talmbout?
Joell was beast in this. Full stop. Em, dude? Too choppy, flowless and shouty. Known to be the best on carrying a flow for bars upon bars, what the beep was all this. First negative comment ever. The whole thing started off well but Em’s bit brought this whole piece down. Please can people around stop being yay sayers.
you only nigga to actually to this, you’re 100% right.
LMFAO get the fuck outta here you Kanye Lil Wayne rim licker Eminem DESTROYED everyone!
Ems last 50 seconds OBLITERATED Joell!!
Eminem DID NOT destroy EVERYONE. Crooked I served Em’s ass. He had wack lines in his verse and I can quote them if you like.
Yes he did you Lil Wayne rim licker!!!
Your hero is the worst rapper of all time go listen to Iggy!!
first off kanye shits on eminem, thats all
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yeah right Kanye is the worst rapper of all time!!
Kanye best album Yeezus ONLY sold 800k World wide!!LMFAO!!
Eminems best album the MMLP sold 27 MILLION copies to date!!
Eminems worst album Recovery sold 8.5 million!!LMFAO!!!
If Kanye is so good they why with every album he releases his second week sales drop %88?
NO BODY gives a shit about Kanye, if they did his albums would sell Millions but they DO NOT!!LOL
Yeezus selling 800k worldwide is hilarious!!!
Come back when Kanye sells 1.8 Million first week in the USA alone!!
Why should we be shocked how good EM is. He’s the GOAT period
Not even close
As huge as a Em and Budden fan I am… I gave it to Budden! Spit that real Real shit! And not afraid! ‘they just wanna know if the verse is done’
so TRU
Budden look stressed the fuck out.
Right, that ngga need a therapist.
That new york accent sound corny.
Royce killed it.
“Aint really been into diamonds since I put my 1st record out but I could put a chain around my 2nd album & wear it as a neck medallion.” RAP FUCKIN GOD! SHIT! SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN HIGH & ANGRY!
It’s good to hear Em rap without a million vocal stacks.
Royce and Crooked stay killing verses, damn! Yelawolf can be hit or miss but seems to usually step up when he’s with Slaughterhouse.
Haha didn’t know that slaughter house had this many fans, I couldn’t tell when I am l seen those album sales lol
Em The G.O.A.T.
Be realististic. He is not. Hell, Crooked I served everyone on this track.
Agree to disagree.
I listened to the Joe Budden verse and decided to kill myself. It’s been real guys. Thanks for the memories.
em was freestyling throughout that too. he is on a different mental level because he understands that he is a writer and he embraces the different perspective he brings to the game. instead of trying to fit in. that’s also what I like about Shady as a style. each of these artists know who they are and they really don’t give a fuck. they were getting at battle rappers and industry cats with this no-music approach.
he just said murder you on the track like tony stewart ha wow
Damn if Eminem spits like that over simple beats on the album, shit will be insaaaane. …Hes got a pattern of spitting harder for the promotion lately though….but he murdered that shit
Royce got that Culture Club look going on though lol I cannot cosign that ish
I can’t compare any of thier cyphers cause each one had a different approach, and did thier things. .
holy fuck that was a heavy dose of real hip hop shit. One needs to study this shit though. there’s easily a booklet of mad bars in the lyrics of this video.
Crooked I beasted, Joe budden was heartfelt, yelawolf had no flow but had some wordplay, that 3-1scheme that joell Ortiz did was crack ( yall slept on that), Royce is actually in my top 5 dead or alive but he was lazy this time. What can I say about Eminem? Straight murder, I mean the guy actually loves this shit… Wordplay, flow, multi-syllabic rhymes, off the top… He beasted… I’m still upset… Didn’t Royce know he was going before EM… Should have come harder… But all in all… This was a show!
LMFAO Eminem just DESTROYED everybody!!!
Poor Kanye and Lil Wayne guzzlers!!
LOL at the Lil Wayne Kanye lickers saying Em was terrible WTF!!
Ems last 50 seconds was better than all of them!!!
Holy shit!!
EM slurping Red Bull and spitting fire bars,he went absolutely insane.
No words to describe this guy,40+ years of age and spitting like that..unreal
got damn, what did I just watch……
Holy shit!
No disrespect, but Crooked I muuuuuuuurdered this shit. Afterwards, everyone did a great job. Marshall ……”Mardi Gras and a towel!” That shit was hilarious. Dude is nice with the bending of syllables but is it not obvious to all that see him as the great white hope that he is NOT the best. He is given serious comp by Crooked I…..now just imagine if Kendrick was in this. There is no ONE greatest of all time. Each great has his or her era and those that follow will build upon what they have done. Marshall is a legend and deservedly so, but Jay Z, Nas, The Notorious One, Rakim, maybe even Kanye and Drake will all be seen as part of the list of “Great Ones.” Kendrick, K.R.I.T., Jay Electronica will all eventually add to the list and so on. The only thing that Marshall will have on them is the most commercial sales being that he is a pop culture white rapper in white America that receives that same support from his people who have the wealth in America. Just look at Taylor Swift. It’s the same effect. Elvis=Eminem.
