1. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

    shit getting old bama all we want is some g.o.o.d music fk all the other ish….fk yo feelings fk boi!!!!

  2. ... says:

    Still nothing about what black people acutely care about…. We lost him….

    1. Dan Karlin says:

      Well, it took four whole posts before someone unnecessarily brought race into the discussion. That’s improvement, I guess.

      1. Reesy In Tha Cut says:

        Why because he should probably talk about what is going on in his cutlure? What’s your point smart ass?

        1. Dan Karlin says:

          Oh, don’t get me wrong- I think the idea of cultural appropriation and acceptance is a conversation worth having. Is it worth having in EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN post on Rap Radar? No, probably not. That’s all I’m saying.

          1. Reesy In Tha Cut says:

            Maybe you’re just trying to feel involved in shit that really doesn’t have shit to do with you and just people’s opinions. Just cus YOU feel like it’s a racial thing. It makes perfect sense to ask that because he wants everybody to keep making him more money but he has no message to motivate the same group of people who struggle to buy his shit. It might be my opinion personally that he’s always looking for “white approval” but nobody hears him say anything “smart” about black death when there are people who look up to him and look for some type of motivation maybe. But no you want everyone to feed into the boring media convos so we can follow these religious trends and scandals. Foh you don’t know why people may have a certain opinion, and the more you seeing comments just shows you hmm there may be a point about that. And people have the right to discus what they want if you don’t like it you should just ignore it.

          2. Reesy In Tha Cut says:

            Do you know what goes on in his hometown of Chicago? You know the what could be if he at least tried to do something other than remix chief keef’s I don’t like? We done lost this nigga he doesn’t give a fuck about us but he’ll never tell it tho lol. But then again you don’t want to hear him talk about some that’s not in your culture though so that’s kinda counter productive to you.

          3. Dan Karlin says:

            Seeing as I’m FROM Chicago; yes, I’m well aware of what goes on over here. And I’m not excusing Kanye’s behavior – yeah, he’s a grade A douchebag more than often – but saying he doesn’t give a fuck about Chicago and the people there is ludicrous. Just last year, he and Common used Donda’s House teamed up with the Chicago Urban League to create 20,000 new jobs in the city. Do your research before you speak.

          4. Reesy In Tha Cut says:

            And you don’t understand how Kanye’s musical direction or preference have to do with black people losing him? The smart ass not that smart though. Anyways you go on to tell people what not to discus and what to discus that makes you not a douchebag at all. And the comment the guy posted was straight forward we lost him. You trying to feel wanted or sum? Foh bitch.

  3. Mike Green says:

    Kanye’s turning into John Lennon

    1. bottom side inc says:

      More like John Candy…a walking joke

  4. daman says:

    kanye is the greatest of all time, period.

    1. bottom side inc says:

      Greatest bitch, greatest sucka, greatest sellout, greatest ass-kisser,greatest captain save-a-hoe, greatest cross dresser, stop me when I’m lying

      1. FREE MAX B says:

        greatest hypocrite too

        1. bottom side inc says:

          His life is the basis

      2. Accounts says:

        Dog this was a nasty but true comment…lol get em

    2. Donn says:

      When he dies they will give him a star on the walk of fame. Kanye changed HipHop

      1. bottom side inc says:

        Changed it to what? To where straight dudes can dress like bitches and be accepted? To where niggas can marry known hoes and be accepted? To where niggas can make rants about shit of no value but not talk about the murder increase in his own city? Y’all need to stop givin this nigga passes and hold him accountable for his actions and statements

        1. Savimbi says:

          Stop being a hater Kanye did change hip hop. You sound like an uncultured f3ck

        2. Fritz Jacques says:

          you clearly havent listen to a Kanye song if you said he dont talk about the murder problem in chicago

        3. icepick316 says:

          Straight the fuk up.. even camron said it best, ” Mr.West wat up, it been a wild day, you music is tough but them SKIRTS is wild GAY.

    3. JamesTheNiggaHatingDolphin says:

      Kanye, is that you?

