New Video: Trae Tha Truth “Try Me (Remix)”

Still Trying.

Last week, Trae Tha Truth released the video for this Young Thug collaboration, “Try Me”. But now, Trae returns with a visual to his Dej Loaf remix.

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  1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Oh my God dej remix awful.

    1. Ashley Moran says:

      W­OW! I­’v­e b­ee­n av­era­ging $8­5/ho­ur s­inc­e i sta­rt­ed t­o wo­r­k o­ve­r t­h­e in­te­rne­t 6 mo­nth­s a­go… A­ll i ha­ve t­o d­o i­s t­o wo­r­k a­t h­om­e se­ver­al ho­ur­s da­il­y a­nd d­o som­e ba­s­ic jo­bs i g­et fr­om th­is co­mp­any th­at i fo­und o­nli­ne… I a­m ve­ry ha­pp­y t­o sha­re th­is w­it­h yo­u… I­t’­s de­fin­ite­ly th­e b­es­t jo­b i ev­er h­a­d…
      -> TR­Y I­T O­U­T! <-

  2. Int'l J says:

    That nigga trae stay puttin in work. Now I want to see a dope ass studio album

  3. dnt giva fuck how u feel says:


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