Behind The Scenes: ShadyXV Cipher
December 18, 2014 @ 12:41 PM EST

Cipher Complete.
After breaking the Internet a few weeks back with the cipher, here’s footage from how it came together. The video was shot in four different locations from each rappers respective city.
dope! salute to real Hip Hop
Let the Vampires aka white boy ‘s slurping session begin. Their Rap God has another post.
stfu with your race card bs and get life! always got to find some way to keep it separate
Stfu with your denial card bs and get your own culture instead of stealing everybody else’s. Always got to find some way to stay blind.
lol cue the “culture vulture” and “white boy” speech like clockwork! I guess reverse racism is okay though so sorry for “stealing” your culture
A European American calling somebody a racist is like a lion calling a gazelle a predator and it’s on cue like clockwork!
this conversation began with you immediately spreading negativity and blaming another race for stealing your culture yet when I reply you get upset lol? typical troll FOH
When did I get upset? You cursed at me first lol and are the only woman who’s showing emotion by typing in caps i. e. “FOH” why are you so mad?
listens to J. Cole’s “Firing Squad” and now this bs is going to flood comment sections smh
Sorry but I’ve been conscious before 1985 the year J Cole was born. Sorry hip hop only began for you in 1999 when Marshall’s Law came
ATTN: J. Cole and Drake are half white! Now I know this may come as a shock to some of you but it is what it is. I don’t even listen to Em like that lol? SPREAD LOVE FUCK RACISM
Lol. I don’t listen to any of them anyway but I understand what you’re trying to say but too bad AmeriKKKa was built on racism so tell that to the cops whos killing blacks.
Good Lord?! How did this turn into a “cops killing…” never mind I give up
oh so you’re just a bitter old geezer LOL
Yea pretty much, but I’m still younger than your Rap God.
i dont even like eminem
Gotta love how apparently something’s only racist if a white person says it…
Especially when white people are the only citizens in America who actually sees Constitutional justice in these courts of law in the continental US. Yea you really do got to love it, except if you are being oppressed bias (by it).
Then you obviously missed the OJ verdict?! Take a seat. And if you feel so oppressed, get up and do something positive about it instead of complaining in comment sections with your “poor us” attitude! It only holds you back. Stop blaming other races for all of your problems. That’s what’s holding you back.
And right on cue the OJ card like I knew would be played. I swear all you Euro Americans deal from the same deck. Ok OJ got off 20 years ago now name another. I’ll just simply name Darren Wilson, Daniel Pantelo, George Zimmerman, the cops that beat Rodney King, the cops that killed Sean Bell now that’s a 20 to 1 ratio. Not to mention nothings ever held me back but the devils still try and also I’d like to think the most positive thing I’ve ever done to help my people as well as yours was put my life on the line for this country during Operation Desert Shield & Operation Noble Eagle but I guess that’s meaningless because of my freedom of speech here on RapRadar that a couple of my battle buddies died to protect. So no I will NOT have a seat because I chose to stand up for mine and your rights and stood a post.
Yes, you guys are such huuuge victims and we’re all oppressive yada yada- shut the fuck up, dude.
Nobody plays the “NEW VICTIMS” card better than you guys. You taught the world the plausible denial game. Only people I know that climbs mountains, fall, gets stranded, then rescued, then gets a tv show called I Shouldn’t Be Alive then praised like you’re a hero survivor lol.
Every post you’ve made on this topic you’re portraying yourself as a victim but now you’re saying others are doing it? I would bet my life you’ve never experience any social or racial injustice personally just someone desperate for attention and trying to justify your shitty existence and why you never did anything with your life, good luck with that. Only white people climb mountains? lol okay LL cool J from deep blue sea, you should try to expand your knowledge beyond pop culture, it just makes you look ignorant.
I’ve yet to engage you with profanity during our dialogue but I’m the one who looks “ignorant” after you’ve gone on explicit tirades. Ok lol
First of all, I don’t consider myself a victim of shit, save for the time I paid money for a copy of ‘Yeezus’.
Are there pluses that come with my skin tone? Yes. I’m not denying that. But what does making broad generalizations about an entire race accomplish?
Also, what the hell does some mountain climbing scenario have to do with this issue? Weirdest sidebar ever.
If somebody (and I’m not pointing out any specific heritage here, because it applies to all of them) doesn’t want race to be a factor in the way they’re treated, then LEAD BY FUCKING EXAMPLE.
If you don’t want to be seen as a stereotype, look in the mirror and honestly assess whether or not you’re perpetuating it and just making it worse.
Stop playing the “oppressed victim” card, work with what you have and cut the damn complaining about who you think has it better.
And finally, stop making race issues out of things that have NOTHING to do with race — e.g., this post, for starters.
“Are there pluses that come with my skin tone? Yes. I’m not denying that.” – Midwest Tent. Now what do I suppose to say after that except honesty is good for the soul. Have a great weekend & thx for the dialogue.
cosign! And not to mention that this post included more than just Eminem but yet he chose to single him out as a white “culture vulture” smh this kid is seriously lost
racism will die a slow death, not nowhere in the near future. But the upcoming generation aren’t as racist as the once before. That will be the evolution of society
Racism will never die as long as there are Darren Wilson’s and Daniel Pantelo’s patrolling the same neighborhoods hip hop originated from.
Your comment has absolutely nothing to do with the comment you’re responding to, lol. He’s talking about how each generation of human beings becomes less racist. You’re talking about a few racist police that are currently making news.
No I’m afraid you’re the real lol because my comment has everything to do with generations supposedly evolving. If this were true then why are people marching and protesting for justice around this nation in 2014/2015? Ms. Mamie Till never received justice for Emmett when he was murdered and 50 years later look how far we’ve came. You must be a suburban kid who leaves in a gated community that Trayvon was shot to protect.
Over the next couple of decades racism wil become something elusive for people who have never marched for equality or know someone within their enviroment who has. Being raised in a multicultural society will abolish something as ridiculous as being discriminated against because of your complexion. Racism originates from fear and confusion. If you grow up between every other race, you will nog fear or be confused by you sharing your society with ‘them’. But people who didn’t grew up with other ethnicities still influence their children, the children of this day and age, what may cause racism to prevail for some time. These days racism is for ignorant and confused people, but those are the once in charge, because they’re from a generation that grew up confused. Fuck me, that was a long response.
No I understand and your comment was well thought out but if the government doesn’t do the right thing by these killer cops, I’m afraid this will set what progress this country has seen since the days of Dr King and Medgar Evers back by 50 years.
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Good shit.
ah, eminem…the once goat that has fallen to maybe ill listen to him status…
Illest crew out there period!
You spell it cYpher in America…we’re not in the UK dumbass