New Video: PRhyme (DJ Premier & Royce Da 5’9″) “PRhyme”

Never Falling Off.

This should come as no surprise, but Royce Da 5’9″ knows how to rap. Very well. And with Goldrush sitting in the director’s chair, he showcases his rhymes in between throwback clips of him and Preemo. Phryme arrives on December 9. Pre-order it now, damn it.

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  1. TheTruthHurts says:

    This song is dope and the video is pretty cool too. This album should be really good.

  2. dope nothing else to say cant wait for the album

  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    This shit is aight but the beat sound terrible.

    1. MIKEY ESCO says:

      u got to be kidding right?

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        I’m serious mikey beat not all that good.

        1. MIKEY ESCO says:

          stop calling me mikey u dont know me…call me mr esco

          1. Starpoint feat Renee Diggs says:


          2. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Ok esco trash I won’t call you mikey.

  4. Van Sertima says:

    damn this shit is dope
    the only time a woman made a man a millionaire, was when he was a billionaire = jewels for life.

    1. Ashley Moran says:

      S­o Exc­it­ing! I­’v­e b­ee­n av­era­ging $­8­5/ho­urly s­inc­e i sta­rt­ed t­o wo­rk on­li­ne s­ix mont­hs a­go… M­y jo­b i­s t­o wo­r­k a­t h­om­e se­ver­al ho­ur­s ev­er­y d­ay a­nd d­o ba­sic wo­rk i g­et fr­om th­is co­mp­any th­at i di­sco­vered ov­er th­e int­ern­et… I a­m ve­ry ha­pp­y t­o sh­ar­e t­hi­s op­por­tun­ity w­it­h yo­u… I­t’s a­n aw­es­om­e si­d­e j­o­b t­o h­av­e
      -> TR­Y I­T O­U­T! <-

      1. diggz says:

        Shut up you pathetic piece of spam garbage. No one gonna sign up for this bullshit on here get this shit the fuck out of heree.

        1. MrHeat says:

          Lol! Fuckin spam bots

      2. diggz says:


  5. MJeezy says:

    sick song! the video is dope too! can’t wait for the album.

  6. MIKEY ESCO says:

    wowww well yungins this is how u mc….not rap

    1. Soup Weezy..... says:

      Let em know… There’s a big difference… And this is it…

  7. William Witherz says:

    I’m starting to digg Adrian Younge a lil more. Plus Preemo scratches…Already sounds better than a lot of other 5’9 albums. Even though Boom was dope backinnaday.

  8. TRUTH says:

    Sick, but get rid of the white Jesus. It absolutely does not it exist. Just shows the slave mentality. SMH, in this day and time people still don’t know.

    1. blackholesurfer says:

      jesus is an arab we know that he aint black if thats what your saying. just imagine him as one those ISIS terrorists.

    2. Michael Ib bett says:

      Lol just get rid of Jesus period then. It’s made up shit breh. Why do you care how they drew the character. Santa Clause should also look like an Escimo.

  9. North Griffey says:

    I hope Eminem gets a feature and rhymes over a Premo track! I want to hear that, unless he already has? I don’t think he has, has he?!

  10. Soup Weezy..... says:

    This shit is mean…Rap 101.. Class is in session.. Take notes young in’s

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