    4. People love Kanye lowkey with it, His next album will have everyone back on his dick again that is the only shit I hate. Why hate the man only to love him when his new album drops.SMH

      1. Chronic says:

        Cause if it’s another yeezus I’m gonna hate that shit too

        1. Why would he drop another Yeezus, Kanye said he knows how to create perfect he just didn’t want to do it with Yeezus I am pretty sure his next album will be good.

    5. ITS ME says:

      More like worst of all time haha. Niggas garbage and has the personality of a donkey

  5. Truthbetold says:

    Ryan Seacrest is dope though.

  6. drewsmit24 says:

    An intelligent, freethinking, opinionated black man will always be public enemy number one… remember that

    1. Mike D. says:

      you ruined your post by adding intelligent first.
      You know what Kanye West is?? An idiot savant…PERIOD.
      I will never knock his music/creative genius but outside of that realm he’s no smarter than anyone on this post….well some LOL.

      But in all seriousness, he’s not a bright as he lets on. He’s vapid, shallow, an egotist, insecure, not articulate, ignorant…shall I go on?
      He’s a walking contradiction…just look at his wife….that’s the biggest miscue. You’re supposed to be this svengali but marries a woman who we as a people have yet to string together a coherent, intelligent thought. EVER. Please link me where she’s saying or doing anything meaningful or beneficial to society at large…i’ll wait.

      No shots at you…but people have to stop comparing this imp to REAL black men who died for this nigga to be able to have a seat at the table!
      Martin and Malcolm and other brothers of integrity STOOD and died for something much realer. Ye ain’t no revolutionary or Public Enemy in tone or temperament…he’s a consumer and capitalist.


      1. telly2324 says:

        Your comment lost all validity after you said Kanye wasn’t intelligent. I tried to read it, but all I keep seeing was “bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.” If you listened to the messages in his music, then you would know that he is indeed intelligent, he just has an ego and reputation that make people think otherwise.

        And what does his wife have to do with anything? There are many great men who have slept with, married, or cheated with women worse than Kim Kardashian.

        As for being a revolutionary or like Public Enemy in tone or temperament, who said he was? Read the comment before you respond next time dumbass. But contrary to your belief, Kanye has always spoken on the ills of the African American community and the shady way the music industry and award shows treat them.

        With a name like Megamind, i’d have expected you to be smarter than this.


        1. jay says:

          Damn bro, you don’t have to get all in your feelings and start insulting him cause you don’t feel what he’s saying.

          1. Mike D. says:

            He maaaaaad! LOL


        2. Mr. white says:

          He’s nothing more than a kanye hater

        3. Mike D. says:

          You mad bro!?? LOLOL

          You sound like a sheep. Look up what intelligence is and get back to us, we’ll wait.
          I could’ve swore I mention that Kanye was an “idiot savant”…google that as well and get back to us.

          I was going to rip into you but no need, you’re just as much as a contradiction as your idol Kanye West is! To say I’m not a fan of KW would lying, he’s a “CREATIVE” genius…however, that’s where his intelligence stops.

          You act like KW is enlightening. I can use his OWN word against him in most of everything he say. Perfect example of “Blood On The Leaves”, that’s a sample from “Strange Fruit” by the late, great Nina Simone. The song was about the lynching of Black men…WTF does that have to do with “taking molly and having sex”?? Bc I listen to his music and just bc you let the sample fool you…a lot of what KW does is “talk loud and says NOTHIN!”

          The younger generation is easily influenced by the theatrics…I’m just point out the real. As I stated by he’s a consumer and capitalist and he got y’all all to jump on his wave. He was the “Louie Vuitton Don” now he’s “Yeezus”?? LOL This cat is “Black Girl Lost”…that what his is.

