1. on the real how many songs have they colab on

    1. Rick Ross says:

      10 ?? Nigga every week these dudes have a new collab they must have like 400 in the trash can for release

      1. i know i wasnt buggin i knew these niggas did mad songs together i cant believe out of all the songs they created & not one dope track

      2. blackaliciousrhymefestpreemo says:

        They are a fuckin group called Rich Gang that also includes Birdman. The skill that Thug has makes me put up with the boring club sound that RHQ has.. I like the ghetto portrayals that quan has tho. Thugga that shit tho.. He aint bitin wayne in the slightest.. I have never ever heard wayne spit the way thug spits.. oh wait thats a lie.. that song that young thug wrote for wayne thats on c5.. wayne sounded like young thug on that song.. gtfoh with the me and my drank songs or the long hair dont care song or the dedication 3 saying that sounds like young thug.. that shit sounds nothing a like. The wayne song where he talks about doin drugs ande wants to die when the drugs run out.. SOUNDS nothing like thug..

        Man I even listen to thug like that but he aint bitin wayne..

        Wayne just fell off is all and all the fans that only became fans of lil wayne post carter 3 cant take it.. they have put on too much weight since then and there skinny jeans are now too tight.. its uncomfortable.. for real tho i like old shady and carter 2 wayne.. if u cant admit thugga spits some dope verses every other song you can die i guess

        1. Rick Ross says:

          Fxck you lol

    2. el jim chapo guzman says:

      Lol what up my nigga, them niggas is Gucci son’s.

      1. what my G that explains it a crazy nigga that cant rap co-signing bunch of niggas that cant rap is it me or ever track they make sound the same lame stupid sounding way

        1. el jim chapo guzman says:

          My nigga you on point.

          1. no doubt my G just speaking the truth when have you ever seen a bunch of no talent niggas come together to create some of the worst sounding music that all sound the same Lol

          2. el jim chapo guzman says:

            cashmoney new generation.

          3. what my G that would make sense with the whole lil wayne thing is about to be a warp soon on to the next

    3. yorapper says:

      And here you are making 5 songs a year that get at most 247 plays.

      1. what are you talking about??????

        1. el jim chapo guzman says:

          Telling em my nigga.

        2. yorapper says:

          Your struggling rap career.

          1. LMFAO what ever your on i want some

    4. b r z a says:

      Guess we’ll just wait for their “Just Married” collabo lol

  2. iknow says:

    at least the cover is nicee…smh

  3. bcl187 says:

    Someone stop this shit! On the other news GUNIT GOTTA BANGER GOING ON!!


      what banger is that ? lmao do u know what year this is?

  4. b r z a says:

    lol “PeeWee Longway?!”


    show some respect guys, they sucked a lot of dicks to live this lifestyle

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