I concur
Em just rhymes and blends words so crazily sounds like he would say some shit like I’ll be TAKING A SKANK like AZEALEA BANKS, NAIL HER TO PLANKS after putting some of the pills I got with my medic-AID IN HER DRANK untill she’s too SEDATED TO DANCE. Deadly like RAZORS THAT SLASH and IRANIAN TANKS that shoot GRENADES IN THE ASS (what?) I think Hasselhof is a bitch, green of envy so he’s PAINTING HIS GRASS I got a letter saying DAVIDS A MAN of his word but Im REPHRASING THE FACTS. What’s more AMAZING IS THAT I’ll take that slut and let her bae watch as im DISINTEGRATING HER DAD. Ill smash your FACE INTO GLASS and lets see how many MAYWEATHER JABS you can TAKE TO THE ABS. I can spend 10Million$ on DECORATION FOR CATS (what?) and not look at it as WASTE OF A STASH while you’re busy trying to get 10000$ to record your album RAISING SOME CASH. Im corrupt like Clay DAVIS AND CRACK wearing a CHE GUEVARA MUSTASH (WHAT!?) I would keep going but I couldn’t find a babysitter so I gotta go watch the lil kid, Im pretty sure he’s PLAYING WITH WAX.
You can tell being around slaughterhouse has made Em want to step his game up. That might of been the sickest rhyme scheme I’ve ever heard!! When Em sounds like that, other rappers better watch out
woooooow em snapped
Shit is ridiculous…
I had to take breaks on Em’s verse to soak some of that in. But they all went in tho
Im so bored with rap that even em’s part was okay at best.
Whoever says Em isn’t still a beast after this is most definitely deaf. He does make some bad songs, but this shows he still can bend his tongue like no one else.
is anyone gonna mention the shots at jay? he clearly stated JAY Z. Yelawolf even finished his verse with a shot at him too. Definitely see em taking mad shots at jay, a friendly jab at the new rapper who sold 300K (kendrick sold 244k) (yeezus sold 323k, then dropped 80%).
Marshall claimed his spot and reminded everybody who he is and what he’s capable of.
j cole sold 300k first week last album, more than kendrick and kanye!
first crooked i n royce aand yelawolf kiiiled that shit. yall really sleeping on yelawolf. and ems not dissing cole or kdot fool em was takin shots at rick ross .
it’s the weirdest thing – it’s a staged cypher. They recorded it like a cypher, mixed it like a studio record then did a video to it (in a music video kinda way) basically re-spitting your cypher on camera but seperate from the recording.
Em and Crooked were the best. They fucking killed it. Budden should of jumped oFF the bRidge.
eminem is a goat can’t even deny it i can’t really get mad if someone says he’s the best but you niggas on here go gay for dude and i can’t fade
Joe Budden
Joel Ortiz
Royce Da 5’9
Crooked I
Noone gives it up for Yela, your killin it man. keep bringin it. Crooked is a smart ass ass dude
joe said all real shit fuck all you clown ass niggas who think rappin fast about nothin = great rapping
Past, Present, or Future – exempting favoritism & any opinionated comparison of rap level versus any other lyricist, dead or alive – Eminem is simply a Master at his craft. Hate it or Love it; Respect it. Name another millionaire rapper rapping consistently as if he’s unsigned. #CRWN
Eminem & Royce killed it.. Wtf was yelawolf talking? I know he was rapping but damn. The rest was solid as fuck tho.
All the haters on this post are basically saying NOTHING…
101 Ratings – 4.8 (prolly highest on the rap radar) so all you haters keep talking to yourselves. Emimen outrapped all your favorite rappers on this. REAL Talk.
First off, I personally loved this cypher. That’s my opinion.
That is my real point here, though. Why is there so much anger and hate directed at people, simply because they’ve stated their opinions?
ight… so whose the dumb shit that let em have a redbull?
@Yoda check this shit out bruh
anybody else wish they could see lupe on some shit like this? ikno he aint part of the shady crew or nuthin, but still…
Yella wolf killed that! Does anyone else know what a cypher is or is the same old stuff going to cover everything?
Yella wolf knows what cypher means others touch in and fade out to out-dated styles yet again we want brand new fresh futuristic ways to put this together but close enough clap clap