          PS to Mr White below…I don’t HATE anyone…I’m just point out the fkn obvious.
          Ray Charles can see this cat is flaw. He don’t want y’all to by Nike bc they didn’t give him what he wants, but Adidas is cool bc he now has his line?? LOL That’s capitalism…I aint mad at it…just don’t try to pass it off as you’re FOR THE PEOPLE nigga!!! LOL


          1. Mr. white says:

            I think you’re the only idiot here!!! Your stupidity is really showing esp wit this post. So because he sampled a song about black men being hung he has to make a song about the same thing? WTF YOU CANT BE THIS STUPID!!!! Lol and EVERYONE IS FLAWED dumb ass!!! Smh like you’re not even making any sense lol he never told anyone not to buy Nike so where the fuck are you getting this from? Like I said you’re just an uneducated kanye west hater that really have no grounds to really hate kanye!

          2. Mike D. says:

            You’re defensive, I get it you’re idol is under attack because he’s fk idiot! See you bring up his music as to WHY he’s not a music. I bring up his ACTIONS.

            He makes great music…but besmirches it with childlike theatrics. And to keep it 100!!! Kanye song titles be conscious…and he’ll have a verse talking about the real, then he’ll talk about clothes, fkn chicks or his dick! ALSO…all those songs you mentioned were co-written or WHOLY written by either Rhymefest, Malik Yusef, Cons, Common, Lupe, Big Sean or Pusha…i’ll prob missing someone ppl.

            You can HEAR the difference in his raps based on WHO was in his camp at the time and that’s a fact!

            But I’m done with you for the evening!
            You can’t fuck with me boi!


          3. Mr. white says:

            You bring up antics, but did you not just bring up BLOOD ON THE LEAVES? Hahahaha damn nigga you must be like 15 years old or just extremely stupid.

      2. Mr. white says:

        How can you call someone an idiot that accomplished more in 10 years then you have your entire life? Lol look, I already killed you on Vladtv on this very same topic! Just stop it! You’re nothing more than a Kanye hater

        1. Mike D. says:

          Oh I just addressed you on VladTV…got read up lil nigga! “You can never fk with me….ever!” LOL
          You’re a sheep…the people in here see it.
          We’re just not fooled.

          How can I call him an idiot bc he is!
          I tell you what…go to your job same attitude and see how long you last.

          Don’t no one owe Kanye West shit. He’s acts entitled.

          I’ll give you laymens to help you out though. Your idol is trying to leverage his success in one field to think it puts him at the top of the class in another.

          Riddle me this dumb nigga?
          Just because KW is a fashionable rapped, LVMH should’ve gave him a his own million dollar line?? With no formal schooling, training, or even work experience. Just bc he’s a dope dresser?? GTFOH! That’s how this nigga KW thinks!
          Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford, Vera Wang, Jeremy Scott…these cats WORKED for their spots. This wasn’t no fly night shit! So I’m sure if they wanted to get into another line of business new to them from fashion, they KNOW you gotta do the math, put in the work and connect with the right people….starting from the ground up! Their celebrity would have lent them some credence but you have to do the work. Your idol does a white tee and jeans with APC and 2 pair of sneakers and he wants them to risk THEIR money! Nigga learn business!!! LOL Kanye already told us on Sway that he LOST his own money on his Pastel…(bc he didn’t know what the fk he was doing!!…wrong team, infrastructure, etc.)…so why would they take the risk??? SMH…man I tell you, some of you cats can’t see the forrest from the trees! LOLOL

          I don’t hate Kanye fam, I’m just sick of the fake “revolutionary” shit from him! He’s for HIM…which is cool! Just make music and shut the fk up!


          1. Mr. white says:

            Damn how many times do I have to school you in one day? He interned at Fendi for 3 years! Before that he partnered with Louis Vutton. Before that he went to art school when he was little. So there goes your schooling, training and experience right there!!! Damn do I really have to keep sonning the shit out of you like this? First on Vlad now here. You’re truly being exposed to just be a hater. Oh and I just killed you on Vlad again and this time it got ugly smh bring the yellow tape cause I just murdered your ass AGAIN

  7. aa says:

    Kanye West doesn’t care about beck people.

    1. brza says:

      lol I see what you did there

  8. el jim chapo guzman says:

    350 for some yeezy 750 boost only 9000 pairs will drop this weekend. Again kayne proves that he is not a genius and just as dumb as b dot Beck doesn’t vote for himself, the recording academy does.

