1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    From what I have read, Malcolm X was another view of the same problem: which was real. Dr. King advocated the end of racism as did Malcolm X, they just had different solutions to the problem. I think that Dr. Kings was the better path, the nobler path and the the peaceful path

    1. Marko V says:

      Actually Dr.King changed his non violent stance wen he went up North and saw a different degree of violence towards protestors. And Malcolm grew more non violent and unity minded after his trip to Mecca. Approaches to their ideas was strictly strategy based on their location. And this song is pretty dope. Idk if it’s cuz it’s comin from Trinidad James that I’m not really accepting the message or wat tho.

      1. B Dot is a Shill says:

        yeah i’m not really trying to hear the “don’t believe me just watch nigga nigga nigga” preach about racial unity or any other societal issues to be honest. you can keep this shit

        1. Shock says:

          Wow, that is such close-minded thinking. We all do frivilous things in our lives, we are all multi-faceted people with the capacity to be serious and silly. If thats the case, no one’s opinions can ever be taken seriously, because we could always point out something that they did that was stupid.

      2. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Smh it’s comin from Trinidad James that I’m not really accepting the message,, smh if it was coming from j Cole you’ll accept right?

        1. Marko V says:

          Not necessarily because even J Cole displayed some inconsistencies wit his message on that last album and his career in general. You can’t make bold statements and then say “I’m jus playing” at the end of the song. And for some reason even his conscious songs seem like he’s filling a lane and not really heartfelt. Nothing has made me feel convinced like I Get Up off the Come Up. I think if Trinidad would have an OG on here it would add authenticity to his noble gesture in creating this transformative track. Scarface or MJG even a member of the Goodie Mob like Khujo or T-Mo would make this believable in my eyes as a Hip Hop fan.

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            I respect that.

      3. BR says:

        Stop falling for the white supremacist narrative of Malcolm being violent then changing to non-violent. Malcolm said protect yourself against people who threaten to harm you and your family. That’s called being intelligent. When he came back from the fake holy land of Mecca, he simply said that if the white man can except the “Word of God” through Islam, it would be peace in the America.

  2. The Incredible Creation says:

    this nigga T.J. ain’t slowing down tho…. http://toomanyfuckinrappers.tumblr.com/

  3. Im more of a Malcolm X & Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammed type of guy so the passive “let’s love everybody just because” message isn’t really my style but nevertheless the record was Great. Krit went hard… Common would’ve been a dope addition too!

  4. blackbeltbreeze says:

    fuck yeah. that drum loop tho. trinidad bars basic but it feels sincere. krit anchors it. cold.

  5. J.O. Cool says:

    This shit ritchea is dope…

    1. DaBoyAG says:

      You damn right bredren

  6. $₱₳ṝ₭≳. says:

    I like this but but he said “We Aint Monkeys No More” when were we MONKEYS!! I like the message but i dont get that line …. he should explain that!

    1. Jake Zero says:

      Hahaha That’s coz his heart is in the right place but he isn’t a learned individual. I mean, he says; “EGGnore” about 5 times! Lol

    2. yeah says:

      its a sothern racial slur, i’ve heard it in my time and im just 19, just to refer to inferiority and the sort

      1. Michael Ib bett says:

        Lol you don’t understand what he’s saying breh

        1. Shock says:

          No you don’t get the point. He is simply saying that the monkey slur is not going to fly anymore.

          1. Michael Ib bett says:

            I’m saying “yeah” doesn’t understand what “spak” is saying,

  7. War Machine says:


    1. diggz says:

      A dude named war machine would say something like this

      1. War Machine says:

        Diggz the panties out your ass nigga it’s my opinion. I don’t like the song. What u eat don’t make me shit

    2. thats mr.esco to you fk boi! says:

      Fkn bama ur life is wack smh

      1. War Machine says:

        Says the guy that trolls Rap radar, changes his name everyday , has a vocabulary that consist of cackies, bama, fuK Boi and has 6 Facebook friends bahahahahahaha

        And u blamed spelling cackies on auto correct and havin 6 Facebook friends as “the art of Deception ” now that’s pathetic

        1. the art of deception says:

          u forgot to include “gay cowboy” in his small vocabulary

          1. War Machine says:

            What’s really sad is you can tell this nigga has no friends or a life because he talks shit on here just to have somebody to talk to lol a couple weeks ago this nigga kept messaging me begging for attention. I Garantee u this nigga looks like a complete faggot. I mean to have 6 Facebook friends? Cmon bruh my fucking Dog has more then 6 friends lmaooo

    3. Shock says:

      Yeah, who wants to hear some positive, uplifting, well-thought out shit?

  8. me says:

    this is dope….im 34 and all things come back around it feels like 1989 again…conscious rap

    1. Rock says:

      my sister-in-law m.kes $87 /hour on the laptop . She has been fired for 10 months but last month her check was $14873 just working on the laptop for a few hours. check this;.From

    2. Kingly_Caracter says:

      Real shit bruh. Agree.

  9. me says:

    and so what this is the dont believe me just watch guy…..every body should be able to grow

  10. hoesfavorite says:

    Rip my dude nut respect my nigga tj

  11. diggz says:

    Damn what a dope song right here ! And this dude got dropped from def jam?? Wtf! Maybe he’s better off independent if he’s gonna drop shit like dis!

  12. Sean Power says:

    love this glad to see growth in his music, being dropped maybe best thing to happen to TJ took lot of the pressure off

  13. Afro Mendi says:


  14. JamesTheNiggaHatingDolphin says:


  15. Eastside BP says:

    Surprised the hell outta me.

  16. Sina Mailer Daemon Djavadkhani says:

    Really good tune!

  17. Aldo says:

    the song was super nice. Krit was so off on the flow. sounds like he wrote the verse up in like 13 minutes or something. either way this is the best song i’ve heard from TJ

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