    1. Epul says:

      His shoes will sell out the first day, I don’t if you did the math but that’s 7 million in one day.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        I guess you part of the 7 million.

        1. Epul says:

          I’m just saying you sounded real stupid calling a person “not a genius” for making 7 million.

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            he made 7 million already, lol shoes come out this weekend.

  9. yorapper says:

    I love when Kanye speaks with the white voice.

    1. Abe6772 says:

      Maybe his white voice is his regular voice

  10. Donn says:

    Yall won’t appreciate this man till he’s dead and gone. If there were blogs in the 90s they would have shitted on BIG Pac and all the legends too. Smh

    1. Abe6772 says:

      What TF are you talking about?

  11. Abe6772 says:

    Let’s be honest here, does anyone really care what this losers has to say anymore?

          1. Abe6772 says:

            I really don’t, that’s why I asked

          2. David says:

            i care what he has to say cuz he makes a lot of sense and i dont let public opinion guide my thoughts. he had a lot to say when he started, and he has a lot to say now.

  12. Mike D. says:

    i listened to this interview, Ye’s thoughts are convoluted. I GET what he’s trying to say and his message is lost in the delivery which is to his detriment in a society who only takes 30 sec sound bite. He’s definitely off mentality a little bit, but as I mentioned before…that’s because he’s an idiot savant.

    I’ll say this and I hope I’m wrong bc I don’t wish ill will to him…but when his starpower wanes OR if he crash and burns…it’s going to be UGLY.


    1. brza says:

      I def agree with your “star power” comment. When the time comes and people stop listening I bet he goes 0 – Amanda Bynes real quick

    2. doodoo says:

      finally a person who’s not fooled by the glamour.

  13. Intlthink says:

    This guy is soooo gassed. When his fame dies out it’s going to be horrible

  14. Anthony Semedo says:

    The statements made by Kanye west in this interview are eloquent thoughts of the future. Classism is the keyword of the day. Anyone think otherwise are fools.

  15. Kanye is a genius he will work with Beck in two years for his next album mark my words. He did it for free promotion. It will be Kanye or Kendrick who will have best album of the year.

  16. bottom side inc says:

    Kanye invades Taylors speech, sales go through the roof for that album Kanye invades Beck’s speech, sales go through the roof….anyone else seeing a pattern here? the Taylor swift shit was all premeditated…dudes like Kanye is nothing but a coon, a rich coon, who would do anything for his masters, even embarrassing himself and make blacks look bad….Kanye is Stephen in django unchained

  17. intelligentsoul says:

    The truth is ..Taylor Swift owes Kanye at least 15% of revenue she gets. He skyrocketed her career behind measure

    1. ZORINO says:

      Just heard an interview of Ye today, and he and Taylor are going to collaborate in the near future.

  18. Epul says:

    This guys beefs with women and feminine men.

  19. iLLbeYo5to9 says:

    I took it as a joke. He had the perfect opportunity to make fun of himself for buggin last time. Beck was obviously surprised he won himself and I thought it was funny as shit. Beck wanted to keep Kanye up there because he didn’t know what the fuck to do

  20. brollya says:

    do ya get it… no one is supposed to run on the stage wen another mufucka won… dont care if he shitty as hell…. say that shit later for interviews in the future… dont keep disrespecting mufuckas art form cuz yo last album was trash

    1. Mr. white says:

      He didn’t even go fully on stage! And that’s not even what ppl are mad about. Actually EVERYONE in that room thought it was funny and laughed about it!!!

      1. Mr. Pink says:

        he was definitely fully on stage from what i saw bruh

  21. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:




    1. ZORINO says:

      Actually it’s Vincent van Gogh who cut off his ear.

      1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:



        1. Mr. white says:

          Dumb ass smh lol

          1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:


            DON’T HATE ON MY OPINION!!!!

          2. Mr. white says:

            Oh I’ve never heard that before! Smh

          3. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:

            WELL NOW YOU DID!!!! SORRY!!!! HA!!!!

            DON’T HATE ON MY OPINION!!!!

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